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The Violin's Magical Melody

Tekijä: Terica Lynn Swangin

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
3826668,394 (3.83)-
Scribbles and his two friends Tiger and Gemma look forward to entering Greenvale County's annual kite race. However, their excitement fades after the mischievous Skunk Brothers, Randy and Riley, plant seeds of doubt and fear in the minds of the three friends. Wanting desperately to run and hide until after the race, a talking blanket named Jorey appears and offers to take them to Imagination Land, a delightful place "Where Your Imagination Makes All Your Dreams Possible." Once there, they meet a teary eyed musical prodigy, named Harmony, who has a terrible case of stage fright. Harmony believes the only way she will be able to perform is if she plays with an enchanted musical instrument. Vowing to help their new friend find her confidence, Scribbles, Tiger, Gemma, and Jorey accompany Harmony on an exciting adventure through Imagination Land in search of the legendary magical violin.… (lisätietoja)

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Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 27) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
This book is about three kids who are afraid that their kite is not good enough for the kite race, so they decide to hide in in Imagination Land. In Imagination Land they go on a great adventure and learn a important lesson.

My Thoughts:
I believe that this is a great book and it teaches kids a very important lesson about reaching for your goals and dreams. ( )
  BellaTheBookGirl | Jun 13, 2014 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
My daughter is a bit young for this book; at 3 years old some of the concepts are advanced and intended for older children.

Despite the age difference, I feel that this is a GREAT book, very helpful in teaching children about wishing vs wanting and receiving something they may or may not have asked for. It's very helpful and the children can definitely learn during the adventure in this book.

The reason I gave the book 3 starts is that I think the book needs to be trimmed. The text is too wordy, and some of the artwork either needs more imagery or else the text needs to be spaced with artwork more. I frequently read older children's books to my daughter and this book lost both of our interest quickly.

I'd like to see an updated/edited version of this book with less "preaching" and more adventures to reach the moral. ( )
  Vintage_books_baby | Sep 18, 2012 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
I'm sure the ideas presented are important for children to learn, but, honestly, there are two or three kids books here. Too many words for young children. Baby-ish illustrations for older children.

Characters are cute though.
  katzen0466 | Apr 3, 2012 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
Scribbles & Friends (The Imagination Blanket Series) is a really good older children’s book with life lessons. The illustration was good and the colors were very vibrant. Unfortunately, the book was too long for my almost 5 year old daughter.

The story is about a young bear named Scribble and his journey towards self-confidence. Scribble entered an annual kite race. He was really excited because the winner also gets their choice of an ice cream sundae from Madame Moo’s shop. His mom and dad were encouraging him and supporting him, but Scribbles had to deal with his doubts and fears. He had to figure out how to continue towards his goal despite what others were saying. What a great moral in the end.

I was really happy because my daughter is getting ready for Kindergarten and she is really shy. This book allowed us to discuss how she feels about herself, since she compares herself to other kids a lot. We talked about what to do when other kids say things that make you feel scared or afraid to do something. We will listen to this book to reinforce the idea that she can sendi her fears to fly away.

I will say this: Too many words per page. Initially, I gave the book to my daughter to practice her reading, but it was too much for her. She got really frustrated. So we regrouped and listened to the CD instead. I look forward to her reading this book to me in a couple of years. The book was just too long for her to read to me right now. I would recommend this book to a 7 year old and up. ( )
  Ezinwanyi | Jan 3, 2012 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
"The Violin's Magical Melody" by Terica Lynn Swangin is a delightful book telling the story of three children who learn to be proud of their accomplishments because of hard work, practice, and confidence! The illustrations are bold and fresh and fun to look at. The story itself is not for little ones, it is too narrative. I had two neighbor children, both 7 years old in the 2nd grade read this book. Some of it was a bit difficult and they needed help with some words, that is when i put in the Audio Book CD that comes with the hard copy. They both loved reading along with the speaker, listening to the music and studying the pictures. I think this is a good buy for children who are beginning to advance with their reading - the audio book is a great resource! ( )
  PallanDavid | Oct 4, 2011 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 27) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Scribbles and his two friends Tiger and Gemma look forward to entering Greenvale County's annual kite race. However, their excitement fades after the mischievous Skunk Brothers, Randy and Riley, plant seeds of doubt and fear in the minds of the three friends. Wanting desperately to run and hide until after the race, a talking blanket named Jorey appears and offers to take them to Imagination Land, a delightful place "Where Your Imagination Makes All Your Dreams Possible." Once there, they meet a teary eyed musical prodigy, named Harmony, who has a terrible case of stage fright. Harmony believes the only way she will be able to perform is if she plays with an enchanted musical instrument. Vowing to help their new friend find her confidence, Scribbles, Tiger, Gemma, and Jorey accompany Harmony on an exciting adventure through Imagination Land in search of the legendary magical violin.

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LibraryThing Early Reviewers Alum

Terica Lynn Swangin's book The Violin's Magical Melody (With Audio Book CD) was available from LibraryThing Early Reviewers.


Terica Lynn Swangin on LibraryThing-kirjailija, kirjailija, jonka henkilökohtainen kirjasto on LibraryThingissä.

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Keskiarvo: (3.83)
0.5 1
2 1
3 4
3.5 3
4 7
5 7


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