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Hers for the Evening

Tekijä: Jasmine Haynes

Sarjat: Courtesans Tales (book 2)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
2121,066,692 (3.67)-
Three sexy novellas about the Courtesans-and the men and women who hire them. Jasmine Haynes jacks up the sexual tension with the Courtesans-a venture that helps men and women devise steamy plans to seduce and ravish the loves of their lives... In the first story, a husband plans to fulfill his wife's every desire- with a little bedroom help from the ever-inventive Courtesans. In the second, a female CEO hot for a male CFO consults the Courtesans, who figure that sleeping with a lookalike should suffice. A perfect plan, but for one thing: the real guy is watching. And finally, one woman's husband has died in the arms of another, and she can hardly forgive his business partner for keeping the infidelity a secret. So he forms a plan with the Courtesans. And in it, she might just lose her inhibitions-and her heart.… (lisätietoja)

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näyttää 2/2
C - I've only read the first 2 stories so far. (There are 3 in total.) Both are hot little reads but suspension of disbelief is pretty necessary as they are based on the use of "Courtesans" an escort service and I imagine real life is vastly different! ( )
  Kaetrin | Aug 13, 2012 |
Jasmine Haynes is obviously at the top of her game with this anthology of three ultra-steamy stories. Don't let the "anthology" part dissuade you from reading this -- there's plenty of character development and enough depth to really make you care about the inevitable happy endings. It's also scorching hot, which I love. Be prepared for some erotic twists. Likeable, intelligent characters make for an outstanding book. A must read. ( )
  aromagik | Dec 1, 2010 |
näyttää 2/2
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Three sexy novellas about the Courtesans-and the men and women who hire them. Jasmine Haynes jacks up the sexual tension with the Courtesans-a venture that helps men and women devise steamy plans to seduce and ravish the loves of their lives... In the first story, a husband plans to fulfill his wife's every desire- with a little bedroom help from the ever-inventive Courtesans. In the second, a female CEO hot for a male CFO consults the Courtesans, who figure that sleeping with a lookalike should suffice. A perfect plan, but for one thing: the real guy is watching. And finally, one woman's husband has died in the arms of another, and she can hardly forgive his business partner for keeping the infidelity a secret. So he forms a plan with the Courtesans. And in it, she might just lose her inhibitions-and her heart.

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