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Warriors: Code of the Clans

Tekijä: Erin Hunter

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
408362,795 (4.02)2
Explores the fifteen rules that govern the daily life of a warrior cat.

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» Katso myös 2 mainintaa

näyttää 3/3
Young Reader Reaction: Warriors: Code of the Clans takes a different approach from what readers are accustomed to (i.e., storytelling). Instead, readers are introduced to the world of the clan cats themselves. It is a behind-the-scenes look at forest life in a more relaxed setting. As a result, refreshing, new content is presented in a lighthearted tone with an easy pace.

Despite the variety Hunter integrates into the types of stories he uses, some of these snippets are just too brief to reach the level of depth or complexity a typical novel has. The pictures, while visually appealing, are quite confusing. They seem to be acting more as decorations pasted into the book than anything else. Otherwise, I would describe this handbook as brief and satisfying, having achieved its foremost goal of providing insight on the Warrior Code.

Adult Reader Reaction: Having read some of the books and graphic novels in the Warriors series I thought this might be a helpful guide. Even with the brief bios and explanation of the Warrior Code, I found this a boring read.

Pros: Warriors fans eager for an extra peak into the clan cats’ history and lifestyles. Unlike some other side products of a series, Warriors: Code of the clans is by no means repetitive or dull.

Read our full review and add yours at The Reading Tub®.
  TheReadingTub | May 16, 2015 |
A book in the Warrior series, this one explains how it all started. The author takes you back to the beginning, back to the creation of the codes, and unlocks all the secrets to the laws of the cats. Each chapter explains a code. There are fifteen codes defined and then the author reveals how they came about. The codes are discussed individually in each chapter and then there's a story with each one to help describe what happens when cats break the code.
This is a must read for fans of the Warrior series and for any cat lover. This book includes some amazing colorful photos of cats. This is a great read where the author creates some mythical creatures and uses them to explain how animals behave. Very imaginative!
Recommended grade: 5 ( )
  Vschooler | Sep 27, 2012 |
Code of the Clans was a great book; it help me learn more about the warrior code and why some rules were there. ( )
  kenzie12368 | Jun 24, 2012 |
näyttää 3/3
ei arvosteluja | lisää arvostelu

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Many moons ago, a community of cats settled in dense woodland close to the edge of a moor.
Viimeiset sanat
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Kanoninen DDC/MDS
Kanoninen LCC

Viittaukset tähän teokseen muissa lähteissä.

Englanninkielinen Wikipedia (5)

Explores the fifteen rules that govern the daily life of a warrior cat.

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Arvio (tähdet)

Keskiarvo: (4.02)
1 2
2 2
3 10
3.5 2
4 10
4.5 2
5 21

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