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Morning Is Dead

Tekijä: Andersen Prunty

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
451567,310 (3.81)-
Things went wrong for Alvin and April Blue. In a hospital at night, April sits next to Alvin, bandages covering his burned skin, listening to his heartbeat on a monitor, and wonders how they ended up here. But she can never imagine the world of insanity, drugs, and crime Alvin has fallen into. A place where an archer stalks the suburbs, radiation victims prowl the streets looking for sacrifice, houses are arbitrarily detonated, and the police force is more like a marauding gang of thugs. A place where it's always dark and morning is dead ...… (lisätietoja)

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This reads like a slightly more cohesive [b:John Dies at the End|1857440|John Dies at the End (John Dies at the End, #1)|David Wong|http://d.gr-assets.com/books/1189289716s/1857440.jpg|1858059] — really, really weird things happen. Prunty uses a framing story, though protagonist Alvin gets to enjoy most of the action. He meets nice people like Officers Fuckpants and Bitchhole, and generally tries to keep his shit together in a world that gets increasingly dangerous and incomprehensible.

Prunty has written up a nightmare. It wasn't perfect, but it was compelling, and for a measly three bucks on the Kindle, it's a purchase of very little risk if you're in the mood for violence, expletives, and social commentary. ( )
  prufrockcoat | Dec 3, 2019 |
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Things went wrong for Alvin and April Blue. In a hospital at night, April sits next to Alvin, bandages covering his burned skin, listening to his heartbeat on a monitor, and wonders how they ended up here. But she can never imagine the world of insanity, drugs, and crime Alvin has fallen into. A place where an archer stalks the suburbs, radiation victims prowl the streets looking for sacrifice, houses are arbitrarily detonated, and the police force is more like a marauding gang of thugs. A place where it's always dark and morning is dead ...

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Keskiarvo: (3.81)
2 1
3 4
4 4
4.5 1
5 3

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