Patricia Anthony?

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Patricia Anthony?

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maaliskuu 10, 2009, 4:41 pm

Over time I’ve picked up all of Patricia Anthony’s books (except for Flanders), but they are still on my TBR pile.

At one point I started Happy Policeman, but couldn’t get into it.

A little while ago I read God's Fires and liked it quite a bit. I’ve been thinking about reading more of her stuff and thought I’d see what the folks on here would recommend.

All of her books sound promising, but that doesn’t mean they are all equal in quality, so I’d appreciate some feedback. Don’t let my quitting Happy Policeman stop you from recommending it if you thought it was best. It sure sounds promising and may have just not been the right time for me.

What ever happened to her anyway? I heard a lot of good stuff about her when she was publishing, but she seemed to switch gears with Flanders and then disappear.

maaliskuu 10, 2009, 11:11 pm

I really liked cradle of splendor - Brazil get the techno boost of the era and all sorts of chaos ensues. Spies/counter spies/double crosses up the wazoo/political chicanery/sex/social commentary and the odd bits of near future science that feed it all. I thought it was pretty funny too. There's a LONG review on the LT page which seems..a bit heavy on the psychological underpinnings which the reviewer (in my opinion) has over read into the novel..But she does get the plot/setting/characters right and you can interpret the results as you please! (evidently i liked this one a lot more than the average Amazon reader..)

I also liked cold allies - a X-filesish aliens/abductions and a bit creepy story. None of her books are v. long so not much time gets lost. Haven't tried the happy policeman.

maaliskuu 11, 2009, 7:39 am

I liked her short stories. They mostly have a major horror aspect, which isn't usually my interest, but which worked here.

maaliskuu 11, 2009, 7:54 am

I've read Happy Policeman, Brother Termite and Flanders. They were done well, but not especially memorable. I think I sold my copies on eBay.

heinäkuu 24, 2011, 11:09 am

I'm in a similar boat in having a number of her books but having left them in the TBR piles.

But unlike dukedom_enough, I found Brother Termite is extremely memorable, and I recommend it. I also think Happy Policeman is good, Conscience of the Beagle also. I've heard wonderful things about Flanders but it is also in my TBR pile, as is the collection of short stories, about which I've heard things that match the few stories I've gotten to -- very dark but worth it and wonderful.

While it was her choice to stop writing SF when she did -- to write screenplays, none of which have become films so far -- but I still find it sad that she isn't better-remembered in SF circles.

That said, I saw a post over at Small Beer Press and maybe they're trying to either bring something back into print, or talk her into publishing that last, unpublished novel she finished half a decade ago? Either way, I am hopeful.

heinäkuu 25, 2011, 11:06 am

I have the collection of short stories Eating Memories. I found very few of the stories to be science fiction. Based on them, I'll never read her novels.

heinäkuu 25, 2011, 12:09 pm

In the late 80's, early 90's I subscribed to Aboriginal Science Fiction. Anthony was a regular contributer and i read quite a few of her short stories then. I really associate her with the mag since she was one of the prime contributors. I have an odd affection for that mag, even tho the quality never seemed to be on a par with the majors. She also had a few stories in Asimov's during that time. That said, after all this time (~20 years), nothing sticks in my mind. This would be typical for most stories by anyone of course. I never sought out her novels. I haven't seen anything written by her in a very long time.

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