Punk x Pastel (Rp w/ Gabby)

KeskusteluAny RP

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Punk x Pastel (Rp w/ Gabby)

huhtikuu 29, 10:34 am

Punk: Me
Pastel: Gabs


Muokkaaja: huhtikuu 30, 10:19 am

Name: Sahvannah Simpson|| Pronouns: She/They|| Sexuality: Pansexual|| Age: 17 yrs old (depends if this a school or smth else type of thing)|| Birthday: August 7, 2006|| Sign: Leo|| Height: 5'3|| Weight: 98.6 lbs || Parnter: None(open)|| Crush: None(open)|| Looks: Brown hair with bangs and blonde hightlights, sorta pale skin, Piercings all over ears, wears colorful oversized shirts with spandex, white shoes, Blue eyes|| Personality: Kind, caring, trustworthy, strong-willed, protective||

Muokkaaja: huhtikuu 29, 11:32 am

Alr, let me make my oc, and should my oc be male or female?

huhtikuu 29, 5:38 pm

Mmmm Ihdc what gender you are, it's your choice

huhtikuu 30, 7:30 am

"A good plan violently executed now is better than a perfect plan executed next week."

General Information

Name: Wren Ari Waters
Nickname(s): Little Wren, (can come up with more later)
Age: 20
Gender at Birth: Female
Current Gender: Female
Pronouns: She/They
Date of Birth: October 4th
Zodiac Sign: Libra
Birthstones: Opal & Tourmaline
Birth Flowers: Marigold & Cosmos
Sexuality: Demiromanic Bisexual


Appearance: Prompt: beautiful women with very large strips of coloured light onto her face, perfect symmetric eyes, gorgeous face, dark long hair, cinematic, golden hour, natural lighting, photorealistic, natural lighting, high quality, film grain, shot with a Nikon Z7 II; Lens: 35 mm f/ 1. 8; settings: ISO 100, f/ 2. 8, 1/ 125s

Skin Color: Coffee
Hair Color: dark brown
Eye Color: Dark brown
Height: 6'0''
Weight: 98.9
Distinguishing Marks: faint freckles, scar on faers back, & cut on neck. (as well as others but not listed)


Health Status: Healthy
Mental Health: Not that great
Allergies: Photosensitivity (The sun) & Garlic


Personality: Wren is easily excitable, as well as an utterly kind soul. She can be sneaky at times, although her large size makes it hard. She is really shy around large groups of people, hence her being standoffish as well. She is kind when you get past her shyness.

Favorite Food: blueberry muffins, soup
Favorite Drink: Arnold Palmer (Half lemonade, half tea)
Favorite Color: Lilac, pink, sky blue & a few others.
Favorite Season: Winter (due to the sun not being out much)
Favorite Book: Identity by Nora Roberts
Favorite Movie/TV Show: Heartstopper
Favorite Song: Treehouse by Alex G
Favorite Sport: Fae doesn't have one
Favorite Animal: Any bird but she LOVES Wrens
Favorite Flower: Cosmos
Favorite Hobby: bowling & listening to music

Least Favorite Food: Anything with garlic (due to allergy)
Least Favorite Drink: Bubble Tea
Least Favorite Color: Black
Least Favorite Season: Summer
Least Favorite Book: Zombie Winter by Kathrine Wynter
Least Favorite Movie/TV Show: Velma
Least Favorite Song: Perfect by Demi Lovato
Least Favorite Sport: Football
Least Favorite Animal: Polar Bears
Least Favorite Flower: Dandelions
Least Favorite Hobby: None


Mother: Lucia Waters
Father: Eli Waters
Brother(s): Robin Waters & Corbin Waters
Sister(s): N/A
Stepmom: N/A
Stepdad: N/A

Significant Other: (Whoever plays her bf)
Crush: Open
Enemy: Open
Rival: Open
Friend(s): Open
Best Friend: Ella Royal

Past Relationships: None

Other Information

Face Claim: None
Voice Claim: Storm from X-Men
Language(s): Arabic, English, Spanish
Phobias/Fears: Heliophobia (fear of the sun), and may get more fears

"Leave me alone about my past!"

huhtikuu 30, 9:36 am

Noice you know what I'll add some more

huhtikuu 30, 9:54 am

thx :)

huhtikuu 30, 10:14 am

huhtikuu 30, 10:15 am

shall we start?

huhtikuu 30, 10:18 am


huhtikuu 30, 10:20 am

Wren let out a tired yawn, feeling a sense of reluctance wash over her as she realized it was time to head to school. She couldn't help but feel a sense of frustration as she muttered to herself, "Why do I have to go to this stupid school? I really hate it."

huhtikuu 30, 10:28 am

*Sahvannah woke up to an alarm sound. She turned it off and sat up, stretching while smiling. She got up, got dressed, got makeup on, and headed down stairs to get breakfast.*

huhtikuu 30, 10:29 am

Wren started walking to school, the small raindrops hitting her hair. "UGH!"

huhtikuu 30, 10:30 am

*STarts to walk out the door and saw that it was going to rain, grabs an umbrella and starts to walk to school*

huhtikuu 30, 10:36 am

As Wren hurried towards her school, the rain poured down heavily, drenching her to the bone. She felt like nothing was going right for her that day, and the downpour seemed to amplify her misfortunes.

huhtikuu 30, 10:49 am

*As she was walking, she saw someone in the distance of the pouring rain. She ran up to her with the umbrella in her hand covering her the stranger up* Hello! Where are you heading off to, ma'am? * She asked with a smile on her face*

huhtikuu 30, 10:52 am

"School, pouring wet due to this awful rain," Wren said annoyed. "Its always something really" She added, trying to move their soaked hair out of her face.

huhtikuu 30, 10:57 am

Oh! I'm heading to school too! Maybe i can walk you there with my umbrella so you don't get wet? * She said just staring at her right in the eyes with a smile*

huhtikuu 30, 11:02 am

Wren's voice was barely audible as she muttered a quiet "Thanks..." Her clothes and hair were completely drenched, and she couldn't stop shivering from the cold. The rain had soaked her through to the bone, leaving her feeling utterly miserable.

huhtikuu 30, 11:07 am

Of cource! Anyone in need, I'll be there to help! *Relizes that she was shivering and felt bad for her* Hey, Would you like to come back to my house and get a spare change of clothes on so you are warm and comfortable? My house isn't that far away from school, plus We'll make it to school on time!!

huhtikuu 30, 11:24 am

"Sure, i guess if it doesnt put us off-track"

huhtikuu 30, 12:35 pm

Nah, I'm sure it won't! * She says cheerfully*

huhtikuu 30, 12:37 pm

"Good, well um how about we go back then"

huhtikuu 30, 2:12 pm

Alright, my house is this way! *leading the way but still holding the umbrella over us*

huhtikuu 30, 2:22 pm


huhtikuu 30, 3:10 pm

*after a few minutes later, they arrived at her house. She opens the door to her home and dierects Wren inside* Welcome to my humble home!! Make youself comfortable and I'll get you clothes to wear!!

huhtikuu 30, 5:42 pm

She gave a small, forced smile and remained standing the whole time. "God, of course it had to rain. I'm absolutely freezing," she said, her teeth chattering as she spoke. Her clothes were soaked through.

huhtikuu 30, 5:50 pm

*As in her room looking through her closet on what to wear, she found a slightly oversized black Tshirt and some leggings. She heads back to Wren* Here are some clothes, the bathroom is down the hall to the left. *she said giving her the clothes and smiles*

huhtikuu 30, 5:59 pm

"Thanks" She said, grabbing the clothes and walking to the bathroom.

huhtikuu 30, 6:15 pm

*nods while smiling and stands near the door way to wait for her to get done*

huhtikuu 30, 6:16 pm

She walked out a few minutes later. "Its a lot warmer, and more comfortable"

huhtikuu 30, 6:19 pm

I'm glad you're warm and comfortable! * she said opening the door with the umbrella since it was still raining* Shall we head out?

huhtikuu 30, 6:19 pm

"Yeah, lets head on out"

huhtikuu 30, 6:24 pm

Alrighty then! * Opens up the umbrella and gets underneath it with Wren. Starts heading to school before we are tardy*

huhtikuu 30, 7:17 pm

Wren smiled, "Thanks ya know"

toukokuu 1, 10:16 am

Anything for a frined in need!! * she says with a big smile on her face*

toukokuu 1, 10:17 am

She smiled, starting to walk to the school.

toukokuu 1, 10:22 am

* starts to follow her with the umbrella in hand*

toukokuu 1, 10:27 am

She kept smiling, her dark brown hair a little shiny.

toukokuu 1, 12:17 pm

* a few minutes later, they arrived at school. Sahvannah took down the umbrella as soon as they got in to the school* Welp, I gotta head to class. Before I do though, what's your name?

toukokuu 1, 12:17 pm

"Wren, Wren Waters"

toukokuu 1, 12:21 pm

Nice to meet you Wren, I'm Sahvannah, Sahvannah Simpson. Well, seee ya later!! * SHe started to walk away to her class before the bell rang*

toukokuu 1, 1:13 pm

"See you later!" Wren called, running to her class.

toukokuu 1, 5:47 pm

*As she was walking to class, she wondered ' Will I ever be able to see her again?'*

toukokuu 1, 8:52 pm

As Wren sat in her history class, she couldn't help but feel bored. The teacher's voice droned on and on, and before she knew it, she had spaced out completely. Her mind wandered aimlessly, and she found herself lost in thought, not paying attention to any of the things the teacher said. A yawn escaped her lips, a clear sign of her disinterest in the lesson.

toukokuu 2, 2:35 pm

*Sahvannah was taking notes while in class. She suddenly had to use the restroom. She went up to the teacher and went out. She went in there and there were a bunch of girls in there doing there makeup. As she went into the they all stated to stare at her as she went into a stall. They were talking about her in the stall like ' Girl, she must think she is so pretty when she's not.' or ' She does not fit in with the popular people even tho she is.'*

toukokuu 2, 2:36 pm

Wren stood up from her desk and made her way towards the classroom door without seeking permission to use the bathroom. As she walked in, she glared at the group of girls who were chatting and giggling loudly. "Oi, shut up for once, will ya?" she snapped, her annoyance palpable in her voice.

toukokuu 2, 2:46 pm

* As Sahvannh walked out she spoke up for herself, angrliy* You girls are way to loud, maybe you should get those big mouths fixed! *she said that glaring at them*

One of the popular girls- Maybe you should be quiet!!

Sahvannah- Make me, bitch!

*The popular girl launched at Sahvannah and both Sahvannah and the popular girl were fighting*

toukokuu 2, 2:49 pm

Wren stared at them, both scared and amused. "YOU CAN DO IT SAVANNAH!"

toukokuu 2, 2:55 pm

* Sahvannah pulled the popular girl's hair and threw her to the ground. She started to punch the girl in the face* You relize I do boxing, yea? Aren't I good?!?! *She threw her last punch and got off the girl with red knuckles, panting hard.*

Popular girl: I'll get you next time bitch!! You'll pay for what you've done to my face!!

*the popular girls exited and it was just Sahvannah and Wren, alone*

toukokuu 2, 8:55 pm

Wren smiled, "Great job!"

toukokuu 3, 9:32 am

*Smiles back a weak smile* Thanks, I'm tired now and probably going to get into trouble but, oh well, she deserved it anyways!

toukokuu 3, 9:42 am

"Oh well, we can get into trouble together then"

Muokkaaja: toukokuu 3, 10:23 am

*smiles* You aren't going to get in trouble. Besides, you didn't do anything wrong anyways!

toukokuu 3, 10:37 am

"you protected yourself"

toukokuu 3, 10:52 am

Yeah I did, but you don't need to get into trouble with me, Wren.

toukokuu 3, 11:06 am

"I would rather me get in trouble for you"

toukokuu 3, 11:11 am

Why? * looks at her confused and clueless*

toukokuu 3, 11:20 am

"Because your so much kinder than everyone else"

toukokuu 3, 2:13 pm

You think so?? * smiling*

toukokuu 3, 3:55 pm

"Yeah, i wouldnt care about getting in trouble"

toukokuu 3, 3:56 pm

*looks at her in awe for being sweet. Wren is literaly the first person that has been sweet to her... other then guys of cource.*

Muokkaaja: toukokuu 3, 4:42 pm

Wren smiled, "How about you get cleaned up a little and we head back to class."

Muokkaaja: toukokuu 3, 5:18 pm

Alright! *starts to clean the blood off her knuckles and dries her hands off* 'kay we can go!!

toukokuu 3, 5:20 pm

"Alrighty! What class do you have next?"

toukokuu 3, 6:00 pm

I have Math next. You?

toukokuu 3, 6:05 pm

"Math, and i hate it with a passion"

toukokuu 3, 6:39 pm

Me too!! * she said excitedly for some reason*

toukokuu 3, 6:49 pm

"Well come onn we dont wanna be late!"

toukokuu 6, 9:35 am

Alright!! *she said as she started to head to class*

toukokuu 6, 10:33 am

Wren started running to the class, laughing.

toukokuu 6, 10:40 am

*Following after her giggleing like a child*

toukokuu 6, 10:44 am

Wren walked into the class, going silent.

toukokuu 6, 10:45 am

*following after her and also going silent*

toukokuu 6, 10:48 am

She sat down in a random seat.

toukokuu 6, 10:49 am

*she sat in a seat in the middle, in front of Wren*

toukokuu 6, 10:55 am

Wren yawned, sighing.

toukokuu 6, 10:58 am

*she was writing notes so while she was listening to the teacher*

toukokuu 6, 11:07 am

Wren yawned, falling asleep.

Muokkaaja: toukokuu 6, 3:03 pm

*looks back at Wren, whos sleeping, smiling a little*

toukokuu 6, 3:13 pm

Wren was still sleeping.

toukokuu 6, 5:48 pm

* The bell rings and Sahvannah started to pack up her stuff. In mind: Half a class to go and then it's lunch time*

toukokuu 6, 5:54 pm

Wren was still asleep, and the teacher walked over, an angry look on their face.

toukokuu 6, 5:56 pm

* laugs nervously* I'll wake her for you teacher! *says with a big smile on her face*

toukokuu 6, 5:57 pm

They nodded, sitting back in their chair.

toukokuu 6, 6:22 pm

Phew... Hey, Wren, wake up! It's time to go to our next class *she was shaking Wren to get her to wake up*

toukokuu 6, 6:23 pm

Wren groaned, lifting her head. "Oh....alright"

toukokuu 6, 6:30 pm

*smiles then chuckles a little*

toukokuu 6, 6:34 pm

Wren got up, grabbing her stuff.

toukokuu 7, 9:15 am

*Sahvannah picks up her backpack and heads out the door to her next class, art*

toukokuu 7, 10:19 am

Wren sighed, her next class was english, she didn't really like it that much.

toukokuu 7, 10:22 am

* 'Halfway through the class then it's lunch time' she thought in her mind*

toukokuu 7, 10:29 am

She sat down in her seat and went back to sleep.

Muokkaaja: toukokuu 7, 10:30 am

*as soon as she started to put her stuff down she went to go get her art to start working on it*

toukokuu 7, 10:30 am

Timeskip to lunch?))

toukokuu 7, 10:40 am


toukokuu 7, 10:46 am

Wren sat down at a random seat in the lunchroom, sighing still. She looked at her wrists and people were laughing.

toukokuu 7, 10:47 am

* was walking over to the lunch room when she saw Wren in a distance*

toukokuu 7, 10:49 am

She put her arms down and set her head on the table, exhausted.

toukokuu 7, 10:50 am

*goes over to Wren and sits next to her* Hey, you okay?

toukokuu 7, 10:51 am

"Yeah....just really tired"

toukokuu 7, 10:55 am

You definitely look tired and sound like it too. * she said as pulling her lunch out of her bag* Want some? I have plenty to share!

toukokuu 7, 10:55 am

"No, i'll be alright for now"

toukokuu 7, 10:59 am

You sure? * looks at her concerned*

toukokuu 7, 11:02 am

"Yep i'll be alright"

toukokuu 7, 11:05 am

Alright, if you say so... * she started to eat her sushi. She notices something was off about her* Wren?

toukokuu 7, 11:07 am

"Hm? Is something wrong?"

toukokuu 7, 11:11 am

That's what I'm about to ask you. You know, since we are friends now, i would love for you to tell me anything that's bothering you and I can try to help the best I can. So, what are you hiding? What feelings are you masking? Why are you so tired in every class? * she relizes she's asking to much from Wren* S-sorry, I just want to get to know you more, that's all. *she said with a smile on her face*

toukokuu 7, 11:13 am

"Its fine...and its really nothing i just struggle to get to sleep sometimes"

toukokuu 7, 11:16 am

Okay then. Hey we should go to the mall today after school, to losen up and have a little fun!! *Sahvannah said excitedly*

toukokuu 7, 11:17 am

"Haha alright then"

toukokuu 7, 4:02 pm

* Continues to eat sushi until it was all gone. The bell rang meaning it was time to head back to class* Oh well, see ya later Wren!! Oh wait, can I get your number, please?

toukokuu 8, 7:02 am

"Oh yeah you can" She said holding out her phone, her wrists were showing a little bit but not that much.

toukokuu 8, 10:48 am

* starts to tak her phone before noticing sothing weird on her wrists* Hey, whats that? *pointng at her wrists*

toukokuu 8, 11:06 am

"Oh its um nothing really"

toukokuu 8, 11:08 am

*looks at her with an eyebrow up* Nothing really, huh? Alright we can talk later if you want I'll just give you my number then *Takes her phone and starts to type in the phone number*

toukokuu 8, 11:09 am

"Alright" She said waiting to grab her phone again.

toukokuu 8, 11:10 am

*finishes typing in the phone number and gives back her phone* I typed a message so I could save it

toukokuu 8, 11:11 am

"Thats fine" She said, grabbing her phone.

toukokuu 8, 11:17 am

Alright see you after school!! *she said walking away*

toukokuu 8, 11:19 am

"See ya!"

Muokkaaja: toukokuu 8, 11:22 am

Time skip to after school?)

toukokuu 8, 11:25 am


toukokuu 8, 11:29 am


*the final beel rang and Sahvannah ran out of the school excitedly to the front and waited for Wren to come out. She texted her*

Sahvannah~ You almost to the front?

toukokuu 8, 11:31 am

Wren- yeah i am.

She texted back, walking to the front.

toukokuu 8, 11:33 am

Sahvannah~ Ok!! :)

* she texted back happy*

toukokuu 8, 11:34 am

She walked back to the front, "Hey"

toukokuu 8, 11:38 am

Hey, you ready to go?

toukokuu 8, 11:42 am

"Yeah i am"

toukokuu 8, 11:44 am

Okay, lets stop by my house really quick, I like to touch up my makeup and change my clothes before I go anywhere.

toukokuu 8, 11:45 am

"Oh uh alright"

toukokuu 8, 11:46 am

* starts walking to her house in a hurry so she can spend time with Wren*

Muokkaaja: toukokuu 8, 11:49 am

Wren walked to her own house, "Might as well change"

toukokuu 8, 11:56 am

Oh yeah! I washed your clothes and dried them so you can get them back dried and not smelling like outside rain. * goes in to the laundry room, grabs her clothes, and gives them to her* Here ya go! I'll be right back!! *heads to her room to get ready*

toukokuu 8, 12:06 pm

"Thanks" She said, "I should change out of these clothes- they probably smell"

toukokuu 8, 12:08 pm

*laughs a little* Your good you can keep them if you want! I'm more of a colorful person, I need some sort of color on me. * She gigles a little before heading into her room*

toukokuu 8, 12:09 pm

She chuckled, walking out of the house and yelling 'im going to change at my house!"

toukokuu 8, 12:16 pm

*yelling from inside the room* Okay!! See ya in a little bit!!

toukokuu 8, 12:22 pm

"See ya then!"

toukokuu 9, 10:51 am

Tämä käyttäjä on poistettu roskaamisen vuoksi.

toukokuu 9, 10:55 am

Gtg switch-))

Wren was walking back to Savannahs house, a long black dress on.

toukokuu 9, 11:48 am

Tämä käyttäjä on poistettu roskaamisen vuoksi.

toukokuu 9, 11:52 am

ive been back for a while lol))

Wren knocked on the door.

toukokuu 9, 11:58 am

Tämä käyttäjä on poistettu roskaamisen vuoksi.

toukokuu 9, 11:59 am


"Thanks, i dont really wear dresses that often"

toukokuu 9, 12:07 pm

Tämä käyttäjä on poistettu roskaamisen vuoksi.

toukokuu 9, 12:10 pm

Wren smiled, "Mall timeee"

toukokuu 9, 12:11 pm

Tämä käyttäjä on poistettu roskaamisen vuoksi.

toukokuu 9, 12:13 pm

"Hmmm....Hot Topic?"

toukokuu 9, 12:23 pm

Tämä käyttäjä on poistettu roskaamisen vuoksi.

toukokuu 9, 12:29 pm


toukokuu 9, 12:32 pm

Tämä käyttäjä on poistettu roskaamisen vuoksi.

toukokuu 9, 12:33 pm

Wren followed, grinning widely.

toukokuu 9, 12:36 pm

Tämä käyttäjä on poistettu roskaamisen vuoksi.

toukokuu 9, 12:37 pm

Wren looked over at the boys, giving them a glare that sent shivers down their spines.

toukokuu 9, 5:18 pm

Tämä käyttäjä on poistettu roskaamisen vuoksi.

toukokuu 9, 5:20 pm

"Your welcome"

toukokuu 10, 10:58 am

*walks into Hot Topic and starts to look around for cute stuff to buy*

toukokuu 10, 10:59 am

Wren looked around, "Hm...."

toukokuu 11, 7:56 pm

*Sahvannah found a cute pink and black plaid skirt and decides to show it to Wren* Hey Wren!! DO you think this would look cute on me?

toukokuu 11, 8:01 pm

"Yeah it would look super cute!"

toukokuu 13, 9:42 am

Thanks!! *she said with a big smile*

toukokuu 13, 9:43 am

"Your welcome!"

toukokuu 13, 10:17 am

*Sahvannah decided to help Wren to see if there are any stuff she would like* Hey, do you need help finding something?

toukokuu 13, 10:22 am

"Yeah actually- i think i want to try wearing brighter colors but i don't know"

toukokuu 13, 10:29 am

Really? Hmmm lets see what we could find here..... * looks around and sees a bright pink Hello Kitty shirt* Are you okay with Hello Kitty?

toukokuu 13, 10:32 am

"Yeah im fine with hello kitty"

toukokuu 13, 10:34 am

Okay, then how about this then? *takes the Hello Kitty shirt she saw off the rack and shows it to Wren*

toukokuu 13, 10:37 am

Wren smiled, "That looks perfect!"

toukokuu 13, 10:39 am

*Smiles too* Good! Wanna go pay now and head on out to look at more stores?

toukokuu 13, 10:40 am


toukokuu 13, 10:43 am

Alrighty then!!* She headed up to the register* Wren, would you like me to pay for the shirt?

toukokuu 13, 10:44 am

"I can pay for it"

toukokuu 13, 10:48 am

Alright then. *she pays for her stuff exits the store and waits for Wren outside of the store*

toukokuu 13, 10:52 am

Wren payed for her shirt and walked out, bag in hand.

toukokuu 13, 10:56 am

Where would you like to go next?

toukokuu 13, 11:01 am

"Any store you want"

toukokuu 13, 11:05 am

Hmmmm... *she thought long and hard and thought of somthing cool but wasn't sure how'd she feel* How about we get a matching piercing with matching jewlery!

toukokuu 13, 11:27 am


toukokuu 13, 12:07 pm

*Smiles big* Where should we get our piercings, hmmmmm * she was thinking long and hard of where in the mall we could get a piercing*

toukokuu 13, 12:09 pm

"Hm.....definitely not clairs because i heard they suck at making them"

toukokuu 13, 12:14 pm

That's a good point, I wonder if we have to go to a tatoo store instead of the mall...

toukokuu 13, 12:15 pm

"Yeah, i think thats better anyways"

toukokuu 13, 12:20 pm

Alright! Lets head on out then * starts to walk to the entrance. As she was walking the same group of boys that were looking at her before, were still staring at her. One of them whistled and said* Hey yo colorful girl, C'mere really quick.

toukokuu 13, 12:22 pm

Wren glared at them, grabbing Savannahs hand.

toukokuu 13, 12:37 pm

*the boys started to follow us whisting and calling out to us, I started to run wiith Wren's hand in mine*

toukokuu 13, 1:27 pm

Wren ran quickly, scared. "Shit shit shit"

toukokuu 13, 5:40 pm

I'm sorry Wren, one of them is my ex-boyfriend and he still likes me *she said running out of breath from running throught the mall*

toukokuu 13, 5:43 pm

She gasped, stuggling to breathe. "Fucking hell-"

toukokuu 13, 5:44 pm

Lets hide here!! Hopefully they don't see us!! * she led Wren and herself into a store so they could catch their breath*

toukokuu 13, 5:46 pm

She nodded, "How about we head back to my house....I'm sure he doesn't know where it is"

toukokuu 13, 5:59 pm

I think he's forgotten where I live. He did know but since it's been a while, I think he's forgotten. * starts to head back home* We'll do the piercing another day!

toukokuu 13, 6:00 pm

"Yep!" She said, holding her hand tightly. She didn't like the dress she was wearing anymore, as it hugged all of her features, making lots of people stare.

toukokuu 13, 6:03 pm

*squeezes her hand tighter* It's ok, just ignore them staring at you. Pretend it's just you and me alone!! * she said with a smile*

toukokuu 13, 6:06 pm

Wren looked at the ground, shaking.

toukokuu 13, 7:10 pm

*she looked around at the people staring, giveing them death stares*

toukokuu 13, 7:21 pm

Wren kept shaking, walking out of the room.

Muokkaaja: toukokuu 13, 7:23 pm

*starts to walk a little faster so they can get to her house*

toukokuu 13, 7:27 pm

Wren followed, terrified if one of the people was going to follow her home.

toukokuu 13, 7:47 pm

*a few minutes later they arrived at her house. SHe opened the to let Wren in first and she walks in after locking the door behind her so no one gets in*

toukokuu 14, 6:43 am

Wren slumped down onto the ground starting to sob.

toukokuu 14, 9:35 am

*runs over to Wren, trying to comfort her* Hey, shh, it's okay now. We're safe and sound here. *offers a hug by opening her arms out wide*

toukokuu 14, 9:43 am

Wren hugged her, still crying.

toukokuu 14, 10:21 am

*Sahvannah wrapped her arms around her into a sort of tight hug* I'll protect you Wren. There is nothing to fear when you're with me.

toukokuu 14, 10:53 am

Wren nodded, curling her arms around Sahvannah.

Muokkaaja: toukokuu 14, 10:57 am

*Sahvannah smiled. She came up with a great idea* Hey Wren, would you like to stay at my house tonight? I mean I know school starts tomorrow but, because of what happened earlier, I though you might need some company.

toukokuu 14, 10:59 am

"That would be great...." Wren said, "But i need to grab my backpack from my house"

toukokuu 14, 11:02 am

Alright, I'll come with you then. * she said looking with atiny smile on her face*

toukokuu 14, 11:20 am

Wren nodded, starting to walk to her house.

toukokuu 14, 12:36 pm

*she followed after her*

toukokuu 14, 12:46 pm

Wren smiled, walking into her home.

toukokuu 14, 1:28 pm

I'll wait out here and keep an eye out for people.

toukokuu 14, 6:19 pm


toukokuu 15, 9:38 am

Your welcome, Wren. That's what for though right? *she said giving a little smile*

toukokuu 15, 9:52 am

She smiled, walking in and grabbing her bag and some extra clothing.

Muokkaaja: toukokuu 15, 10:18 am

* Sahvannah was just standing outside the house keeping a good look around to see if they are safe*

toukokuu 15, 10:20 am

Wren walked back out, "Alright im ready"

toukokuu 15, 10:27 am

* she smiled* Okay, lets head back then * she said leading the way but at a sort of a fast pace so they can get home safe and sound*

toukokuu 15, 10:40 am

Wren nodded, grabbing her hand.

toukokuu 15, 10:51 am

*Sahvannah held on to it tight to Wren's hand while walking*

toukokuu 15, 11:35 am

Wren smiled, starting to walk a little slower.

toukokuu 15, 12:36 pm

*Sahvannah went to match her pace so she doesn't feel rushed* Besides what happened, it was a very beautiful day today!

toukokuu 15, 1:07 pm

"Yeah, it really was!"

toukokuu 15, 3:10 pm

Just like you!! Er- I mean.... *she covers her face embarassed*

toukokuu 15, 3:32 pm

Wren smiled, "You looked beautiful too"

toukokuu 15, 5:17 pm

*She uncovers her face* You think so?

toukokuu 15, 6:42 pm

"Yeah! I would lie about that"

toukokuu 16, 10:28 am

Aww, thanks a bunch!! *she said blushing a little*

toukokuu 16, 10:31 am

"Your welcome" She said, grinning.

toukokuu 16, 11:12 am

* Sahvannah saw her home just up ahead* Well at least we are almost home and nothing has happened * She said smiling*

toukokuu 16, 11:12 am


toukokuu 16, 11:19 am

*as arriving home, Sahvannah unlocked the door and was going inside before seeing a figure in a distance* Wren, do you see that?

toukokuu 16, 11:20 am

"Yeah...i do maybe we should get in the house..."

toukokuu 16, 11:29 am

Yea... good idea * she said letting Wren get into the house first*

toukokuu 16, 11:32 am

Wren walked in, sighing.

toukokuu 16, 11:36 am

* Gabby closed and locked the door behind her* Okay, we are safe now from whoever that was. Anyways, do you want to take a shower cause I'm going to after all the running. I feel absolutley disgusting.

toukokuu 16, 11:37 am

"Yeah, a shower sounds nice"

Muokkaaja: toukokuu 16, 11:43 am

Ok, I'll show you the bathroom then! * Sahvannah went up the up the stairs and stood next to the bathroom opening the door for Wren*

toukokuu 16, 11:43 am

"Thanks Sahv!"

toukokuu 16, 11:46 am

Of cource Wren!! * she said with a big smile*

toukokuu 16, 11:53 am

Wren smiled back, walking in.

toukokuu 16, 11:57 am

* as soon as Wren went into the bathroom Sahvannah closed the the door and went into her room and left the door open. She sat on her bed and and turned on the TV to watch what was on*

toukokuu 16, 12:03 pm

After about 10 minutes Wren opened the bathroom door.

toukokuu 16, 12:05 pm

* Sahvannah heard the door open and got up walking to her bedroom door* Well, that was quick! * she said chuckling*

toukokuu 16, 12:06 pm

"I usually take quick showers"

toukokuu 16, 12:13 pm

Nice, I'll go take my shower then! * Sahvannah walks into her room and and grabs Pj's and goes to the bathroom* If you want you can go into my room and watch TV or something. You can also change the channel if you want.

toukokuu 16, 12:15 pm

Wren nodded, sitting on the bed.

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