Patricia Anthony 1947-2013

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Patricia Anthony 1947-2013

Tämä viestiketju on "uinuva" —viimeisin viesti on vanhempi kuin 90 päivää. Ryhmä "virkoaa", kun lähetät vastauksen.

syyskuu 12, 2013, 6:26 pm

I can't find any mention of this on this forum.

My age, yikes!

One of my "more people should've read her" authors.

syyskuu 13, 2013, 4:45 am

Oh no - one of my favourite authors.

syyskuu 13, 2013, 8:46 pm

I read quite a few Patricia Anthony stories when I subscribed to Aboriginal SF in the late 80's early 90's. I don't recall seeing her stuff elsewhere other than maybe once or twice. I strongly associated her with that magazine. Seemed like she had a story in every issue when I was first subscribed to it. Probably haven't read any stories from her in 20 years.

syyskuu 13, 2013, 10:24 pm

Altogether too many authors moving from the "Alive" to "Dead" column on the meme lately. Damn.

syyskuu 14, 2013, 12:56 pm

#3 -- just the opposite for me. All I saw were the novels in paperback, e.g., Brother Termite, Happy Policeman, Conscience of the Beagle, etc.

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