
anger (1), This book is a treasure trove of stories that can be used in a literature or English class. Such famous authors as Pope (1), and Poetry" is an incredible resource for teaching poetry to students (1), "Poems (1), and stories written by average everyday people experiencing life on the pioneering fronteer of America. It gives a great connection between the historical events of that time and the literature of that time. A great way to help students make cross-connect (1), This book is an amazing collection of letters (1), to short stories. This book is an English teacher's best friend. (1), to essays (1), and there is everything from poetry (1), and John Gay's The Beggars Opera have multiple pieces (1), political and literature classes. (1), but it is an incredible way to give students a clearer view of what they are trying to learn about poetry. (1), a good teaching tool for history (1), This book tells the tales of the struggle of one man to stay true to his people and to himself. The clever use of a beetle as a way of talking to himself lightens the book giving it a humorous side. Very educational (1), and causes the reader to think about life as we know it. A great book for high school students and teachers alike. (1), and even clones. The book is facinating (1), futuristic views of politics and geography (1), This book is one of the most popular YA books on the market right now. It's got mystery (1), without the dangers that the authors lived through. (1), an opportunity of a lifetime (1), written by people who lived there and defected. The stories they tell are eye opening and a must read for any history class. Nothing to Envy literally takes outsiders into the dark and uncertain world of North Korea (1), while providing excellent material for them to practice what they've learned. The book is not a reading book per se (1), A collection of classic (1), This is a collection of modern poetry written by students from various backgrounds. It is ideal for teaching poetry to high school students since it is written by people they can relate to. These peoms are alternated with older classics making it a virtua (1), very realistic book about a young girls struggle with depression and lonliness after being raped at a party at the age of 13. The issues and feelings she deals with are very intense (1), and physical limitations this creates causes the reader to think about what else this could be a metaphor of. A serious book but very useful for education on equality and social norms. (1), This book is a disturbing look at what life would be like as a clone whose only purpose is to donate organs. The emotional (1), but it's conversational style makes it an excellent tool for teaching students about these issues. A great book to use in a social studies class or to pair with a book on social justice. (1), This book is mainly written for teachers to help them better understand students from difficult backgrounds (1), to historical London. (1), to abusive relationships (1), This book addresses the legalistic approach to education and the idea of treating children like a factory product. The story covers the stories of numorous characters and is a classic story that can be used to introduce any number of topics from social ju (1), but also relatable to many teens today. A good book to be used with teacher's discression. (1), This book is a very serious (1), humorous stories that tell of the culture and logic of the time period. A great book for introducing students to older (1), but informative book for social studies. (1), and the idea of learned helplessness is addressed. A heavy (1), This YA book tells the intense story of a young man struggling to find his place in a world that doesn't recognize him as a valid member of society. His Dominican background plays a huge roll in his identity crisis (1), This book addresses the conflict between European settlers and the Native Americans. Such classic stories as the capture of Mary Rowland and others make up the historical time period and gives a narrative view of the events and culture of that time period (1), and vocabulary support. (1), wealthy adults who have nothing else to do but write letters and journals about the drama in their lives. An entertaining way of looking at life for Gentleman and Women of the victorian era. Some class discussion will be required to provide context (1), This book is written from the perspective of young (1), but well worth the effort. (1), more dense literature. The language is more formal and may require some explanation by the teacher to clear up confusion about some key passages (1), This book is about life in modern day North Korea (1), teachers can pick and choose which stories they use. All the stories center around the struggles that Asians and Asian Americans deal with on a day-to-day basis. Provides a structure for a class discussion about what these peoples' conflicts mean in the l (1), dark (1), and emotional battles that come with it. He is a brilliant boy with a plethora of physical handicaps that inhibit him from getting anywhere fast. He learns to fight from a young age and when he finally transfers to a "white man" school to gain a better ed (1), and also great for introducing short stories as a genre. Students as well as teachers will enjoy reading these stories aloud or individually. Teachers could also use these stories for drama (1), Pretty Monsters is a collection of short stories for young adults. The stories vary in nature from futureistic to fantastical and everything in-between. It's a wonderful resource for high school teachers to get their students interested in reading (1), and reconnect with his family is a deeply emotional story that can help students feel connected to the story. I feel this book is an incredible tool if used correctly. (1), and many other things that adolescents often struggle with. His battle to get clean (1), telling of his mental and physical dependence on drugs and other substances. His story is one that students of all backgrounds can relate to as he tells of the devistating effects of depression (1), it provides a one of a kind look into the life of teens and young adults who deal with addiction. The main character tells the story like a journal (1), This book is a wonderful resource to be used by high school teachers with great care. The book is very graphic and teachers should be aware of this before they decide to use it in their classrooms. That said (1), including his life-long best friend. This book is an excellent tool for high school teachers teaching native American culture and the book is written in a journal/conversational style that is easily relatable for adolescent students. (1), This book tells the story of a modern day indian boy who gives the reader a peek at daily life on a reservation and the political (1), because of the variation of stories this book is an invaluable tool for English teachers (1), Poets (1), cultural (1), Thomas Gray (1), interests (1), self-hatred (1), lonliness (1), journals (1), single (1), mental (1), since many stories can be easily adapted for scripting. Really (1), but can also be adapted to fit nearly any subject. (1), but since it's a collection of short stories (1), this book provides a real world view of living bi-culturally (1), This book contains some very adult content (1), and easy to read perfect for middle school or high school students. The mystery element of the book can be expanded to create an entire lesson about genre. I thoroughly enjoyed this book and I think it's a great teaching tool. (1), a must read for any history or English class. Very well written (1), Great book about ancient Chinese culture and judicial system (1), issues that many students can relate to are all addressed. While not a light reading book at all (1), death and homesickness (1), The Namesake tells the struggles of first generation Americans who's parents long to return to their home in India. The alienation between the parents and Gogol (1), and would be a great tool for teachers addressing this issue. (1), and genders making it a must on a teachers list of books. (1), This book is excellent for providing the reader with a peek into daily life for the average Chinese individual. The author keeps a journal of sorts of his travels as a "norseman" through rural and urban China. He tells of the lessons he learned from fello (1), it will capture readers of all levels (1), and if nothing else (1), it is everything and more that I heard about it. It covers so many different aspects of literature and genre and YA relavant issues that it is impossible to do it justice in such a small tag. Teachers would be able to create numerous lesson plans and acti (1), having read it for myself finally for the first time last year (1), since its fame preceeds it in most literary circles. But I will say (1), This book doesn't really need a summary (1), but would make an incredible book to read for a social studies class or any class dealing with other cultures. (1), This book tells the story of a young woman who gives up the posh life of a government employee to hold on to her ideals. She becomes a private investigator but also has to deal with the hardships and mystery in her own family life. The book describes the (1), and the beauty that the locals still manage to find despite the difficulties they face on a daily basis. This book is amazing for learning about the Chinese culture and how we as Westerners traditionally view them. The chapters are easy to read in order o (1), This book is a collection of stories about a Haitian family trying to survive the political chaos and violence that dominated much of Haiti. The story tells of the emotional scarring and dealing with emotional baggage that results from a life of pain. A v (1)
Avainsanapilvi, Tekijäpilvi, Avainsanapeili
Sep 23, 2011