
Oikea nimi
Dr. Henry Armitage
About My Library
A virtual library of the Cthulhu Mythos and Lovecraftiana, along with weird fiction from HPL's predecessors*, contemporaries** and successors***.

The Miskatonic Library regrets that it does not hold a copy of every work in this catalogue.
Untagged volumes should be treated with caution until the librarian is able to determine their relation to Lovecraft or the Cthulhu Mythos.

Please feel free to suggest any corrections or additions.

*Poe, Blackwood, Dunsany, etc.
**Howard, Smith, Derleth, etc.
***Campbell, Lumley, etc.

*I make no particular claim to the quality of some of the fiction represented here…

* Yes, I am aware of the Simon Necronomicon and its related works. No, I won't be adding it to this catalogue. It claims to be "real", and the (few) Cthulhu Mythos references seem to be rather forced in.

* The books in this collection which I actually own can be found here.

*I have been unable to ascertain the Mythos relevance of the books tagged Content?

*For more information on the books tagged Rainfall Chapbook see here. Many of them are clearly Lovecraftian/Cthulhu Mythos in nature, but some of them appear to be of a more general pulp fiction genre. (Yes, I still have a few to list in this category)

* A list of Cthulhu Mythos related board and card games can be found at my BoardGameGeek profile. Role Playing Games are included in this LT catalogue.
About Me
The (fictional) Head Librarian of Miskatonic University in Arkham, Massachusetts.
Arkham, Massachusetts
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Kirjastoja: Miskatonic University Library

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