
dvd/blu-ray (348), fantasy (128), reference (82), science fiction (78), JRR Tolkien (74), art (50), manga (38), young adult (31), age of sail (30), The Lord of the Rings (30), Napoleonic era (29), Japan (23), Patrick O'Brian (23), Master and Commander (23), classics (22), romance (22), movies (21), foreigner series (20), leather-bound (20), King Arthur (18), anime (18), detective mystery (18), anthology (18), Wizarding World (17), comics (16), myths and legends (16), The Hobbit (14), Pratchett (14), strong female protagonist (14), discworld (13), supernatural (13), Holmesian (12), humor (12), urban fantasy (12), vampires (12), dragons (11), Miyazaki (11), witchcraft (10), Japanese-style (10), ghosts (10), Japanese (9), gaming (9), poetry (8), Jane Austen (8), Celtic (8), horror (8), close male friendships (7), script (7), graphic novel (7), television (6), comic strip (6), aliens (6), elves (6), Dragonriders of Pern (6), mythology (6), psychological thrillers (6), fairy tales (6), legends (6), Miles Vorkosigan (6), The Silmarillion (5), folio edition (5), faerie (5), historical (5), Great Britain (5), nonfiction (5), illustration book (5), Asian mythology (4), fiction (4), childrens (4), mysteries (4), wicca (4), archaeology (4), steampunk (3), Inklings (3), mystery (3), Amelia Peabody (3), biography (3), gender-bending (3), procedural crime (3), Arthurian (3), art book (3), Darkover (3), Lord of the Rings (3), cats (3), CS Lewis (3), small books (3), literature anthology (3), wizards (3), coffee table books (3), star trek (3), language guide (3), eternal champion (2), bonsai (2), death personified (2), interactive (2), Stephen King (2), Stoddard (2), atlas (2), Gurps (2), Doctor Who (2), linguistics (2), Merlin (2), annotated (2), geek (2), nightwatch (2), mage (2), textbook (2), occult (2), maps (2), elric (2), vulcans (2), online comics (2), Pride and Prejudice (2), illustrated edition (2), omnibus (1), Christianity (1), Japanese culture (1), Germany (1), personified death (1), pookas (1), travel (1), english (1), alternate universe (1), klingons (1), comic-con (1), historical fiction (1), religion (1), history (1), comedy (1), conspiracy (1), astronomy (1), historical fantasy (1), Robin Hood (1), law vs. chaos (1), sci-f (1), unsolved mysteries (1), fictional biographies (1), art books (1), ilustration book (1), gothy (1), calligraphy (1), likable male heroes (1), for dummies (1), rare books (1), first edition (1), diet (1), picture book (1), cooking (1), vampire (1), crime investigation (1), heaven vs. hell (1), world religions (1), sailing (1), tarot (1), online comic (1), witchcraft. Wizarding World (1)
Avainsanapilvi, Tekijäpilvi, Avainsanapeili
May 11, 2006
About My Library
My library is comprised mostly of hardbounds at this point, although at one time paperbacks were the thing. Hey, but you get older, and start knowing you like certain authors. At that point it seems safe to invest in quality hardbounds and a few leatherbounds as well. I find I'm replacing old paperback series with hardbound collections, if they do come out.

My interests are fantasy, science fiction, age of sail, Japanese culture, myths and legends, and historical mysteries. My favorite authors are CJ Cherryh, Patrick O'Brian, Tanith Lee, JRR Tolkien, Lois McMaster Bujold, and Susan Matthews.
About Me
Not too much to say except that I have a lot of books, and I read perhaps a bit too much (no, say it isn't so!) fantasy for my good.