
TBR (3,544), PHYSICAL OWNED (879), PB (452), NTR (305), SERIES (247), LIBRARY (192), KU (188), NOOK (185), HC (174), READ (163), ROM (131), YA (118), FIC (116), FANTASY (116), STAR WARS (114), NA (103), SF (72), EDU (67), NF (35), LIT FIC (27), HIS FIC (27), ACT/ADV (22), DNF (22), HORR/THRL (22), DONATED (21), AUDIOBOOK (20), EBOOK (19), TO BUY (14), MYTH/FOLK/FAIRY (13), EARLY REVIEWERS (13), CF/MYS (10), MG (9), TRY AGAIN (7), PUBLISHER SENT (6), KID LIT (6), CLASSICS (5), DOMARTS (5), ANTHO (4), MUSIC (4), ABIO/BIO (3), HIST (2), POETRY (2), MANGA/COMICS (2), ARC (1), PAGAN (1)
Avainsanapilvi, Tekijäpilvi, Avainsanapeili
Oct 16, 2011
Oikea nimi
The Literary Jedi
About My Library
There are so many different books in my library that it's hard to really tell what my favorite genre or author is. Honestly, I read everything I come across that seems interesting. I'm a very big fan of Science Fiction (Star Wars especially) and also of Jane Austen. But I also read lots of romance and other genres as well.
About Me

Professionally, I am a credentialed English teacher at the secondary (grades 7-12) level. I hold degrees in English Literature and Creative Writing. I would love to work more closely with publishers and authors to review more books. My dream job is to be a professional reviewer and/or editor/proofreader.

Personally, I love to read and write, do crossword puzzles, practice yoga, meditate, go to the gym and lift weights, hang out with my Pug and husband, and sew. I collect books, pens, and tarot card decks.

I read many different genres and authors. My rating system is pretty simple:

1= I didn’t like it and/or there's something fundamentally wrong with the edition or story itself

2= It was okay or it wasn't for me; it may have some annoying errors or things I don't endorse for all readers

3= I like it and will read more from the author/series; will put a recommendation on a review

4= I really liked it, will read more, recommend it, and use it as an example in a discussion

5= This was amazing and key to the genre as a whole, I will read more, recommend regularly, add to my collections in physical form, reread, use it as an exemplar text in discussions
Chino Hills, CA
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