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Rebecca Yarros

Teoksen Fourth Wing tekijä

42+ teosta 12,562 jäsentä 267 arvostelua 9 Favorited

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Sisältää nimen: Rebecca Yarros

Image credit: Saved the photo from Goodreads


Tekijän teokset

Fourth Wing (2023) 6,506 kappaletta
Iron Flame (2023) 3,846 kappaletta
The Things We Leave Unfinished (2021) 481 kappaletta
The Last Letter (2019) 389 kappaletta
In the Likely Event (2023) 266 kappaletta
Full Measures (2014) 217 kappaletta
Eyes Turned Skyward (2014) 129 kappaletta
Great and Precious Things (2020) 121 kappaletta
Beyond What Is Given (2015) 95 kappaletta
Hallowed Ground (2015) 80 kappaletta
Wilder (2016) 74 kappaletta
The Reality of Everything (2020) 46 kappaletta
Nova (2017) 38 kappaletta
Girl in Luv (2019) 33 kappaletta
Onyx Storm (2025) 33 kappaletta

Associated Works

Nightingale: A Charity Anthology in Support of Ukraine (2022) — Avustaja — 76 kappaletta
1001 Dark Nights: Bundle Six [seven novellas] (2016) — Avustaja — 11 kappaletta
Dissent (2022) — Avustaja — 7 kappaletta
Possess - An Alpha Romance Anthology — Avustaja — 4 kappaletta
Dissent: Volume 3 (2022) — Avustaja — 3 kappaletta
1001 Dark Nights: Discovery Collection I (2016) — Avustaja — 3 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla


Washington, D.C., USA



A coming of age novel set in a fantasy world of dragons, eminent death during training in a dragon fighting warrior school. It’s also a love triangle but no hot steamy sex until the end but what a build up of Xeden vs ? for Violet’s bed. It’s also about protecting the old order and lies. The narrative is a bit long winded. Reminded me of the old Dragons of Pern series.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
bblum | 141 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 19, 2024 |
This was a very very fun, but distinctly unoriginal read. The world/setting was a mix of Divergent and Hunger Games, and judging by the reviews, a bunch of other YA books I haven't read. I'm not going to list all of the similarities I found because there are too many. It's not just similar tropes that are used - there are some copy/paste characters AND character dynamics AND settings. And considering other reviews that listed more copy/pasted stuff from other books, I honestly can't tell if there is a thing that is original in this book. That said, I really did enjoy reading it. It drew me in and I had trouble concentrating on anything else until I finished it, and I'll read the next book for sure.
I want to give it 2 stars, but I'd rate my enjoyment of it more. So I'll settle on 2.5 for now, even though it doesn't really feel right.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
NannyOgg13 | 141 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 16, 2024 |
I want to tag this as YA because the story is straight up YA fantasy, but the sex makes it adult.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
framberg | 141 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 12, 2024 |
is a two-part, 700-page (digital edition) that continues the story of Violet Sorrengail’s efforts to survive her second year in the murderous Basgaith War College and her complex relationship with Xaden Riorson. Three issues lessened my enjoyment of this offering and my decision to discontinue reading at the end of part one.

Part One tells a complete story. It would have been better to end the book at that point. Part Two picks up the story after part one and ends with a cliffhanger designed to entice readers to purchase the next book in the series. The decision to include both stories in one volume was likely influenced by the original intent to create a five-volume series and reluctance to increase the series length by an additional book. However, the decision should have considered reader fatigue. While the story is interesting, I was ready to move on to other books on my reading list.

Another issue is the decision to emphasize romance and depict Violet as a naïve, immature young woman. Volume one ends with Violet deciding she can no longer trust Xaden because he cannot tell her everything. Both are dragon riders, a branch of the Navarre military service. Even rank recruits understand that varying levels of security are attached to critical information. Access to information requires the proper security clearance. Yet Violet spends the first half of part one pouting and punishing Xaden because he refuses to reveal top-secret information to her. That thread quickly became and lessened my respect for Violet.

Finally, many aspects of part one repeat aspects of book one, and nonsensical plot elements are included in the story. For example, it is thoroughly established that humans cannot tell dragons what to do. Yet Vice Commandant Varrish of Basgaith War College orders Violet to make a dragon appear for his inspection. When the dragon refuses to appear, Varrish charges Violet with disobeying an order and punishes her almost to death. Nonsense.

I may pick up Iron Flame again in six months or a year and read part two, but the shortcomings outlined above weighed heavily in my decision to move on at this time.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Tatoosh | 51 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 7, 2024 |



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