
Thelma Hatch Wyss

Teoksen Bear Dancer: The Story of a Ute Girl tekijä

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Sisältää nimen: Thelma H. Wyss

Tekijän teokset

Here at the Scenic-Vu Motel (1988) 34 kappaletta
Ten Miles from Winnemucca (2002) 32 kappaletta
A Tale of Gold (2007) 23 kappaletta
A Stranger Here (1993) 10 kappaletta
Show Me Your Rocky Mountains! (1982) 7 kappaletta
Star girl (1967) 4 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla




This book is the senior year journal of Jake Callahan. He and 6 other kids are forced to stay at a local motel to attend school, as the district will no longer provide bus service. As the oldest, Jake is the one in charge. Various mishaps occur, but the resourceful Bear Flatters manage to come through.
The only other "journal" book I can think of that's written from a male POV is the Diary or Adrian Mole (I do find it interesting that both of these books were written by women). It's not too badly dated (this was published in 1988), but some things would not be issues with modern technology. However, the lady who runs the motel is a firm believer in gender roles, so has all of the girls quilt.
Overall a good book, and Jake a folksy and charming narrator.
I remember buying this book when I worked at my parent's ill-fated coffee shop in 1995. There was a used book store in the same strip mall.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
ALisette | Apr 29, 2016 |
Bear Dancer: the story of a Ute girl by Thelma Hatch Wyss (2005)

Written by award-winning author, Thelma Hatch Wyss, Bear Dancer is the story of Elk Girl. Elk Girl was a member of the Ute Tribe who lived in the High Rockies of Colorado in the later part of the 1800s. Elk girl was kidnapped by the Cheyennes and kept as a slave. The was then traded to the Arapahos, and kept by them as a slave as well. She was rescued by a white soldier and taken to live with a military family at Fort Collins. In her two years away from her family and her tribe, Elk Girl learns that not all white men are the enemy. She finds compassion among them as she makes her way back home, but also returns to the devastation of her people after as have become dependent on the white man for food and protection while she was away.

Part personal journey, part adventure, and part history lesson, Bear Dancer is a great book for ages 8 – 12 interested in American history and Native Americans. Because Elk Girl was a true historical figure, and the story covers a wide range of topics related to the region, I would recommend it as a whole class read with supplements from primary sources on geography of the High Rockies, westward expansion, and the impact of the white man on Native American tribes.

I particularly liked this story because it is set in my back yard. I believe in 4th grade, all Colorado students do a project on Colorado history and this book would be a great addition to their research. At the end, the author added a short non-fiction chapter with interesting, factual accounts of Elk Girl and the period.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
bclanphere | Apr 8, 2011 |
Short, quirky novel about a teen who runs away from home. I would have liked more realistic detail and more introspection from the narrator. Too brief to pack a real impact.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
allthesedarnbooks | Jul 21, 2006 |




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½ 3.6
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