
Jeff Sutton (1913–1979)

Teoksen So Bright the Vision / Man Who Saw Tomorrow (Ace #H-95) tekijä

26+ teosta 533 jäsentä 10 arvostelua 1 Favorited

Tietoja tekijästä

Sisältää nimet: Sutton Jeff, Jefferson Sutton

Tekijän teokset

Apollo at Go (1963) 64 kappaletta
The Mindblocked Man (1972) 61 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Ships of Durostorum / Alton's Unguessable (1970) — Tekijä — 47 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The atom conspiracy (1963) 46 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Whisper from the Stars (1970) 43 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
First on the Moon (2007) 39 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Spacehive (1960) 32 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Bombs In Orbit (1959) 22 kappaletta
The Beyond (1967) 21 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Alton's Unguessable (1970) 19 kappaletta
Lord of the Stars (1969) 12 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
H-Bomb Over America (1967) 12 kappaletta
The Programmed Man (1968) 7 kappaletta

Associated Works

Space Opera (1974) — Avustaja — 273 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua

Merkitty avainsanalla





Merkitty asiattomaksi
beskamiltar | Apr 10, 2024 |
Well written, with an interesting atmosphere, and a healthy amount of philosophy. Some sci-fi set pieces are thrown in that are well described, almost to the detriment of the plot. In the end the actual plot meanders along to a conclusion that does give some answers but is overall pretty unsatisfying.

Still, not a bad book to pass some time on a rainy weekend.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
BoB3k | Feb 13, 2024 |
Alton's Unguessable. A very nasty telepathic being is set on subverting a crew of explorers. Fortunately the humans have a man with a very odd mind. The bulmer book, "the ships' is about an engineer getting a high-paying job, but with a risk of being killed at its completion.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
DinadansFriend | Feb 27, 2019 |
This space opera, published in 1960, precedes the Mercury Program and represents the approach to science fiction conventional at that time. The emphasis is on speculative fiction explaining “how things work.” The description of the plot sounded interesting but the author gave little attention to developing characters and advancing the plot. After finishing a quarter of the book (60+ pages) I invoked the Pearl rule and did not finish the book.

Nancy Pearl’s rule
If you’re not really liking a book when you get to the bottom of Page 50 then put it down and look for another. (There's nothing to stop you from going back to it later.) If you are 51 years of age or older, subtract your age from 100 to determine the number of pages you should read before you can guiltlessly give up on a book.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Tatoosh | Apr 20, 2018 |



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Jack Gaughan Cover artist, Illustrator
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