
Ushio Shirotori

Teoksen Ghostly Things Vol. 1 tekijä

6+ teosta 181 jäsentä 1 Review

Tietoja tekijästä

Sisältää nimen: 白鳥 うしお 


Tekijän teokset

Ghostly Things Vol. 1 (2019) — Mangaka — 81 kappaletta
Ghostly Things Vol. 2 (2020) — Mangaka — 41 kappaletta
Ghostly Things Vol. 3 (2021) — Mangaka — 26 kappaletta
Formerly, the Fallen Daughter of the Duke, Vol. 1 (2022) — Kuvittaja — 18 kappaletta
Formerly, the Fallen Daughter of the Duke, Vol. 2 (2022) — Kuvittaja — 14 kappaletta

Associated Works

Formerly, the Fallen Daughter of the Duke [Light Novel] Volume 1 (2022) — Original Character Design — 4 kappaletta
Formerly, the Fallen Daughter of the Duke [Light Novel] Volume 2 (2022) — Original Character Design — 4 kappaletta
Formerly, the Fallen Daughter of the Duke [Light Novel] Volume 3 (2023) — Original Character Design — 3 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla


Kanoninen nimi
Shirotori, Ushio
Muut nimet



Yachiho has moved into a very strange house full of spirits of all kinds. Is it any wonder the neighbours consider it to be haunted?

Anyone expecting a [b:Natsume's Book of Friends, Volume 1|6408523|Natsume's Book of Friends, Volume 1|Yuki Midorikawa||6597437] or the like will probably be sorely disappointed by this manga.

The story description gives the impression that the girl is unaware of the nature of the house she is moving into,wich turns out to definetely not be the case as she was sent there by her father to find a specific object a mysterious book that could bring her mother back from the dead Apart from this the author doesnt give the heroine much to do in the story.

Instead of Yachiho solving the spirits problems with some aid from the masked doll it essentially ends up like this: a spirit shows up and Yachiho is fed information from guardian without ever gaining any connection to the spirit or any character growth.

I often found myself confused by the story and especially the supporting characters. Who was the concerned woman on the phone with or what is her relationship with the boy classmate?

...and speaking of relationships I might be wrong about this but I dont think I am as you would have to be pretty dense the way the story hammers in the hints not to realize that the former owner of the house is the father of Yachiho

I am going to bore you with another comparision but just to illustrate,if Natsumes book of friends is on the psychological and slice of life side and some other mangas take a more action approach the same subject then "Ghostly things" is caught in the middle and suffers for it.

The art is...capable but very uninspiring. Most of the spirits are definetely lumpy looking and lacks something of the fantastical and imaginative that I have come to associate with japanese folklore.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Litrvixen | Jun 23, 2022 |

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