
António PescadaKirja-arvosteluja

Teoksen Ali Babá e os Quarenta Ladrões tekijä

4+ teosta 7 jäsentä 1 Review


A romantic tale set in early 20th century Russia, Dr. Jivago is one of the most emotionally sweeping books I've yet experienced.
Boris Pasternak's writing can be quite difficult: the characters often introduced with a full name, and then intermittently referred by their first, last name or by nickname; the often far fetched and complicated comparisons the author uses. And yet, after the narrative presents his form, the life of Dr. Jivago appeals to the reader with all it's dramatic poise, and by the end it has drained him with all the emotional ordeals revolution has imposed on this one man, Iuri Jivago, himself representing all the scars of war and love.

I can't compliment this book enough.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
ricardob | Mar 29, 2013 |