
Lewis Padgett

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Sisältää nimen: Lewis Padgett

Sisältää myös: Lawrence O'Donnell (1)


(eng) Lewis Padgett was the joint pseudonym of the science-fiction authors and spouses Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore. This page should, therefore, not be combined with either of their individual author pages.

Lawrence O'Donnell and C. H. Liddell are also joint pseudonyms of Kuttner and Moore, and those pages also should not be combined with this or with the individual pages.

According to the Internet Speculative Fiction Database, all stories attributed to O'Donnell were written by Kuttner and Moore, and no record exists of Kuttner writing solo under the psuedonym O'Donnell.

Tekijän teokset

Mutant (1953) 249 kappaletta, 4 arvostelua
The Well of the Worlds (1952) 103 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
Daybreak - 2250 A. D. / Beyond Earth's Gate (1955) 40 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Chessboard Planet (The Fairy Chessmen) (1951) — Tekijä — 22 kappaletta
Tomorrow and Tomorrow (Prologue Books) (1963) 16 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Far Reality (1963) 15 kappaletta
Beyond Earth's Gates 13 kappaletta
The Day He Died (1948) 13 kappaletta
The Twonky 12 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Piper's Son [novelette] (1945) 11 kappaletta
Ex Machina [short fiction] (1948) 10 kappaletta
Gallegher Plus (1943) 9 kappaletta
What You Need (1945) 8 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Murder in Brass 7 kappaletta
L'echiquier fabuleux (1976) 5 kappaletta
This is the House (2023) 4 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
ULLSTEIN 2000 SF STORIES 56 (1976) — Avustaja — 4 kappaletta
When The Bough Breaks (1944) 2 kappaletta
Mutant 2 kappaletta
Ossessione 1 kappale
Guet-Apens (1950) 1 kappale
Den hemmelige Magt 1 kappale, 1 arvostelu
Der stolze Roboter (1959) 1 kappale

Associated Works

The World Treasury of Science Fiction (1989) — Avustaja — 906 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Adventures in Time and Space (1946) — Avustaja, eräät painokset557 kappaletta, 7 arvostelua
The Oxford Book of Science Fiction Stories (1992) — Avustaja — 456 kappaletta, 9 arvostelua
The Ascent of Wonder: The Evolution of Hard SF (1994) — Avustaja — 397 kappaletta, 5 arvostelua
Omnibus Of Science Fiction (1952) — Avustaja — 339 kappaletta, 7 arvostelua
Twilight Zone: The Original Stories (1985) — Avustaja — 279 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
The Road to Science Fiction #3: From Heinlein to Here (1979) — Avustaja — 245 kappaletta, 5 arvostelua
The Astounding Science Fiction Anthology (1952) — Avustaja; Avustaja — 233 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Tomorrow's Children (1966) — Avustaja — 204 kappaletta, 5 arvostelua
A Treasury of Science Fiction (1948) — Avustaja, eräät painokset; Avustaja, eräät painokset182 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 5 (1943) (1981) — Tekijä, eräät painokset111 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 7 (1945) (1944) — Avustaja — 97 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Isaac Asimov Presents the Golden Years of Science Fiction - Fourth Series (1984) — Avustaja; Avustaja — 92 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 6 (1944) (1981) — Avustaja — 86 kappaletta
Men Against the Stars (1950) — Avustaja, eräät painokset83 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
Isaac Asimov Presents The Great SF Stories 11 (1949) (1984) — Avustaja — 82 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
More Adventures in Time and Space (1955) — Avustaja — 71 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Men and Machines (2009) — Avustaja — 64 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Best of Astounding (1944) — Avustaja — 61 kappaletta
Chessboard Planet and Other Stories (1945)eräät painokset60 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Souls in Metal: An Anthology of Robot Futures (1977) — Avustaja — 50 kappaletta
Science Fiction Adventures in Dimension (1930) — Avustaja, eräät painokset45 kappaletta
Analog Anthology #3: Children of the Future (1982) — Avustaja — 40 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Some Things Dark and Dangerous (1970) — Avustaja — 40 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Analog Anthology #4: Analog's Lighter Side (1982) — Avustaja — 36 kappaletta
Operation Future (1955) — Avustaja — 35 kappaletta
Tales in Time (1997) — Avustaja — 31 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Tomorrow, Tomorrow, and Tomorrow ... (1974) — Avustaja — 30 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Analog Anthology #9: From Mind to Mind (1984) — Avustaja — 29 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Best Science Fiction Stories: 1949 (1980) — Avustaja — 28 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Night Side: Masterpieces of the Strange and Terrible (1947) — Avustaja — 28 kappaletta
Shot in the Dark (1950) — Avustaja — 24 kappaletta
Science-Fiction Classics: The Stories That Morphed Into Movies (1999) — Avustaja — 24 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
New Worlds For Old (1963) — Avustaja — 11 kappaletta
Astounding Science Fiction 1949 01 (1949) — Avustaja — 10 kappaletta
Astounding Science Fiction 1943 12 (1943) — Avustaja — 5 kappaletta
Science Fiction Stories 22 (1978) — Avustaja — 5 kappaletta
Astounding Science Fiction 1947 01 (1947) — Avustaja — 5 kappaletta
Astounding Science Fiction 1943 06 (1943) — Avustaja — 5 kappaletta
ULLSTEIN 2000 SF STORIES 14 (1972) — Avustaja — 4 kappaletta
Astounding Science Fiction 1945 02 (1936) — Avustaja — 4 kappaletta
Astounding Science Fiction 1946 01 (1946) — Avustaja — 4 kappaletta
Astounding Science Fiction 1947 05 (1947) — Avustaja — 4 kappaletta
Astounding Science Fiction 1945 12 (1945) — Avustaja — 3 kappaletta
ULLSTEIN 2000 SF STORIES 10 — Avustaja; Avustaja — 2 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla


Muut nimet
O'Donnell, Lawrence
Liddell, C. H.
Padgett, Lewis
Kuttner, Henry
Moore, Catherine Lucille
Maa (karttaa varten)
Lewis Padgett was the joint pseudonym of the science-fiction authors and spouses Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore. This page should, therefore, not be combined with either of their individual author pages.

Lawrence O'Donnell and C. H. Liddell are also joint pseudonyms of Kuttner and Moore, and those pages also should not be combined with this or with the individual pages.

According to the Internet Speculative Fiction Database, all stories attributed to O'Donnell were written by Kuttner and Moore, and no record exists of Kuttner writing solo under the psuedonym O'Donnell.



La famosa saga de los "Calvos", los nuevos mutantes telépatas, en la que se aborda con seriedad y profundidad el tema del surgimiento de una nueva especie de telépatas y los problemas de supervivencia del nuevo grupo minoritario debido a la vida en común con el Homo Sapiens.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Natt90 | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 28, 2023 |
Kuttner, Henry. Mutant. 1953. E-book ed., Gateway, 2013.
A nuclear exchange has created a viable mutation of hairless telepaths called “Baldies.” Mutant, by Henry Kuttner, describes the Baldies as a self-conscious minority community, most of whom wear wigs in public to hide their telepathy. They feel superior to non-telepaths, but they know they are feared and perhaps envied by non-telepaths. These themes are as timely as ever, but the stories are also creatures of their time. One can imagine them as episodes on Twilight Zone or Alfred Hitchcock. They share some themes with A.E. van Vogt’s Slan (1940), and they look forward to such works as Kurt Vonnegut’s “Harrison Bergeron” (1961). Mutant, a “fix-up” novel based on short stories that appeared first in Astounding, was originally published under the pseudonym “Lewis Padgett,” a name often used for works Kuttner co-authored with his wife, C. L. Moore. Later editions are usually attributed to Kuttner alone. It is still worth a read. 4 stars.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Tom-e | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Feb 24, 2023 |
Reading the Ace Doubles tête-bêche books has introduced me to a wide range of authors from science fiction's "Golden Age," yet the authors of the two novels in this collection were well familiar to me. As a longtime fan of the husband-and-wife writing team of Henry Kuttner and C. L. Moore, their novel Beyond Earth Gates (published under their pseudonym "Lewis Padgett," though with Moore's name curiously added) was the first of the two I read. It's an enjoyable story about a Broadway actor who discovers that the fantastic world described to him by his uncle when he was a young boy indeed exists, as he discovers when his clingy and nagging girlfriend gets sucked into it. Accused of murdering her, he subsequently follows her into a parallel world run by a priesthood whose power comes from their control over the mysteries of mechanical technology. While the plot itself is fairly insubstantial, it's propelled by a fun exploration of the world the authors built and the interesting moral dilemma the protagonist finds himself in as to whether he should intervene in a situation he knows nothing about.

There's no such dilemma in Andre Norton's Daybreak-2250 A.D.. Originally published as Star Man's Son, it's about the journey of a mutant human to the ruins of New York City two centuries after a war (known as "the Blow-Up") devastated human civilization. It's the best kind of adventure story, with the protagonist facing a series of trials, making friends, and gradually realizing his full potential as a person. Norton was an excellent writer, and her book reflects her skill at writing a narrative that grabs the reviewer early on and doesn't let go until the last page. Norton's novel is alone worth the price of the collection, and the other novel that accompanies it is a nice bonus that together demonstrates the sort of entertainment value that made science fiction such a popular genre in the 1950s.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
MacDad | May 25, 2021 |
Lewis Padgett was the joint pseudonym of the science fiction authors and spouses Henry Kuttner and C L Moore taken from their mothers maiden names. As Lewis Padgett they wrote nearly 50 novels from 1941-53. Pulp fiction it maybe but if Tomorrow and Tomorrow published in 1951 is an example then it is still worth a quick read.

The novel starts well with Joseph Breden worried about dozing off at work and then failing the psychological test if anyone reports him. He works in a nuclear reactor as a senior technician and he cannot afford for the reactor to get to critical mass. He has recently been having weird dreams where he does just that. Playing chess with the other senior technician on duty he wonders whether he should confide in her, but he is frightened of losing his job. We learn that this is an alternate time line because after the second world war many countries tested atomic bombs and the devastation frightened the world into forming something called the GPC which controls all atomic weapons. A hundred years later and the GPC control nearly everything and the population of the world suffers restrictions. Any scientific research is discouraged and development has atrophied. Any dissent is investigated and quashed, but the atomic bomb testing has created a number of mutants some of whom have survived. When Joseph Breden finally seeks help, he discovers that he has been hypnotised by a dissident group who have harnessed the powers of a mutant brain that can see the future and who believe that not having an atomic third world war, will see mankind atrophy and die. An interesting idea...................

After an interesting beginning the story gallops quickly towards the finishing post, with mutants, alternative time lines and alternative worlds. The story just about remains coherent, but it hurries too quickly towards the end. For the genre it is reasonably well written and any racism or sexism is difficult to spot. There is a sort of sequel "[The Fairy Chessmen]" which I have downloaded to my kindle 3.5 stars.
… (lisätietoja)
1 ääni
Merkitty asiattomaksi
baswood | Apr 19, 2021 |


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