Mary O'Malley (täsmennys)

"Mary O'Malley" koostuu ainakin 4 eri tekijästä. Heidät on jaoteltu teosten perusteella.

Author Division

Mary O'Malley (3)

The Year's Best Fantasy and Horror: Ninth Annual Collection (1996) — Avustaja — 241 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
The Knife in the Wave (1997) 10 kappaletta
A Perfect V (2006) 6 kappaletta
Asylum road (2001) 5 kappaletta

Mary O'Malley (2)

Once a Catholic (1978) 23 kappaletta
Best Plays of the Seventies (1980) — Avustaja — 12 kappaletta

Mary O'Malley (4)

Works have been aliased into Ann Bridge.

When Churchyards Yawn (1963) — Avustaja — 6 kappaletta

Mary O'Malley (ei tiedossa)


Mary O'Malley 1945- is the author of The Gift of Our Compulsions.

Mary O'Malley 1941- is a playwright and the author of Once a Catholic.

Mary O'Malley 1954- is an Irish poet and the author of The Knife in the Wave.