
Cynthia Murphy

Teoksen Win Lose Kill Die tekijä

6 teosta 215 jäsentä 5 arvostelua

Tekijän teokset

Win Lose Kill Die (2022) 120 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
Last One To Die (2021) 55 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Midnight Game (2023) 29 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Signed Sealed Dead (2024) 5 kappaletta

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"Last One to Die" started well and I enjoyed following Niamh's journey as she moved from Ireland to London to attend a summer drama school. Soon, however, girls Niamh know are being injured or murdered. They all have a connection with Niamh and bear a strong resemblance to her.

Most of this novel was well-written and suspenseful. It certainly started with a bang that hooked me in. Niamh was independent and strong, and I liked her as a character. There were also some great secondary characters including Jess, Jeffery and Derrick.

Unfortunately, it was too easy to predict who the attacker was and I disliked the supernatural element that was introduced later in the novel. It just made the story totally unbelievable! However, I still think "Last One to Die" will be a popular addition to our library.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
HeatherLINC | Jun 14, 2024 |
Greetings, Cynthia Murphy, it's a pleasure to connect with you through the pages of "Win Lose Kill Die." As a newcomer to the YA literary realm, I've found myself captivated by your storytelling prowess. Although this may not mark your debut in the literary landscape, "Win Lose Kill Die" has served as an excellent initiation for me. Your ability to craft a compelling narrative has undeniably won me over, earning this book a well-deserved five-star rating in my literary journey.
Navigating the corridors of "Win Lose Kill Die" felt like an enthralling journey into the heart of Morton Academy, a prestigious institution where brilliance opens doors to futures paved in gold. As a recent initiate into the YA literary realm, I found myself spellbound by your storytelling prowess.

The narrative unfolds within the hallowed halls of Morton Academy, where the promise of a brighter future beckons to the brightest students. The secret society of Jewel and Bone casts its shadows, and from its members emerge the coveted positions of head girl and head boy—gateways to a funded future education. However, beneath this facade of academic ambition lies a darker undercurrent, as mysterious deaths, initially dismissed as tragic accidents, weave a sinister web. A pattern emerges: each victim held the esteemed position of head student or deputy head student, and whispers of a cult that haunted the campus a quarter-century ago linger.

"Win Lose Kill Die" brings a macabre delight, reminiscent of the thrill found in the twists and turns of a season of Riverdale. The narrative doesn't shy away from drama, delivering a perfect dose befitting a tale of secret societies. What stands out is the well-crafted characters, breaking free from teen drama stereotypes and contributing depth to the narrative. The unexpected twist, unveiled towards the clear end, adds a refreshing layer to the storytelling.

Yet, amidst the enjoyment, a few elements stood out, flirting with the line between on-the-nose and nostalgic. The groundskeeper dubbed "Creepy Billy," an apparent homage to Billy Loomis from Scream, felt like a nod that might elude those unfamiliar with the iconic film. Similarly, the ignorance of Charles Manson among the characters, save for the true crime enthusiast, raised eyebrows, creating a generational disconnect that, at times, pulled me from the narrative.

Despite these minor hiccups, the overall experience was thoroughly enjoyable. My gratitude extends to Netgalley and Scholastic for the ARC, a key that unlocked a tale I'll undoubtedly recommend and perhaps gift to those in my life. If you're considering a journey into the intriguing world crafted by Cynthia Murphy, the link below awaits your exploration.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
b00kdarling87 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 7, 2024 |
Just when you think you know, a plot twist proves you don't know anything!

Win Lose Kill Die is the latest young adult thriller from the talented pen of author Cynthia Murphy, and like its predecessors, it did not disappoint. Engaging teenage characters, a prestigious boarding school on an old estate, the tragic death of the school's head girl, and a mysterious secret society combine for a suspenseful tale that immediately grabbed my attention and never let it go.

The story is told from dual viewpoints: that of the anonymous killer and senior student, Liz Williams. Liz had been injured in the same incident at the end of the previous school term that took the life of Morgan, the newly appointed head girl, and was still recuperating these many weeks later. Coming from a difficult home situation, her attendance at the Morton Academy is a godsend, as it is for many of her classmates. She and her close-knit friends are determined to get to the bottom of what's happening at the school.

I enjoyed the elite and limited size of the student body, especially the fact that the students are hand-picked based on academic achievement and potential rather than their families' financial or social standing. Also, although the students readily and laughingly identified themselves as "nerds," they still acted like regular kids everywhere, sneaking out and circumventing the school rules. The close friendships among the roommates were endearing and fun. I enjoyed watching the relationship between Liz and the new student, Cole, develop, especially her funny internal criticisms of her initial awkwardness around him.

Possible clues to the killer's identity pop up throughout the story, pointing the finger at several different suspects within the Jewel and Bone Society. But just when I thought particular hints would be the key to solving the mystery, the author would engineer a clever plot twist, sending my suspicions off in another direction. I never gave any serious consideration whatsoever to the scenario proved to be the truth, so I was completely surprised by the final resolution. Well done!

I recommend WIN LOSE KILL DIE to readers who enjoy young adult thrillers and mysteries.

I voluntarily reviewed this after receiving an Advanced Review Copy through TBR and Beyond Book Tours.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
KarenSiddall | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 2, 2023 |
Liz is back at her very prestigious boarding school after a summer spent recovering from some sort of accident, the cause of which will not be explained until later in the book. She's a new member of a secret society, which would be a good thing if the other members weren't being killed off one by one. Liz and her friends decide to investigate on their own because they don't feel like the school is taking it seriously.

This was an interesting mystery because there were clues dropped throughout as to the killer's identity, but you don't realize that until the end when the killer is revealed. This was a very quick read and is marketed as YA, but middle graders would be able to enjoy it as well. The characters are all unique and likeable, and the book itself is well written.

All told, I enjoyed this book and can recommend it to YA and MG readers.

4/5 stars.

*** I would like to thank NetGalley, Random House Children's, Delacorte Press, and Cynthia Murphy for the opportunity to read and review Win Lose Kill Die.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
jwitt33 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 27, 2023 |



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