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Lorrie Moore

Teoksen A Gate at the Stairs tekijä

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Lorrie Moore was born Marie Lorena Moore on January 13, 1957 in Glen Falls, New York. She was nicknamed Lorrie by her parents. She attended St. Lawrence University and won Seventeen magazine's fiction contest. After graduation, she moved to Manhattan and worked as a paralegal for two years. In 1980 näytä lisää she enrolled in Cornell University's M.F.A. program. After graduation from Cornell she was encouraged by a teacher to contact an agent who sold her collection, Self-Help, which was composed of stories from her master's thesis. Lorrie Moore writes about failing relationships and terminal illness. She is the Delmore Schwartz Professor in the Humanities at the University of Wisconsin-Madison where she teaches creative writing. She has also taught at Cornell University. She has written a children's book entitled The Forgotten Helper. She won the 1998 O. Henry Award for her short story People Like That They Are the Only People Here. In 1999 she was given the Irish Times International Fiction Prize for Birds of America. She was elected to the American Academy of Arts and Letters in 2006 and in 2010 her novel A Gate at the stairs was a finalist for the Pen/Faulkner Award for fiction. (Bowker Author Biography) näytä vähemmän

Tekijän teokset

A Gate at the Stairs (2009) 2,534 kappaletta
Birds of America: Stories (1998) 2,466 kappaletta
Who Will Run the Frog Hospital? (1994) 1,397 kappaletta
Self-Help (1985) 1,213 kappaletta
Like Life (1990) 930 kappaletta
Anagrams (1986) 928 kappaletta
Bark: Stories (2014) 655 kappaletta
The Best American Short Stories 2004 (2004) — Toimittaja — 557 kappaletta
100 Years of the Best American Short Stories (2015) — Toimittaja — 293 kappaletta
The Collected Stories (2008) 231 kappaletta
Collected Stories - Everyman (2020) 49 kappaletta

Associated Works

The Best American Short Stories of the Century (2000) — Säveltäjä — 1,569 kappaletta
Children Playing Before a Statue of Hercules (2005) — Avustaja — 1,225 kappaletta
The Story and Its Writer: An Introduction to Short Fiction (1983) — Avustaja — 1,137 kappaletta
My Mistress's Sparrow Is Dead (2008) — Avustaja — 767 kappaletta
In the Stacks: Short Stories about Libraries and Librarians (2002) — Avustaja — 539 kappaletta
The Best American Short Stories 1999 (1999) — Avustaja — 455 kappaletta
Points of View: Revised Edition (1966) — Avustaja — 417 kappaletta
The Best American Short Stories 1998 (1998) — Avustaja — 406 kappaletta
The Granta Book of the American Short Story (1992) — Avustaja — 369 kappaletta
Wonderful Town: New York Stories from The New Yorker (2000) — Avustaja — 356 kappaletta
The Best American Short Stories 2013 (2013) — Avustaja — 281 kappaletta
The Best American Short Stories 1993 (1993) — Avustaja — 278 kappaletta
Granta 54: Best of Young American Novelists (1996) — Avustaja — 238 kappaletta
The Best American Short Stories 1992 (1992) — Avustaja — 225 kappaletta
The Best American Short Stories 1990 (1990) — Avustaja — 221 kappaletta
The New Granta Book of the American Short Story (2007) — Avustaja — 214 kappaletta
The Best American Short Stories 1991 (1991) — Avustaja — 184 kappaletta
The Ecco Anthology of Contemporary American Short Fiction (2008) — Avustaja — 126 kappaletta
The Penguin Book of International Women's Stories (1996) — Avustaja — 115 kappaletta
20 Under 30 (1986) — Avustaja — 91 kappaletta
A Life in Medicine: A Literary Anthology (2002) — Avustaja — 83 kappaletta
Granta 147: 40th Birthday Special (2019) — Avustaja — 58 kappaletta
The Secret Self: A Century of Short Stories by Women (1995) — Avustaja — 34 kappaletta
Reasons to Believe: New Voices in American Fiction (1988) — Avustaja — 6 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla




Lorrie Moore suggestions, Short Stories (elokuu 2023)


This book was both devastatingly incredible. I read it in no more than 2 sittings. As far as I'm concerned Lorrie Moore is a master of the short story based purely on this book and I can't wait to read the rest of her work.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Amateria66 | 22 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 24, 2024 |
Unha viaxe de dous ex amantes, ela xa morta, como despedida nun coche que conserva todo o traxecto un caixón de area para gatos. Polo medio un conto gótico sobre unha historia ocorrida no século XIX, no que unha muller escribe cartas á súa irmán tamén morta. A primeira morta quere cambiar de cemiterio e as cenizas da segunda serven para que uns clientes non resbalen na escaleira dunha posada. Unha historia sobre como sobrevivir á morte dos que nos rodean, e á metafórica falta de fogar cando xa non estamos a gusto aquí.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Orellana_Souto | May 11, 2024 |
[a:Lorrie Moore|11746|Lorrie Moore|https://images.gr-assets.com/authors/1224046427p2/11746.jpg] new novel, [b:I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home|61605476|I Am Homeless If This Is Not My Home|Lorrie Moore|https://i.gr-assets.com/images/S/compressed.photo.goodreads.com/books/1670195659l/61605476._SY75_.jpg|97163559], was a wistful tale of two brothers, one in hospice, and one brother's peculiar road trip with the ghost of a lover interspersed with epistemological entries from a nineteenth century murderess. The writing is excellent and witty. The pacing is fine. But what did it all mean and why the letters? If that sort of structural ambiguity troubles you, I can't recommend this book. I read mainly for good writing yet I was confused. Check out Ron Charles: https://www.washingtonpost.com/books/2023/06/13/lorrie-moore-i-am-homeless-if-th...… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
featherbooks | 10 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 7, 2024 |
I read this around the time it came out, I was in my 20's and I liked it quite a bit. I realize now that I was not at a point in my life where I was really ready for this. I hadn't seen the end of enough things to be ready for this book, which is very much a book about endings (or at least monumental transitions.) I am not a fan of the self-help genre, so I love what Moore does here in approaching many of the types of relationships and skills/abilities gaps covered in those books and showing us that things can't be fixed, that the very idea of a one-size-fits-all solution requires that we strip away everything but the problem, ignore everything the people have the problem cam in with and ignore all the non-problematic elements at play. In self-help there are no intersectional issues or psychological comorbidities, just people those books tell you should behave in a certain way and then you will get the desired result. But in life everyone comes in with a pile of preexisting experiences that make it implausible to expect they will act in one specific way to a situation. Self-help guides work if everyone involved is a replicant. These stories are so rich and complicated and heartbreaking and funny and very very human. They are so good!

I started reading this a few months back at the urging of my wise and well-read GR friend Robin. I was reading a story here and there, but after the book came up in conversation a few days ago I read the last three stories in rapid succession, and that totally worked for me. Just this past Saturday I told a friend of mine that I generally had no interest in reading about characters' whining about their relationships with their mothers, and I stand by that, but the issue is the whining, not the relationships with mothers angle. Moore gets this right all the way through. This was a necessary and treasured reread for me.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Narshkite | 22 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 1, 2024 |



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