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Edward Mckeown

Teoksen Was Once A Hero tekijä

19+ teosta 76 jäsentä 5 arvostelua

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Sisältää nimen: Edward McKeown


Tekijän teokset

Associated Works

Low Port (2003) — Avustaja, eräät painokset158 kappaletta
Lawyers in Hell (2011) — Avustaja — 28 kappaletta
Captain's Log #9: Fighters Inbound! (1991) — Avustaja — 8 kappaletta
Rogues in Hell (2012) — Avustaja — 8 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Nights of Blood 2: More Legends of the Vampire (2009) — Avustaja — 1 kappale

Merkitty avainsanalla


Virallinen nimi
McKeown, Edward F.



“Mars needs Men” is a sexy spoof of the noir detective story set in the twenty-second century spaceport of New York City. Port Authority officer Brian McManus, a mature, “everyman” officer, and his young and attractive partner, Regina Del Mar, are assigned the weirder aspects of interstellar relations.

This mission is to quietly locate and recover the visiting Martian governor’s nymphomaniac daughter, Avalie. The governor is here to recruit men for Mars after a plague by Sapphist Terrorists wiped out the male gender there. But, while Mom is recruiting volunteers, her daughter Avalie is shopping for studs, whether they want to go or not.

With their transgender informant, Freddie Bouvier, who looks more like a girl than many girls do, they search the New York underworld for Avalie, finding smugglers, firefights, and general mayhem in the process.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
edwardfmckeown | Jan 23, 2013 |
The original, first published in Lowport by Lee and Miller. Lair of the Lesbian Love Goddess introduces Brian McManus, everyman cop and later private detective, and his sexy partner, Regina Del Mar, and transgender sidekick Freddie Bouvier as they defend the 22nd Century spaceport of New York from alien bad guys. Crime and kinky fun in the shadows of Brooklyn as they hunt an Arcturian smuggler with a very unusual cargo!
Merkitty asiattomaksi
edwardfmckeown | Jan 23, 2013 |
Into the Robot Harem: is the second short in the Lair of the Lesbian Love Goddess series.

Mayhem and fun in a spicy noir version of the future.

24th Century Cop Brian McManus and his sexy partner Regina Del Mar learn of a plot to assassinate the Earth's president from transgender informant Freddie Bouvier. But the only way to save the president lies through 'the Robot Harem" and for Regina Del Mar to go where no man has gone before...
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
edwardfmckeown | Jan 23, 2013 |
Having survived the nightmare world of Enshar, Robert Fenaday abandons privateering and his quest for his lost wife to begin life anew with the genetically engineered assassin, Shasti Rainhell. But spymaster Mandela has other plans for the pair, intrigue and murder on Shasti’s home planet of Olympia. Fenaday must fight his way to Shasti, facing her deadly creator and an alien mystery that could destroy the Confederacy."

Foreword by Claudia Christian

Fearful Symmetry is well named. There is fear, as well as is hope in this fast-paced tale of action and thoughtful adventure. Edward McKeown has written a gripping story of espionage, assassination and interstellar conspiracy. It’s also the story of a woman coming back to life metaphorically, in a tale of resurrection and redemption. So the book operates seamlessly on two levels at the same time….”… (lisätietoja)
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
edwardfmckeown | Jan 23, 2013 |

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