
Lucky McKee

Teoksen The Woman tekijä

16+ teosta 290 jäsentä 18 arvostelua

Tietoja tekijästä

Sisältää nimen: Lucky McKee

Tekijän teokset

The Woman (2011) 109 kappaletta
I'm Not Sam (2012) 83 kappaletta
The Woman [with bonus novella 'Cow'] (2012) — Tekijä — 30 kappaletta
May [2002 film] (2002) — Director & Screenwriter — 21 kappaletta
The Woods [2006 film] (2006) — Ohjaaja — 9 kappaletta
Blood Money [2017 film] (2017) — Ohjaaja — 7 kappaletta
All Cheerleaders Die (2014) 6 kappaletta
Tales of Halloween [2015 Film] (2015) — Ohjaaja — 5 kappaletta
The Woman [2011 Film] (2011) — Director/Screenwriter — 4 kappaletta
Red [2008 Film] (2014) — Ohjaaja — 4 kappaletta
Cemetery Dance Issue 70 (2013) 2 kappaletta

Associated Works

Roman [2006 film] (2006) — Cast — 3 kappaletta
Darlin' [2019 Film] (2019) — Based on Characters Created By — 2 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla




3.5 Good tale well told.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Gumbywan | 9 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 24, 2022 |
It's no secret how much I love Ketchum's writing, and he seems to have found a solid writing partner in McKee. In this, their second collaboration, I think they break new ground. While this isn't a "horror" novel, it's still horror. In an introduction to the book, Ketchum asks that the reader read the I'm Not Sam story, then give a bit of a break before reading the Who's Lily? short that follows it. I did and I'm glad I did. I walked away from I'm Not Sam not sure whether I liked it or not. But I thought about it overnight, then the next day, read the last part. And then I realized all the strengths of this story. Well done, Ketchum and McKee, well done.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
TobinElliott | 9 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 3, 2021 |
Truly a feminist masterpiece. I loved and was blown away by this film (I am beginning to appreciate Lucky McKee), so I was eager to read the novel. I often find myself enjoying reading books after watching the film because I like to fill in the blanks. The switch in perspectives was quite enlightening, particularly in the case of the woman. Learning her motivations are thoughts was quite enriching for the story. This novel was horrifying and brutal without being too gratituous. Perhaps the most terrifying aspect is Chris' rampant misogyny, which his adolescent son shares. It makes me sick that there are truly pieces of shit like them out there, but the ending holds a great payoff.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
LianaH | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Apr 4, 2020 |
What an incredible read!

I've loved the work of Jack Ketchum ever since I read his book The Girl Next Door. In The Secret Life of Souls Jack teams up once again with Lucky McKee and together, they knock this one right out of the park.

The Cross family is as dysfunctional as they come. Pat and Bart, (mom and dad), are busy trying to make their daughter Delia a star and her brother Robbie is mostly ignored. The family dog Caity more or less belongs to Delia alone, and it doesn't take long for the reader to discover that Delia and Caity have a special connection. Caity lives to serve the Cross family, but other than Delia and Robbie, they don't deserve this loyal dog. I'm going to leave off the plot here because this story should be absorbed as the authors intended, not interpreted by a lowly blogger like me.

This book is fast paced and well written. These authors know how to pull on your heart strings and they are not afraid to do so. The characters of the Cross family are so well developed but the more you get to know them-well, you'll see. The dog, though? The dog is the star of this show, and with portions of the story from Caity's point of view, it is no mystery how she's feeling. Many times I found myself wishing I could reach out and pet Caity and call her a good girl. (Who's a good girl, Caity? You are!)

I'm not sure this is a horror story, though parts of it are certainly horrific. What it is for sure though, is a fantastic novel that takes the reader through the full spectrum of emotions: from full blown happiness to acute sadness and all the stops in between. This may even be my favorite book of the year so far. The more I turn it over in my mind, the more sure I am that it will be.

Highly recommended for everyone, but most especially to dog lovers. I think you'll adore The Secret Life of Souls.

You can buy your copy here: The Secret Life of Souls: A Novel

*Thanks to Net Galley and Pegasus Books for the free e-arc of this book in exchange for my honest review. This is it.*

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… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Charrlygirl | Mar 22, 2020 |


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