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Alexander Maclaren (1826–1910)

Teoksen Expositions of Holy Scripture [complete] tekijä

129 teosta 2,714 jäsentä 8 arvostelua

Tietoja tekijästä

Tekijän teokset

Expositions of Holy Scripture [complete] (1977) 356 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Expositions of Holy Scripture: Isaiah and Jeremiah (1905) 97 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
After the Resurrection (1992) 32 kappaletta
The Expositor's Bible: The Psalms, (Volume III ) (2012) 28 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Expositions of Holy Scripture: John (2017) 25 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Pulpit Prayers (2007) 22 kappaletta
The Secret of Power (2015) 20 kappaletta
The Beatitudes and Other Sermons (1896) 15 kappaletta
Week-day evening addresses (2010) 15 kappaletta
The victor's crowns (2010) 12 kappaletta
The conquering Christ (2013) 11 kappaletta
Triumphant certainties (2016) 11 kappaletta
The unchanging Christ (2016) 10 kappaletta
Leaves from the tree of life (2012) 10 kappaletta
The Holy of Holies (2018) 10 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Christ's musts (2015) 9 kappaletta
Sermon Seeds (1980) 9 kappaletta
The God of the Amen (2010) 8 kappaletta
A year's ministry (2015) 8 kappaletta
Last sheaves 8 kappaletta
A Rosary of Christian Graces (1899) 6 kappaletta
Psalms for Sighs (1945) 6 kappaletta
Pictures and emblems 6 kappaletta
Sermons preached in Manchester (2022) 6 kappaletta
The Best of Alexander Maclaren (1949) 6 kappaletta
The Wearied Christ and Other Sermons (2010) 5 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
A Year's Ministry, First Series (1905) 5 kappaletta
Acts 13–28 2 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla




Expositions of Holy Scripture by Alexander MacLaren is a collection of over 1,500 expository sermons arranged as a Bible commentary.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
phoovermt | Feb 13, 2024 |
Every sermon in here is powerful.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Shockleyy | Jun 6, 2021 |
A collection of devotional articles on various texts in chapters 1 to 48 of isaiah. This is not a commentary, but a devotional book, in which every text is related to the work of God in Jesus Christ. Think more like a sermon than a textbook.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
INeilC | Feb 11, 2020 |
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "Faith does not grasp a doctrine but a heart."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "Christianity alone puts the very heart of religion in the act of trust."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "Simple words are the best clothing for the largest truths."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): " Love is the foundation of obedience, and obedience is the sure outcome and result of love."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "Faith is the sight of the soul, and it is far better than the sight of the senses. It is more direct."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "The Church chose for one of its ancient emblems of the Savior the pelican, which fed its young, according to the fable, with the blood from its own breast."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "There are two motives for keeping commandments -- one because they are commanded, and one because we love Him that commands. The one is slavery, the other is liberty."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "God loves them that love Him not, but the depths of His heart and the secret, sacred favors of His grace can only be bestowed upon those who in some measure are conformed, and are growingly being conformed, to His likeness in Jesus Christ, ad who love Him and obey Him."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "There is an indissoluble connection between the real knowledge of God's truth and practical holiness in life."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "The revelation had to be complete before He [the Holy Spirit] who came to unfold the meaning of the revelation had material to work with."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "His [the Lord's] peace is inseparable from His presence."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "Union with Christ is the condition of all fruitfulness."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "Christ gives more than commandments, patterns, motives; He gives the power to live soberly, righteously, and godly, and i Him alone is that power to be found."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "My love, at its best, has so far conquered my selfishness that now and then I am ready to suffer a little inconvenience, to sacrifice a little leisure, to give away a little money, to spend a little dribble of sympathy upon the people who are its objects. Christ's love nailed Him to the cross, and led Him down from the throne, and shut for a time the gates of glory behind Him. And He says, 'That is your pattern!'"
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "Christ's commandment of love is a new commandment, not so much because it is a revelation of a new duty, thought it is the casting of an old duty into a new prominence, as, because it not merely a revelation of an obligation, but the communication of a power to fulfill it."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "And how can we be indifferent to those to whom Christ is not indifferent!"
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "There is no neutrality in a man's relation to God."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "A Christianity which is not based upon the conviction of sin is an impotent Christianity."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "The central truths of Christianity are the Incarnation and Atonement of Jesus Christ."
Quote (Alexander MacLaren): "And if we pray in Christ's name, that implies, not only our dependence upon His merits and work, but also the harmony of our wills with His will."
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
jamesrrouse | Jul 8, 2017 |

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