17 teosta 51 jäsentä 2 arvostelua


This is one of the finest books I've ever read.

It's not the book I probably anticipated. I was expecting a book telling stories about the people who settled southern Michigan; instead it's a book about how folks settled in southern Michigan. They carved farms out of the forest. The established market towns. They built roads to those towns, and between them. (They tried to build canals, but that didn't work out.) They borrowed money from eastern lenders; later they established local banks in the market towns. They build plank roads to improve market access; then they encouraged the railroads to service their market towns.

This book is more about the geography and economics and sociology of Michigan's frontier than about the struggles of individual settlers. It's probably not the book for everyone, but I thought it was absolutely delightful.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
joeldinda | 1 muu arvostelu | Dec 7, 2022 |
One of the best books on Michigan geography written. Book reviews do not agree.
1 ääni
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Jwsmith20 | 1 muu arvostelu | Jan 4, 2012 |