
K. E. Lane

Teoksen And Playing the Role of Herself tekijä

1 Work 137 jäsentä 7 arvostelua

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Sisältää nimen: K.E Lane

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And Playing the Role of Herself (2006) 137 kappaletta, 7 arvostelua

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Per essere il mio primo f/f romance, l'ho trovato ricco di cliché (se non altro, a dimostrazione le storie d'amore sono tutte uguali), ma comunque godibile grazie a dei buoni personaggi.

Impossibile non amare Caid - la protagonista - Liz (mitica!), Josh, Sophie... un po' meno Robyn, la coprotagonista, che nonostante tutto non è mai riuscita ad entrare nelle mie grazie.

Il mio personaggio preferito resta Liz, l'amica di Caid. Quasi, quasi mi dispiace che sia etero e che la coppia protagonista sia Caid-Robyn. E' talmente divertente che il romanzo avrebbe davvero perso tanto se non ci fosse stata. Eccovene un assaggio:

"Woody? Of course it's Liz. I'm having a crappy day, thank you very much. Did you know about these internet people who think I'm a lesbian?"
I rolled my eyes. "Liz…"
"Here, Woody, let me give you to Caid. She knows all about it."
The phone was thrust into my hand, and I resignedly put it to my ear.
"Woody? It's Caid."
"Caid, what the hell is she talking about?" Woody Stein's harried, nasal voice came over the line.
I put my fingers to the bridge of my nose and closed my eyes. "Listen, let me call you back, okay?"
"I'll call you back." I snapped the phone shut, knowing that would piss Woody off, but also knowing that Liz would smooth it over for me.
"What are you doing?" Liz asked angrily, "You need to…"
"…tell Woody about this…"
"I'll sue them…"
"Liz, shut up!"
Liz blinked, and Paula looked at me in shock, but the car was finally quiet.
"Thank you. Now just listen to me for a second, okay? These stories - they're called Fan Fiction. People write stories about the characters on TV shows, and then put them out on these internet sites for other people to read. They aren't about you. You can't sue anyone, because they aren't about you. They're about the characters in the show."
"I can't?"
"No, you can't."

Per il resto la trama è davvero simile a molti romance: lei, lei, l'altro (e scatta la gelosia mal riposta), un tipo affetto da Erotomaniac Delusional Disorder (che non è così tipico, ma un pazzo quasi assassino che minaccia la donna amata, sì), e così via...
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
lasiepedimore | 6 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 1, 2023 |
I’m so sad to be done listening to this book. I want more. Sigh.

Highly recommended for lovers of romance and audiobooks. The production is great, as is the narrator.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
amcheri | 6 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 5, 2023 |
Feb 2014 - re-read (again) and still love this one.


This book is featured on Cocktail Hour episode 14. A very good book. Wish there was more by the author. She does have some other online stories under the name Dabkey.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
amcheri | 6 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 5, 2023 |
Wow! This book is now one of my top 3 favourite books of all time. It simply has it all! A neat build-up, enough drama, pure love, Hollywood insights and lots of passion. But most of all, it has a happy ending.

"And Playing the Role of Herself" is written in first-person narrative narrated by one of the two main characters, Caidence Harris. A lovable 34-year-old actress who stars in a prime-time show called "9th Precinct". A police drama about a homicide squad with six detectives.

The other main character is Robyn Ward, an aspiring starlet in the show "In their Defence". Robyn seems like the stereotypical famous, successful and, above all, drop-dead gorgeous actress in Hollywood. She has model features and a successful boyfriend named "Josh", a well-known tennis player. She really has it all, doesn't she?

"9th Precinct" is a spin-off of "In Their Defence", so Caid and Robyn cross paths now and then. They also share the same trailer next to the studios, making it hard for Caid to avoid Robyn's husky, deep voice and indescribable beauty.

As they frequently meet on set, they become friends and begin to build a friendship in which Caid learns much more about Robyn and her secrets.

Sometimes it feels that Robyn has a kind of "power" over Caid. That no matter what she decides or does, Caid will agree, which she never actually does. And although both react impulsively at times, it's because the feelings for the other overwhelm them. And in the end, they overcome all their insecurities and fears together, knowing that life wouldn't be the same without the other. All these things make the book so great because it portrays the two of them sympathetically–it makes them human.

As well as the likeable main characters, endearing secondary characters such as Liz and Josh are introduced. The two drive the plot forward, as do Caid and Robyn. Liz, whose personality develops even further, particularly appealed to me, and I can't imagine the book without her.

This story somehow touched me deeply, and I can't explain why or how. But the emotions, struggles, and development touched my heart, I think. I will forever remember this book as one of my all-time favourites.

"I love you, and I told you before that if you wanted me, you had me."
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
wordsandfiction | 6 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 5, 2022 |




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