
Rita Lakin (1930–2023)

Teoksen Getting Old is Murder tekijä

11+ teosta 858 jäsentä 21 arvostelua

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Sisältää nimen: Rita Lakin


Tekijän teokset

Getting Old is Murder (2005) 226 kappaletta, 7 arvostelua
Getting Old is the Best Revenge (2006) 149 kappaletta, 5 arvostelua
Getting Old is Criminal (2007) 127 kappaletta, 4 arvostelua
Getting Old is to Die For (2007) 113 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Getting Old is a Disaster (2008) 98 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Getting Old is Très Dangereux (2010) 87 kappaletta
Getting Old Can Kill You (2011) 36 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Demon of the Night (1976) 7 kappaletta
Getting Old Can Hurt You (2018) 3 kappaletta
Getting Old Will Haunt You (2019) 3 kappaletta

Associated Works

Bronx Noir (2003) — Avustaja — 104 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
Jewish Noir II: Tales of Crime and Other Dark Deeds (2022) — Avustaja — 18 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Sleuthing Women II: 10 Mystery Novellas (2017) — Avustaja — 2 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla




woman sets up serial murders of old women to disguise killing of her own mother
Merkitty asiattomaksi
ritaer | 6 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jul 16, 2021 |
This is the 5th in the series, and I liked it better than several of the others. The pacing was excellent, and the plot(s) nice and convoluted.

The disaster referred to was a hurricane that devastated Ft Lauderdale, including the complex in which our protagonists live. Complications ensue!

And then there's the "Grandpa Bandit" who robs banks, and who has asked Gladdy and her cohort to catch him... not to mention the storm revealing an old murder with modern implications.

The "girls" have their hands full here!… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
cissa | Jul 3, 2017 |
This is the third book in the series, though it's the fourth one I've read (I got the sequence mixed up with the previous book).

It's pretty good. The mystery is OK- although I have some quibbles with the set-up: Where does Philip get the cash? How do assistd living facilities not notice his pretty distinct patter when they are processing his paperwork? Who's the chick in Europe? etc.

Also, split personalities do not work that way.

Anyway, the resolution left a lot of loose ends; I guess we'll see if future books address them. I know #4 does not.

And while I found Gladdy's sister tolerable in #4, even though she spent the whole book sulking, her behavior in this one was abominably narcissistic, complete with tantrums. Gladdy indulges her too much- while Gladdy is the elder sister, little sis is **73** and plenty old enough to behave with at least cursory decency.

All in all, this called a lot of the series's aspects into question, which made it less fun than it could have been.

I'll probably read the next 2, since I have them on hand, but I am getting less enthused about the series.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
cissa | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 8, 2017 |
Gladdy's possible boyfriend Jack is away doing something mysterious, which is annoying her. Her sister is not much help, since she's recovering from a disaster of a romance herself... and the rest of the "girls" tend to need more care than they offer support, even when they try.

Various mysteries come up in this episode, but the main one is that Jack- Gladdy's maybe-SO- has returned to NYC to try to solve the murder of Gladdy's husband.

Things get complicated, especially when both Gladdy's and Jack's families meet and bond enthusiastically!

While there are some sad and heavy themes here, it's mostly light-hearted and at times almost farce-like in the best way. And at the end, Gladdy can lay a ghost to rest and be more open to the future.

Despite the occasion serious elements, these books are mostly pretty light and entertaining. I love the idea of a PI firm made of senior women! each with her own strengths, despite everything else.

I have a couple more novels in this series, and plan to read them.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
cissa | 1 muu arvostelu | Apr 29, 2017 |


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