
Christa J. Kinde

Teoksen The Blue Door tekijä

19 teosta 244 jäsentä 11 arvostelua

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Sisältää nimen: Christa Kinde


Tekijän teokset

The Blue Door (2012) 68 kappaletta, 8 arvostelua
The Hidden Deep (2013) 27 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Broken Window (2013) 19 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Angels All Around (2013) 16 kappaletta
The Garden Gate (2014) 14 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Angels in Harmony (2013) 11 kappaletta
Angels on Guard (2014) 5 kappaletta
Tried and True (2015) 2 kappaletta
Angels in Harmony 2 kappaletta
Angel Unaware (2017) 2 kappaletta

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In The Blue Door, the first book of The Threshold Series, we are introduced to Prissie Pomeroy. Prissie discovers that she has a unique ability, she can see angels. Prissie struggles with the realization that people she thought she knew are angels living among the humans. With spiritual battles raging Prissie finds her faith tested as she learns of God’s plan for her.

I found the premise of the book intriguing and the characters well developed. However, I was disappointed to find it slow moving and hard to get through. I ended up not being unable to finish it.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
BookGeekBeth | 7 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Apr 18, 2018 |
I expected so much more from this book, and I am a little disappointed with it. This is an older book, but it has been sitting in my Netgalley for a while, it is also the start to a series. I was hoping to love this book - as I do with most things I read but this one fell short.

The plot of this book is that Priscilla (Prissie) can see angels and there is a reason for it... sadly we do not find out what that reason is, nor is there ANY action what-so-ever involving our main characters. We meet a bunch of angels throughout the book but none of them really do anything. I guess this being the first in a series there is a lot more to come BUT I didn't like this installment enough to continue with the series - so alas I will never know.

Also, Prissie reads between a 10-14 year old and that is a big age difference for a character. I kept feeling like she was a lot younger than she was supposed to be. I couldn't get a good feel for her real age and only know it because of the synopsis.

I think that this book might be great for someone who enjoys the lore of angels but it was not for me. I think it spent too much time referring to the Bible and to the angels faithfulness rather than creating a plot that was engaging. There really was no plot to this- yes, Prissie can see angels and yes, she meets a good amount of them but the reader doesn't get anything other than that... the war the synopsis mentions is not in this book.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
sszkutak | 7 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 28, 2016 |
I expected so much more from this book, and I am a little disappointed with it. This is an older book, but it has been sitting in my Netgalley for a while, it is also the start to a series. I was hoping to love this book - as I do with most things I read but this one fell short.

The plot of this book is that Priscilla (Prissie) can see angels and there is a reason for it... sadly we do not find out what that reason is, nor is there ANY action what-so-ever involving our main characters. We meet a bunch of angels throughout the book but none of them really do anything. I guess this being the first in a series there is a lot more to come BUT I didn't like this installment enough to continue with the series - so alas I will never know.

Also, Prissie reads between a 10-14 year old and that is a big age difference for a character. I kept feeling like she was a lot younger than she was supposed to be. I couldn't get a good feel for her real age and only know it because of the synopsis.

I think that this book might be great for someone who enjoys the lore of angels but it was not for me. I think it spent too much time referring to the Bible and to the angels faithfulness rather than creating a plot that was engaging. There really was no plot to this- yes, Prissie can see angels and yes, she meets a good amount of them but the reader doesn't get anything other than that... the war the synopsis mentions is not in this book.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
sszkutak | 7 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 13, 2016 |
While I primarily read/review adult fiction, I am always on the lookout for books I can recommend for my friends’ children. To that purpose, I accepted the invitation to read Christa Kinde’s first book in the her Threshold series, The Blue Door. I think this book is perfect for middle school girls who are looking for a bit of adventure and for their parents who want to make sure there is a good message in the books they read.

Priscilla Pomeroy is an average fourteen year old looking at an uneventful summer spent working around her family’s farm. Prissie is a bit old-fashioned in her outlook, but suffers from the same things most young teenagers face — the desire to fit in combined with the desire to be a bit special. She gets more than she bargains for when she meets Koji, a boy most people cannot see. Prissie’s world is soon turned upside down.

Prissie receives an incredible gift — to see with spiritual eyes. Her world is opened to the invisible around her. But her sight is confined to angels, despite the fact that there is a spiritual battle surrounding her. Prissie is a character most young girls can identify with — not quite sure of herself, mostly focused inward, and facing changes in her relationships. The spiritual aspect of The Blue Door provides a layer of adventure and a starting point for exploration of what to believe about God and His Kingdom. The angels Prissie meets are not what she expected, but are good examples of how angels and people should be judged on their hearts toward God, not their outward appearances. The Blue Door can open up discussion with your teen about a number of issues — friendship, honesty, family values and spiritual warfare.

There are still a lot of questions left unanswered at the end of The Blue Door – but the next book, The Hidden Deep takes off where it ends.


(Thanks to DJC Communications and ZonderKidz for a review copy. The opinions expressed are mine alone.)
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
vintagebeckie | 7 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 4, 2014 |



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