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Jasmine HaynesKirja-arvosteluja

Teoksen She’s Gotta Be Mine tekijä

78+ teosta 1,616 jäsentä 64 arvostelua 2 Favorited


I think this was my favorite installment of the series. Jud so demanding so yummy and all Male. LOVE LOVE LOVE. if there was more of this series i would read until i couldn't keep my eyes open.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
this series is quick and easy thats the good and the bad as much as i loved it I wish there was more
Merkitty asiattomaksi
b00kdarling87 | Jan 7, 2024 |
so many good books and when you cant get out of bed books are your best friends. this was cute and sexy and a guilt free read. A brides last night as a single woman turned into a sexy affair, by one of the other woman attending the party cant say I would disagree with Debbie, self masturbation and a loveless marriage making you feel as unwanted when you meet a man who sparks your skin how can you say no.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
b00kdarling87 | 4 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jan 7, 2024 |
Finished Reading August 25, 2013

3.5 Stars
Steamy Sexy intimate times
Widow and Brother in Law. Heartfelt emotions.
I remember liking it but wasn't in love with it.
Some minor problems with the writing but nothing that kept me from finishing.
I liked the writing enough to get more of her books

Prch Amz August 21, 2013
Merkitty asiattomaksi
bodebeabay | 1 muu arvostelu | Sep 25, 2022 |
Finished Reading November 6, 2013

3.5 Stars
Super Hot Smut
I actually really enjoyed this one.
I found Clay's kink a bit odd but overall, it was really interesting and Very Naughty and Steamy.
I didn't like Ruby but I did like Jessica.
And loved the ending

A quick smutty read and, if I'm going to be honest, got me really interested in Erotica.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
bodebeabay | 1 muu arvostelu | Sep 25, 2022 |
Finished Reading May 8, 2014

3.5 Stars
I really like this authors writing.
They always have Hot Steamy sex scenes and are always a pleasure to read.
Each book in this series is a different couple!
So none of that cliffhanger, serial, overpriced need to read numerous books to get your HEA.
Great characters and they Are Not your new adult whinny books!
I need to get as many of her books as I can and I'm avidly working on that.

Yes, this has low ratings. My advice is, If you love super steamy stories with Real Adults, ignore the ratings and go for it. Just pick any of her books and I guarantee it will set your kindle on fire!

Prch May 4, 2014 AMZ
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bodebeabay | 4 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 25, 2022 |
Here I am enjoying an erotic romance about a heroine who is insecure about being overweight, with all the requisite Mean Girls snide remarks and angst about looking dumpy and fat. Then I come to find out that the heroine is a SIZE EIGHT. What the hell??? The only people who think a size eight is fat are size 00 runway supermodels. Bloody hell. That knocks this down at least one star, if not more.

Ok, made it through, and despite the utter absurdity of a size 8 woman being plus-sized, I'm leaving this on the BBW shelf because with all her angst and insecurity and other peoples' insults, etc, I would have bought Faith as a chubby heroine if I had just not read the couple lines about her single-digit dress size. There was a lot about this story that I enjoyed, but there were two issues for me personally: one, the book is 75% sex and I was in the mood for more romance than that allowed. Two, it was hard for me to really identify with the heroine. Not just because she is - by her own admission - a spoiled rich kid, but because she was so inconsistent: insecure about her appeal yet brazen af in bed; "knowing" that Conner would never love her, yet believing he might due to his actions, and trusting him when frankly, she had no reason to. Although, I was surprised to find I actually enjoyed the corporate power-play plotline. This book is 75% sex, 20% boardroom drama, 5% relationship development. It's a scorcher in the fuzzy-handcuff kind of way. (2.5 stars)
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Rhiannon.Mistwalker | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 19, 2022 |
Three women who become modern-day courtesans to not only earn money but to fulfill their desires to be with several different men. The three stories were well written. Characterization was well fleshed out for novella length stories.
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ftbooklover | Oct 12, 2021 |
Overall: very disappointed. I usually like this author, but not this book.

Even from the beginning, I didn't really feel the chemistry between these two. I think reading the previous book more recently might have helped, since it felt like the book dived in really fast, but I felt like there needed to be more flirting and almost-kiss type moments early on to establish the attraction and resistance. The two characters are definitely immature, which was particularly hard to believe for the guy who is supposed to be 34 (I'm 32...). In the author's defense, the characters acknowledge the immaturity after their "major" fight, but the first "I love you" followed immediately by "let's get married!"( cause we've known each other two months and have a rock solid relationship *sarcasm*) was cliche and not an indication of growing maturity in my opinion. But the true eye-roll-inducing dialogue came immediately after.

Overall, the emotional journey of searching for her brother was the highlight of the book. But what should be a very high-emotion reunion is instead steamrolled by Matt's introduction (sorry, but introducing your SO when you just found a long-lost sibling is NOT the most important thing to discuss then). In response, the brother, who hasn't seen her in 16 years, goes "I can tell she loves you." BULLLLLSH*T. I'm pretty sure I wouldn't even recognize my brother and sister if I hadn't seen them since they were 8! They should be saying things like "I can't believe you're here!" "I've searched for you for so long!" "You're so grown up! You're gorgeous! You look like mom/dad!" "I'm so sorry!" but no, we get a completely unbelievable you're-clearly-in-love comment. Again, pretty sure your eyes would be filled with tears and you'd be focused solely on your bro there, not making obvious googly-eyes at your new fiance in such a way that someone who doesn't even know you can tell you're in love.
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Stephan24 | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Apr 6, 2021 |
I don't actively seek out erotic novels because most are poorly written but this was a nice surprise. BDSM, fantasies, role playing....it's all in there and well written. The fact that the main characters are a counselor and a high school principal breaks the stereotype we have of folks who enjoy healthy sexual relationships that are more than missionary sex.

I appreciated the fact the author touched on the story of a young girl who is in an awkward phase. How those body changes can mess with a girls mind, confidence, and the confusion she goes thru....and how not to deal with that young girl. She's flat chested so the mom offers to get her breast implants..for a 15 yr old...sad to think that some girls get this reaction.

The over the top, loud mouthed school board president- now there was a classic bully who needed to be taken down a peg or two. The fact his wife is going to the counselor for advice how to handle his ED and fantasies is just a little much though. In the Bay Area there is only this certain counselor? Which brings up another matter I had issue with----a sex therapist who works part-time as a guidance counselor at a high school, in this paranoid PC society, I don't think so. With that said you can guess what one of the conflicts Charlotte and Lance will face.

Charlotte and Lance, two intelligent people who opted to enter this dom/sub relationship but have to learn about each other and themselves to take this to another loving, permanent relationship. Nice to know that these guys weren't perfect.

All in all a good story with a healthy spin on what relationships can be.

*** A copy of this book was provided by the publisher for an honest review***
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ChachaJ | 1 muu arvostelu | Feb 1, 2021 |
Glad to finish the last of my unread books in this series. I’ve wanted to read Evan and Paige’s story since I’ve been seeing them in the other books, and I wasn’t disappointed; I’m looking forward to catching up with them again in rereads.½
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spinsterrevival | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 7, 2020 |
Enjoyed this story especially the love that showed up 2/3 in. Wonderful use of art, and it would be amazing to see a rendering of Charlie’s sculptures.
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spinsterrevival | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 16, 2020 |
Loved Gideon & Rosie!! Gideon has been fighting feelings of guilt forever. He feels guilty for not being there for his sister Ari when their mother died. Guilty for not keeping her from foster care & losing touch with her. Guilty for the men under his command that dies from an IED. Guilty for not telling Karmen how he felt before she too died. He also seems to be suffering from some PTSD with his flashbacks & withdrawing. Once he met Rosie & Jorge, he had to battle his feelings & his physical attraction. He didn’t think he was good enough for her.

Rosie can’t believe the strength of her attraction to Gideon. He hasn’t done a thing to encourage her but she can see forever with him. After all of the years of having to be strong, she doesn’t know how to turn to someone else. When Jorge’s father starts terrorizing her, she tries to hide it but Gideon finds out & vows to help her. Can she get Gideon to realize how good they are together?

I really was drawn to these characters. At first, I could see Gideon & Rosie together at all. She seems so open, bubbly & friendly while he is so closed down & brooding. Once Rosie starts winning him over, the authors allowed his more tender & playful side to emerge! She needed to use all of her patience & determination but managed to capture his heart. Jorge & Noah managed to bring out Gideon’s playfulness while they were trying their hand at matchmaking. I love when kids add to the storyline like these two did. I can’t wait for the next story!!
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Pam50627 | Sep 7, 2019 |
Will meets Harper after receiving a letter from her brother about his car collection. He's a billionaire that feels unworthy of Harper and Harper can't figure out what he wants with her and tries to keep their relationship light. The get very hot and steamy and eventually work things out.
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wyldheartreads | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 20, 2019 |
Sebastian is billionaire, motivational speaker and media mogul, who finds artist Charlie and falls hard as this woman creates beauty out of junk. While he strives to help Charlie succeed and help her mother, he's in just as much need.
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wyldheartreads | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 20, 2019 |
Billionaire and the nanny. Both had rough and poor upbringings. When Matt hires Ari the sparks fly and the attraction can't be denied. They have things to work out, very tender, sweet love story.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
wyldheartreads | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 20, 2019 |
Cute romance

I thought this was an okay read. There wasn't a lot of real plot. It was mostly Will and Harper meet, instantly are attracted to each other, then she tries to resist him before giving in. There wasn't much drama, so if you're looking for more than a basic love story, this is not for you. I wanted more meat to the story. More challenges the characters had to face, more details about their lives. The romance scenes were okay, the first time they get together was pretty steamy. Not a bad book, just kind of plain.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
AlyP59 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Apr 25, 2019 |
The Maverick Billionaires series is off to an exciting start. Breathless In Love has all the things I look for as a reader of romance. Romance (of course), depth, excitement, moments that touch the heart, strong central characters and sexual chemistry. Will and Harper have each experienced life through the school of hard knocks. But they never give up and that is what makes Breathless In Love an explosive and endearing start to what looks to be an awesome series. Received an ARC of Breathless In Love (The Maverick Millionaire, #1) for an honest review.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Lashea677 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Feb 16, 2019 |
Reckless in Love is a true work of art. Sebastian is ambitious, haunted, wealthy and incredibly sexy. Even with all he has accomplished within his life he is still that broken little boy that believes himself to be unlovable and incapable of love. Charlie is all that Sebastian lacks. She has a big heart and is a gifted artist seeking a niche in a world full of beauty and emotional pitfalls. Sebastian sees in her what is lacking in himself and is instantly captivated. I fell for both characters and all of the idiosyncrasies that created the complex people that came through on every page. Individually Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully may seem different but with The Maverick Millionaire series have united and created something so special that it has to be read. I received an ARC of Reckless in Love in exchange for an honest review.
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Lashea677 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Feb 16, 2019 |
I have had the pleasure of following the Maverick Millionaires from the very beginning and have found every single story to be an inspiration. A celebration of the resilience of the human spirit. Fearless in Love examines the hurts, longing and obstacles of Matt and Ari. Matt has hard earned wealth, a beautiful little boy and years of mistrust and pain that have turned into a cynical human being. Ari has abandonment issues that leave her longing for the love of a lost family but despite the odds she has managed to remain an optimist. Myself, I couldn't have stayed as upbeat as Ari after foster care and losing my family. It taught her to look out for herself but It also helped her to appreciate the blessings she did have and it's unbelievable that her hope of one day finding happiness kept her pushing on. Fearless In Love has a message that is beautiful at the center of all the pain and longing. The power of love and hope can win out over some of the darkest obstacles.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Lashea677 | 3 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Feb 16, 2019 |
The beauty of The Maverick Billionaires series is that it not only entertains, but it inspires. The collaboration of Andre and Skully packs powerful messages of love and courage in tempting stories of alpha males and determined females. Wild in Love is Daniel's chance at a happy ending. Daniel is looking for the perfect girl. What he finds is a wounded soul that speaks to his heart, but is determined to keep her's closed off. Tasha had the perfect life, only to find it wasn't as perfect as she believed. Now a loner with a crack in her heart and the weight of the world on her shoulders, she sets about atoning for the sins of others, as she creates a new life for herself. Will the man who dreams of perfection, find his dream girl in the woman that's forgotten how to dream? In life there is no perfection. Happiness lies in being true to yourself. Powerful tale of redemption and second chances.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Lashea677 | Feb 16, 2019 |
ARC Review: Irresistible In Love (The Maverick Billionaires) by Bella Andre and Jennifer Skully

He's the keeper of her heart. The man she can't forget. She's the healer of his soul and his biggest regret. When his hope for the future implodes, she is his biggest supporter. There to give him hope. Evan and Paige have survived betrayal, alienation and heartbreak. Can their friendship withstand them falling in love? Irresistible In Love delivers twice the drama, twice temptation into one heartbreaking story of survival and second chances. Two authors come together to create a hauntingly sensual, breathtaking romance. 5 stars.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Lashea677 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Feb 16, 2019 |
This was a very good story. It is sadly a reality in many marriages. It gives a behind the scenes look into a dying marriage and the wife's struggle with having an affair. Lots of hot scenes as well.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Emmie217 | 4 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 27, 2018 |
Show and Tell
3 Stars

After catching her cheating husband in the act, Trinity Green decides to spend the night at a hotel and give herself the pleasure she has always been denied. Hearing the erotic sounds through the wall, Scott Sinclair is unable to resist knocking on her door. What ensues is a passion that neither Trinity nor Scott will ever be able to forget.

Not as good as book #1 but still an entertaining diversion.

Scott and Trinity's naughty scenes are certainly steamy but lack the emotional connection that made Connor and Faith's story so engaging.

Trinity rubbed me the wrong way in the first book and I never managed to warm up to her in this one. She comes across as self-centered and weak willed allowing everyone to walk all over her - grow a pair already!

Scot is smart, sexy and sensual and Trinity needs a slap upside the head for pushing him away.

Josie's book is next and I look forward to it but on a side note Show and Tell and the next installment Fair Game are completely overpriced. $14.99 for an ebook of 300 pages is excessive. Thankfully I got this one used at BetterWorldBooks and will hopefully get the next there as well.
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Lauren2013 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 24, 2018 |
Fair Game
3 Stars

Disappointing despite its potential.

Josie was very likable in the first two books, so I was surprised by how much she irked me in her own story. She comes across as cold and unemotional, refusing to admit both to Kyle and herself that she has feelings for him. Her constant need to be in control and to be victorious in their battle of wills is irritating.

Kyle, on the other hand, is sexy and sweet. His patience and willingness to sacrifice his own personal desires for Josie is incomprehensible as she doesn't seem to care one way or the other.

While I'm no stranger to erotica, BDSM does not really appeal to me. Josie and Kyle's sexual encounters are steamy and kinky without crossing the line into dominance and submission.

To sum up, the Fortune Hunter series is entertaining although the second and third installments do not measure up to the first.
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Lauren2013 | May 24, 2018 |