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Louise Hay (1926–2017)

Teoksen You Can Heal Your Life tekijä

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Louise L. Hay was born in Los Angeles, California on October 8, 1926. She was abused by her stepfather and raped by a neighbor. As a teenager, she dropped out of school and gave birth to a girl, her only child, whom she gave up for adoption. After living in Chicago for a time, she moved to New näytä lisää York, where she worked as a fashion model. In the mid-1950s, married English businessman Andrew Hay. When her marriage ended 14 years later, she started attending the First Church of Religious Science in Manhattan and began training in the ministerial program. Through her work as a Science of Mind minister, she compiled a reference guide detailing the mental causes of physical ailments and positive thought-provoking ways to cure them. The compilation, entitled Heal Your Body, is also known as The Little Blue Book. After moving back to her native Southern California in 1980, she wrote and published the book You Can Heal Your Life in 1984. Her other books included The Power Is Within You, Meditations to Heal Your Life, Empowering Women, and Life! Reflections on Your Journey. She also co-wrote You Can Heal Your Heart: Finding Peace After a Breakup, Divorce or Death with David Kessler. She founded Hay House, Inc., in 1984. Beginning as a small venture in the living room of her home, it became a multimillion-dollar company with an extensive line of products including books, CDs and online courses. She died on August 30, 2017 at the age of 90. (Bowker Author Biography) näytä vähemmän
Image credit: By Heiko Antoni - Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0, https://commons.wikimedia.org/w/index.php?curid=4101475

Tekijän teokset

You Can Heal Your Life (1984) — Tekijä — 2,787 kappaletta
Heal Your Body (1976) 738 kappaletta
The Power Is Within You (1991) 408 kappaletta
Meditations to Heal Your Life (1994) 132 kappaletta
I Can Do It (2004) 96 kappaletta
Gratitude: A Way of Life (1996) 94 kappaletta
Love Your Body (1990) 64 kappaletta
Life! (1995) 63 kappaletta
Everyday Positive Thinking (2004) 50 kappaletta
Power Thoughts (2005) 38 kappaletta
101 Power Thoughts (1994) 23 kappaletta
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I Love My Body (1985) 15 kappaletta
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21 Days to Master Affirmations (2011) 9 kappaletta
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How to Love Yourself (2005) 8 kappaletta
Die Kraft einer Frau (1999) 8 kappaletta
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Merkitty avainsanalla




Wat een Amerikaans (USA) gezwets.
Het boek richt zich op de ontspoorde persoon die voor de spiegel gaat reutelen om zichzelf weer waardevol en uniek te genezen. Zoals het ook blijkbaar onvermijdelijk is in de American dream, wordt er ook naar God gericht gesproken om zichzelf weer te helen en dankbaar te zijn voor alles wat zich voordoet. Er staan ook voorgekauwde teksten in die je hardop kan lezen om jezelf weer op te peppen. Ik vraag me af wie zo naief, of wanhopig is om zich zo te laten leiden. Je moet al behoorlijk wereldvreemd zijn, om hierin meegesleurd te willen worden.
Bovendien staat het boek vol van amateuristische pubertekeningen die ontzettend storen bij het lezen.
Ik zit momenteel diep door omstandigheden maar dit soort boek helpt me absoluut niet, integendeel er is beter materiaal om zich aan op te trekken.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
jwi61 | 34 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Feb 6, 2024 |
I was of course attracted to this book because I thought that the wonderful Louise Hay was at least one of the authors.

But I have to say that Louise Hay did not write this book. Robert Holden did. Louise and Robert did spend nine days together: all their conversations were recorded; they had regular calls on Skype. But Robert actually wrote the book.

Robert explains that the book explores your relationship with the world, whatever that really means. “It asks deep questions about the nature of reality.”

He declares: “Everything is part of everything. Each of us is part of a greater Unity, We have a relationship with the stars, with each other, with all of creation.”

The world is not just a physical place; it is also a state of mind.

Louise and Robert believe that the basic building block of creation is not the atom – it is love.

We are all an expression of this love. It is our true nature.

There are seven chapters, and each chapter ends with a spiritual practice. There are also a number of other exercises, which Robert exhorts us not to skip.

We are told about when Louise and Robert are having a festive lunch on Thanksgiving Day, how a little boy, Elliot, 18 months old keeps walking over to a large mirror and kisses his reflection.

Louise says we can all be like this child by doing mirror work, which helps us to love ourselves again.

When you love yourself, you see that life loves you too.

Louise taught Robert mirror work. It is a series of exercises you do in front of a mirror.

Robert tells us about his family – his wife, Hollie, his daughter, Bo, four years old, and his son Christopher, who is nearly six months old.

We hear about Louise’s childhood, when she was abused. We are also told about Robert’s childhood; his mother suffered from depression and his Dad had a drinking problem, and eventually left home and lived on the street.

The basic truth about everyone is “I am loveable”. Love is your true nature. The basic fear is “I am not loveable”.

When Louise kept on doing mirror work, little miracles began to occur, such as green lights and parking spots, when driving. She was in the rhythm of life. She was easier on herself and life was getting easier.

Louise taught Robert mirror work. It is a series of exercises you do in front of a mirror. These include meditations, affirmations, and inquiries that are featured in her Heal Your Life programme.

Robert calls the main concept behind mirror work “The Mirror Principle”.

The Mirror Principle teaches that your relationship with yourself is mirrored in your relationship with everyone and everything.

The Mirror Principle is the key to self-love and also to letting life love you.

“The less you love yourself, the harder you make it for others to love you. The more you love yourself, the more you recognize how loved you are.”

Robert quotes from A Course in Miracles: “Therefore, seek not to change the world but choose to change your mind about the world.”

The most difficult words for Louise to say were “I love you, Louise”. But she stuck with her mirror work and it transformed her life.

She tried a little exercise. She looked in the mirror and said I am beautiful and everybody loves me”. At first she didn’t believe it, of course, but it soon felt easier. Wherever she went he said to herself “I am beautiful and everybody loves me”. Everyone became so kind to her.

The real purpose of mirror work is to stop judging yourself and see who you really are. You get to see beautiful YOU in full awareness, without judging, criticizing, or comparing.

Louise says “When you judge, you see flaws. When you love, you see your essence.”

Mirror work taught Louise to love herself. It accelerated her healing process when she had vaginal cancer.

When you are willing to love yourself more, every area of your life works out better.

“Love yourself as much as you can and all of life will mirror this back to you.”

We are given the first spiritual practice, for which we need a mirror. Sit comfortably. Look into the mirror. Inhale deeply. Say to yourself “Life loves you” or “Life loves me” and then exhale.

Notice your response. Repeat this ten times.

Note your sensations (body messages), feelings (heart thoughts) and thoughts (mental commentary).

Don’t try to be positive. Be honest.

“Life loves you” is about unconditional love.

After ten rounds of saying “Life loves you”, look in the mirror and say “I am willing to let life love me today”.

It’s important to take this mirror work lightly and be playful. Instead, it should be called “Mirror Play”.

Do this every day for seven consecutive days.

The real goal of this first spiritual practice is to help you align yourself with the basic truth “I am loveable”. When you feel loveable, you experience a world that loves you. Remember, the world is a mirror.

"When you let life love you, you feel loveable; and when you feel loveable, you let life love you.”

This is not about making yourself loveable, you already are loveble. It is not about imprroving yourself, it is about accepting yourself. It is not about changing yourself, it is about changing your mind about yourself.

Louise tells Robert “If you don’t know how to change your mind, you can’t change your experience. She says ”I don’t change anyone’s life. Only you can change your own life.”

The world isn’t against us. The truth is that we are all loveable and life loves us.

She says “You have to change your relationship to your mind” (I don’t really understand that) “by remembering that you are the thinker of your thoughts”.

We change our thoughts by making affirmations in front of the mirror.

Every thought you think and every word you say is an affirmation. The moment you say affirmations you are stepping out of the victim role.

Louise lived her affirmations. She didn’t just do ten minutes of affirmations in the morning and then got on with her day. She had affirmations placed around her home.

From what I have indicated so far, you will realize that this is a wonderful book. It is.

Remember, love is our true nature. Love is our soul’s purpose. We are here to choose love over fear. This is our gift to ourselves and to each other.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
IonaS | Dec 2, 2023 |
Oh, where do I even begin with this book? "You Can Heal Your Life" by Louise Hay is, in my humble opinion, an utterly unscientific, shaming, and absurd piece of writing. Frankly, I can't help but worry about the harm it might cause to anyone who takes its claims seriously.

Assigning blame for a condition that no one knowingly chooses to experience is absurd. Not only does this dump a heaping helping of guilt onto someone who's already suffering, but it could also lead to destructive family dynamics that are far from helpful.

If you're sick, particularly with a life-threatening illness, get evidence-based treatment! I'm horrified to think about the potential loss of life caused by Louise Hay's followers' refusal to seek medical attention.

Of course, there's nothing wrong with having hope and maintaining a positive attitude, but let's get real—it won't magically cure cancer. A cheerful outlook may enhance the effectiveness of cancer treatment, but it is not a panacea.

Could we also talk about how Louise Hay believes that people are to blame for their own ill health and misfortunes? This notion is absurd on top of being ridiculous.

Overall, I think this book is offensive and harmful, especially for those who are vulnerable and easily influenced. I wouldn't suggest it to anyone looking for serious guidance or insight.
… (lisätietoja)
1 ääni
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Elizabeth_Cooper | 34 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Oct 27, 2023 |
The time is right for me and this book. I've already started re-reading it. Some dicey stuff at the end, but on the whole practical ideas that work for me.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
rebwaring | 34 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 14, 2023 |


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