
Barb Han

Teoksen Cowboy Reckoning tekijä

82 teosta 481 jäsentä 35 arvostelua


Tekijän teokset

Cowboy Reckoning (2020) 28 kappaletta
Rancher Rescue (2014) 17 kappaletta
Texas Cowboy's Protection (2019) 17 kappaletta
The Billionaire Bargain (2013) 17 kappaletta
Caught in the Crosshair (2013) 14 kappaletta
Seducing Avery (2012) 12 kappaletta
Texas Prey (Mason Ridge) (2015) 12 kappaletta
Texas Grit (Crisis: Cattle Barge) (2018) 11 kappaletta
Rancher to the Rescue (2021) 11 kappaletta
Texas-Sized Trouble (2017) 11 kappaletta
Decoding a Criminal (2021) 11 kappaletta
Texas Takedown (Mason Ridge) (2015) 10 kappaletta
Texan's Baby (Mason Ridge) (2016) 9 kappaletta
Texas Kidnapping (2020) 7 kappaletta
Newlywed Assignment (2022) 7 kappaletta
Texas Showdown (2017) 7 kappaletta
Mission Honeymoon (2022) 6 kappaletta
Texas Witness (2012) 6 kappaletta
Undercover Couple (2022) 6 kappaletta
Texas Stalker (2021) 5 kappaletta
Texas Abduction (2021) 5 kappaletta
Eyewitness Man and Wife (2022) 5 kappaletta
Vaughn (2023) 5 kappaletta
Texas Law (2020) 5 kappaletta
Holiday Gift Box (2023) 4 kappaletta
Texas Target (2020) 4 kappaletta
Texas Baby Conspiracy (2021) 3 kappaletta
Selected (2020) 3 kappaletta
Murder and Mistletoe [and] Delta Force Defender (2018) — Tekijä — 2 kappaletta
Texas Cowboy's Honor (2019) 2 kappaletta
Blood on Copperhead Trail [and] Rancher Rescue (2014) — Tekijä — 1 kappale
Lone Star Threat 1 kappale
Texas Cowboy Justice (2019) 1 kappale

Merkitty avainsanalla


Chicago, Illinois, USA
Texas, USA
Jill Marsal



This was a very cute quick read. I picked this one up thinking that it would be like other books that I have read, where the "bachelor" needs a woman to pretend to be his wife/fiance, but it was vastly different.

The main characters were ex lovers that had split ways after Rae snuck out of Daegen's Villa without a goodbye 3 years prior. Now Rae is back with a big favor to ask. She is on the verge of loosing her job and everything that she has worked for all from trying to save the life of a father that handed her over to child services when she was 6.

Daegen seems to have a hard shell, but we quickly see his compassionate side and how much he really loves Rae. With her father's health on the line and her heart and body aching to give in to Daegen, what exactly will Rae do? Let me just say that if you are looking for a happy ending you will not be disappointed!
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
chaoticmel | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 18, 2024 |
Good story, though the suspense is lacking in intensity. Raelynn is a singer who left her concert tour because of a stalker. She's been laying low, mostly camping, trying to stay safe. Sean works for a security company that was hired to find her. Just as he spots her, he notices someone else who is focused on her - someone with a gun. Sean saves her from the shooter and takes her back to headquarters with him. He believes that he may have led the stalker to her.

Once back at headquarters, they talk to the owner, Mitch. He reveals that Raelynn may be his daughter and that someone could be using her to get to him. This information shocked Raelynn, who grew up believing she was an orphan. They get to work trying to find out who hired Mitch to find her and if they are linked to her stalker. Sean and Raelynn investigate people she knows who could have a motive for her death. I had my suspicions early about who was behind the attacks and looked forward to seeing if I was right. The buildup to the final confrontation lacked intensity, but the confrontation itself was well done.

Another theme of the book is whether Mitch is Raelynn's father. I liked that Mitch was upset that he never knew he might be a father and was determined to find out the truth. Raelynn is warier. Her childhood was so terrible that she cut herself off from forming relationships with anyone. But as the book progresses and she gets to know Mitch, she becomes more interested in knowing the truth.

I enjoyed seeing the development of the relationship between Sean and Raelynn. Neither believes they are relationship material, but neither can deny their immediate connection. Sean carries a heavy load of guilt from his time in the military that holds him back from believing he is worthy of love. I liked seeing him and Raelynn get to know each other and discover that together, they feel whole. The ending was emotional and sweet, and I enjoyed the epilogue.

Sean is one of the siblings from Cider Creek, and his plans to return to the ranch are mentioned at the beginning. He gets waylaid by the case with Raelynn. I was disappointed that his trip back to the ranch was only mentioned in passing when the series thus far has made such a big deal of them all returning to the ranch.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
scoutmomskf | Feb 16, 2024 |
Terrific book that intrigued me from the first chapter to the end. An over-protective single father raised Emerson. After his death, she discovered that her real mother was not who she thought she was. Determined to find the truth, she heads to Cider Creek and starts asking questions. This puts her in the crosshairs of someone who doesn't want her to know. When the first man she questioned became aggressive and uncooperative, a stranger stepped in to help.

Rory has returned to Cider Creek for the first time in thirteen years. He left right after his high school graduation, along with his pregnant girlfriend. His unpleasant and controlling grandfather made staying impossible. Since then, he built a successful business and is raising his twelve-year-old daughter on his own. He has never told his family about Liv and is nervous about doing so. When he stops at the convenience store for snacks, he's astounded to witness the rudeness that the woman experienced and steps in to help.

This begins a roller coaster ride of suspense and emotion. Emerson's questions have stirred up a hornet's nest. She is run off the road and rescued by Rory. Her damaged car was broken into at the garage, where it was taken for repairs. Attacks increase in intensity as Emerson gets closer to the answers she seeks. The final confrontation had a twist that kept me glued to the pages until it was over.

Emerson and Rory's relationship developed quickly. Rory's protectiveness was aroused immediately, quickly followed by unexpected sparks of attraction. Meanwhile, Emerson feels those same sparks and a deep appreciation for his help. Over the next few days, Rory doesn't let Emerson out of his sight, preferring to watch over her himself. I liked the trust that quickly built between them. With Rory, Emerson shared her hurt, anger, and betrayal over her father's actions. Rory used Emerson as a sounding board to help him solve his dilemma of looking for his ex-wife. Neither expects to fall as hard and fast as they do. I liked the ending.

I liked Rory's daughter, Liv. At almost thirteen, she's entering the volatile teen years. The author did a great job of making her realistic - not too sweet and not too dramatic, just a typical mix of the two. She clearly loved Rory, even when she was rolling her eyes at him. I liked how well she and Emerson connected.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
scoutmomskf | Dec 27, 2023 |
Good start to the series, with a nice mix of romance and suspense. The story opens as Payton barely escapes from a serial killer. She's kicking herself for not trusting the instincts that warned her against trusting the softspoken man who offered help with her groceries. She's left Austin for Cider Creek and the house her aunt left her, looking for somewhere to keep a low profile until the police catch the killer. With her is Atlas, her newly adopted dog, who doesn't like men.

Callum has been called back to the family ranch by his mother and grandmother. He and his five siblings left the ranch behind because of issues with their grandfather. Now that he's gone, his mother wants them all back on the ranch, but they all have their own lives and businesses. Callum is the oldest and is tasked with finding out what is happening. He plans to stay a couple of weeks and then leave again. Then, he meets the lovely lady in the house across the road.

I loved seeing Callum scurry over to Payton's place with a batch of his grandmother's muffins, mainly to escape being interrogated by his mother. It was an interesting first meeting with Atlas trying to attack him, then Callum rescuing Atlas after a wild hog attacks him. When Callum hears what Payton has been through, his protective instincts are aroused. I liked how he and his mom and grandmother insisted she stay with them. Protectiveness isn't all that Callum experiences with Payton. He's never felt such an instant connection with another woman and is wary of risking his heart after a previous betrayal. Payton feels the same intense attraction but also has trust issues, thanks to her parents' volatile relationship. But the more time they spend together, the easier for them to believe they have something special.

Callum is determined to protect Payton and accompanies her back to Austin for a meeting with the police, only to discover that it was a trick from the killer. I was glued to the pages as Callum and Payton put their heads together to investigate who the killer could be. Their methods made a lot of sense, and they had a good chance of success. The intensity ramped up thanks to a strange encounter and new information. The final confrontation had a twist I didn't expect, and I loved Callum's handling of it.

A secondary mystery involving threats and vandalism at the ranch is ongoing. This is part of why Callum's mom wants her family back at the ranch. I liked seeing Callum reordering his priorities and finding a way to have the best of both worlds. I liked the ending and seeing him and Payton moving forward together. I'm looking forward to the rest of the series, seeing his siblings' stories, and following what is happening with the ranch.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
scoutmomskf | Dec 2, 2023 |

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