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Moto Hagio

Teoksen A Drunken Dream and Other Stories tekijä

136+ teosta 945 jäsentä 30 arvostelua 7 Favorited

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Sisältää nimet: Moto Hagio, 萩尾 望都, ?尾 望都

Image credit: Moto Hagio(by Actionist, 2008)


Tekijän teokset

A Drunken Dream and Other Stories (2010) 175 kappaletta
The Heart of Thomas (1974) 152 kappaletta
A, A′ (1997) 91 kappaletta
Otherworld Barbara, Omnibus 1 (2016) 80 kappaletta
The Poe Clan Vol. 1 (2019) 57 kappaletta
Otherworld Barbara, Omnibus 2 (2017) 51 kappaletta
The Poe Clan Vol. 2 (2007) 24 kappaletta
They Were Eleven! (1976) 17 kappaletta
Lil' Leo (2021) 13 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 1 (1993) 11 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Bunko 1 (2004) 8 kappaletta
Marginal, Volume 2 (1987) 7 kappaletta
Marginal, Volume 1 (1985) 7 kappaletta
SF Artworks (2016) 7 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 2 (1993) 7 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 3 (1994) 7 kappaletta
Hanshin (1996) 6 kappaletta
Marginal, Volume 3 (1987) 6 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 4 (1994) 6 kappaletta
Moto Hagio Anthology (2013) 5 kappaletta
¿quién es el 11º pasajero? (2016) 5 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 6 (1995) 5 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 7 (1996) 4 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 8 (1996) 4 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 11 (1998) 4 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 9 (1997) 4 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 5 (1995) — Tekijä — 4 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 10 (1997) 4 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 12 (1998) 4 kappaletta
R is for Rocket (1984) 4 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 15 (2000) 4 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 14 (1999) 4 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 16 (2001) 3 kappaletta
The November Gymnasium (1976) 3 kappaletta
Marginal, Volume 5 (1987) 3 kappaletta
Marginal, Volume 4 (1987) 3 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 13 (1999) 3 kappaletta
Catarsis (2018) 3 kappaletta
Abunazaka Hotel (2008) 3 kappaletta
Otherworld Barbara, Volume 3 (2004) 3 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Volume 17 (2001) 3 kappaletta
Osorubeki Kodomotachi (1997) 3 kappaletta
Visitor (1995) 3 kappaletta
Away, Volume 1 (2014) 2 kappaletta
Otherworld Barbara, Volume 1 (2003) 2 kappaletta
The Poe Clan, Volume 2 (1977) 2 kappaletta
Il cuore di Thomas (2019) 2 kappaletta
A Cruel God Reigns, Bunko 3 (2004) 2 kappaletta
The Heart of Thomas, Volume 1 (2007) 2 kappaletta
The Heart of Thomas, Volume 2 (2007) 2 kappaletta
The Poe Clan, Volume 4 (1978) 2 kappaletta
The Poe Clan, Volume 3 (1978) 2 kappaletta
Otherworld Barbara, Volume 4 (2006) 2 kappaletta
Hagio Moto Works, Volume 13 (1978) 2 kappaletta
Kanzen Hanzai (1988) 1 kappale
Aria of the Sea, Volume 1 (1990) 1 kappale
A Cruel God Reigns, Bunko 9 (2005) 1 kappale
A Cruel God Reigns (2012) 1 kappale
Queen Margot, Volume 1 (2013) 1 kappale
Mesh, Volume 2 (2007) 1 kappale
Mesh, Volume 1 (2007) 1 kappale
Star Red (2008) 1 kappale
A Cruel God Reigns, Bunko 8 (2005) 1 kappale
Anywhere But Here (2006) 1 kappale
A Cruel God Reigns, Bunko 7 (2004) 1 kappale
A Cruel God Reigns, Bunko 6 (2004) 1 kappale
A Cruel God Reigns, Bunko 5 (2004) 1 kappale
A Cruel God Reigns, Bunko 4 (2004) 1 kappale
Mosaic Rasen (1998) 1 kappale
Silver Triangle (1994) 1 kappale
This Girl Urimasu! (1975) 1 kappale
A Cruel God Reigns, Bunko 2 (2004) 1 kappale
Poe no Ichizoku 1 (1977) 1 kappale
They were Eleven #4 (1996) 1 kappale
They were Eleven #3 (1996) 1 kappale
They were Eleven #2 (1996) 1 kappale
El clan de los Poe, vol. 2 (2021) 1 kappale
El clan de los Poe, vol. 1 (2020) 1 kappale
Iguana no Musume 1 kappale
Barbara: 1 (2020) 1 kappale

Associated Works

Four Shōjo Stories (1996) — Avustaja — 56 kappaletta
The Comics Journal #269 (2005) — Avustaja — 13 kappaletta
Kiss XXXX, Volume 2 (2009) — 解説, eräät painokset1 kappale

Merkitty avainsanalla




I read volume 1 of Otherworld Barbara back in December 2017... I got to the second and final volume exactly six years later!

This is definitely to the book's detriment. Otherworld Barbara is one long, complicated story, about a girl dreaming of an imaginary island in the future, scientists studying life on Mars, adoptees and surrogates swapped with one another, cannibalism, people who dive into dreams, research into immortality, the coming of a genocide, and much more, and all I had to go on was a couple recap pages in the front and my vague memories of the first book. If I was smart, I would have read this right after volume 1!

Still, I enjoyed this a lot, even when I wasn't totally sure what was happening. There's a lot of cool science fiction concepts here, and Hagio actually manages to pull them all together in a coherent way. On top of that, this book shows her mastery of the grammar and rhythm of the comics form, with some really emotional beats forming around the reveals here. I particularly liked the stuff about fatherhood, and the twists at the end are surprisingly good. Maybe someday I should reread the whole story in one go and then actually understand it.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Stevil2001 | 1 muu arvostelu | Jan 27, 2024 |
If you'd asked me to imagine the book that invented the shounen-ai genre, I never could have imagined The Heart of Thomas. This beautifully drawn story of love and loss in a German boarding school is hauntingly dark and compulsively readable.

The story is melodramatic, but the characters have a gritty reality, and their suffering never feels romanticized or fan service-y. Instead, The Heart of Thomas convincingly portrays adolescent experiences of isolation, attraction, and identity and tells a poignant story of surviving trauma. Yes, there are cute boys kissing, but that is decidedly not the point.

Writers of contemporary LGBT fiction for young adults should definitely look back to this classic.
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
raschneid | 6 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 19, 2023 |
Moto Hagio is one of the godmothers of shojo manga, and this collection of short comics shattered many of my preconceptions about the genre.

The stories in this collection are exquisitely drawn and psychologically complex. They share a tendency toward powerful, almost melodramatic emotion that reminds me of modern YA fiction, but heck, I like that aesthetic. I would have loved Moto Hagio unreservedly when I was a teenager myself. A few of the stories just knock it out of the park in terms of craft and psychological acuteness - "Hanshin Half-God" and "Iguana Girl" are two of the best short comics I've read.

Dear Fantagraphics, please publish more shojo manga from the 70s and 80s!
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
raschneid | 8 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 19, 2023 |
Surreal, wistful short-stories, often with fantasy/sci-fi & romance elements.

This is a really fascinating selection of work by pioneering cartoonist Moto Hagio, from the mid-70s (only a few years after her career began) to the present day. Her work was always aimed at girls, and when she started it was unusual for women to be creating comics.

The stories are refreshingly creative, and often really funny. There are some recurring themes (isolation, lost love, conflicted siblings, absent (for some reason) family members...), although the plots and setting are incredibly diverse. I believe that Hagio is more famous in Japan for her longer serials; based on the shorter stories here, I'm going to look our for them.

There's a long interview with Hagio from The Comics Journal included in this volume. In TCJ I often find these interviews a little too long, but really enjoyed this one in this context. It really added a lot to the enjoyment of the book, and had some fascinating insights into Hagio's work. Read it before, or (as I did) after - but skip it at your peril!
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
thisisstephenbetts | 8 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 25, 2023 |



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