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Tommy Greenwald

Teoksen Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Not Reading tekijä

39 teosta 1,729 jäsentä 51 arvostelua

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Sisältää nimen: Tommy Greenwald


Tekijän teokset

Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Not Reading (2011) 413 kappaletta, 26 arvostelua
My Dog is Better Than Your Dog (2015) 259 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
It's a Doggy Dog World (2016) 193 kappaletta
Game Changer (2018) 179 kappaletta, 8 arvostelua
Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Extra Credit (2009) 103 kappaletta, 3 arvostelua
Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Summer Vacation (2010) 92 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Jack Strong Takes a Stand (2013) 76 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Dog Day After School (2017) 48 kappaletta
A Zombie Ate My Homework (2019) 41 kappaletta
Rivals (2021) 37 kappaletta
Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Planet Girl (2015) 35 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Dinged: (A Game Changer companion novel) (2022) 24 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Charlie Joe Jackson's Guide to Not Growing Up (2016) 23 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu

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It’s that nice bridge between picture book and chapter book. The story is easy to follow, and the illustrations are fun. Kids will get excited by the antics the characters get into. This is a book number 2, but it can be read in any order.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
LibrarianRyan | Jun 25, 2024 |
Tommy Greenwald’s new book Charlie Joe Jackson’s Guide to NOT Reading is a perfect book for the non-reader or reluctant reader in your life! Charlie Joe has made it all the way to Middle School without ever, EVER, reading a book cover to cover. It hasn’t been easy, but he has come up with an arrangement that has carried him this far successfully… until now. When his teachers discover what he’s been up to, will Charlie Joe be able to keep up his track record?
In this hilarious book, Charlie Joe speaks directly to you, reader, and as he relates his own story, he shares tips and tactics to help you avoid reading at all costs. Middle School boys (and girls!) will appreciate the many references to modern tween pop-culture, such as facebook, texting, and X-Box, among others. “Exclusive Non-Reading Tips” are sprinkled throughout, offering advice such as “IF YOU HAVE TO READ A BOOK, MAKE SURE IT HAS SHORT CHAPTERS” and “NOT ALL BOOKS ARE BAD (exceptions: comic books, yearbooks, checkbooks, Facebook).” Along with these interspersed lists of tips, short chapters and simple illustrations help keep book moving at a quick pace.
The surprise ending brings the story full circle, and readers who picked up what they thought would be a guide to NOT reading will discover that they have, in fact, just finished (and enjoyed!) an entire book! Laugh-out-loud funny, clever, and relevant, I believe Tommy Greenwald has written a book that will appeal to kids of all reading tastes. After all, I love books more than anything, and even I appreciated the fun and humor of Charlie Joe’s tale! ~KSD
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
kdegour23 | 25 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 29, 2024 |
K-Gr 2—This heartwarming transitional book follows Moose, who has one eye, and Bear, who has three legs, two
shelter dogs who befriend each other while waiting for a new home. With cozy illustrations, this tale will charm
readers and show them all about acceptance and seeing differences as strengths
Merkitty asiattomaksi
BackstoryBooks | 1 muu arvostelu | Apr 1, 2024 |
"Moose lived in a big building.
He had lived there for a very long time.
Moose had one eye.
He had two toys.
But he did not have any visitors."

If you're not immediately hooked by this beginning, I don't know what to tell you! Moose is joined by Bear (who has three legs and a ball, but also no visitors). They become friends and are adopted together by a brown-skinned woman who has "always wanted two dogs." Cathy also takes in the cat, Tiger, that Bear and Moose find on the other side of the fence.

As warm as a hug, perfect for animal lovers.

See also: The Kitten Story by Emily Jenkins
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
JennyArch | 1 muu arvostelu | Jan 24, 2024 |



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