
Scott Forbes (1)Kirja-arvosteluja

Teoksen Weather (Pathfinders) tekijä

Katso täsmennyssivulta muut tekijät, joiden nimi on Scott Forbes.

5 teosta 58 jäsentä 2 arvostelua


A very difficult book to start -- the first chapter is almost entirely about young birds being killed or left to die by their parents and siblings. And I think it genuinely ignores the benefits that come from cooperation -- the cooperation which, after all, has made human beings the dominant species on the planet. But if you can make it past the early chapters, and are willing to think mathematically, the reward is very great. The insight into evolutionary biology, reproductive strategies, and survival payoff is well worth the suffering caused by the early chapters.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
waltzmn | 1 muu arvostelu | Oct 12, 2011 |
Discusses competition within families (birds, animals, human,...), starting
from conception. Will destroy your faith in "Mother" nature.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
cgodsil | 1 muu arvostelu | Oct 17, 2009 |