
Geoffrey Dutton (1922–1998)

Teoksen The Australian Collection: Australia's Greatest Books tekijä

90+ teosta 631 jäsentä 10 arvostelua

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Sisältää nimen: Geoffrey Dutton

Tekijän teokset

The Australian Collection: Australia's Greatest Books (1985) 65 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
The literature of Australia (1964) 54 kappaletta
Colonel William Light : founder of a city (1960) 37 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Russell Drysdale (1964) 31 kappaletta
The Hero as Murderer (1967) 22 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The squatters (1985) 18 kappaletta
Country life in old Australia (1982) 16 kappaletta
Republican Australia? (1977) 15 kappaletta
Kenneth Slessor : a biography (1988) 13 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
City life in old Australia (1984) 12 kappaletta
Out in the Open: An Autobiography (1994) 11 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Walt Whitman (1961) 11 kappaletta
Australia's censorship crisis (1970) 11 kappaletta
Patrick White (1971) 9 kappaletta
Sir Henry, Bjelke, Don baby and friends (1971) — Toimittaja — 8 kappaletta
Tamara (1970) 7 kappaletta
Kanga Creek: Havelock Ellis in Australia (Picador) (1989) 7 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Patterns of Australia (1980) 7 kappaletta
S.T. Gill's Australia (1981) 7 kappaletta
Andy (1968) 6 kappaletta
New and selected poems (1993) 6 kappaletta
Artists' portraits (1992) 5 kappaletta
In search of Edward John Eyre (1982) 5 kappaletta
Flying low : a novel (1992) 4 kappaletta
Impressions of Singapore (1981) 4 kappaletta
Prowler (1982) 3 kappaletta
The wedge-tailed eagle: Stories (1980) 3 kappaletta
On My Island 3 kappaletta
Modern Australian Writing (1966) 2 kappaletta
States of the Union 2 kappaletta
Seal Bay (1966) 2 kappaletta
The eye opener (1982) 2 kappaletta
Book of Australian Islands (1986) 1 kappale
The Beach 1 kappale
Africa in Black and White (1956) 1 kappale
Selective Affinities (1985) 1 kappale
A body of words (1977) 1 kappale
Paintings of S T Gill (1962) 1 kappale
Night fishing 1 kappale

Associated Works

Bratsk Station and Other New Poems (1966) — Kääntäjä, eräät painokset109 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla




A soft five stars. What a find - in a small country town at a charity book stall for a mere $5! Geoffrey Dutton's book is a journey through 100 great books of Australia's first 200 years under white rule, avoiding poetry, plays, and for the most part short stories - but including anything prose-based, including history and journals.

It's a delicate five stars because a) the book is inevitably dated after 35 years, and b) no-one is going to agree with all of the options. Unfortunately, those 35 years mean an awful lot when it comes to multicultural and gender representative literature. At the same time, Dutton was always of the "new school of thought" and he proactively notes that about a third of the books included deal directly with Australia's Indigenous population or their history.

Nevertheless, with those caveats aside, this is sublime. Each book is given a generous discussion as well as a short excerpt and a biography of the author. Dutton reaches back to the very first settlers, examining the more moral men and women who - unfortunately - were not always heard by those in power during our country's complicated past. He restricts himself to one book per author which, although it means some tough decisions with authors like Thea Astley and Patrick White, allows him to run through a wide spectrum. Importantly, this is a luxurious read, happy to delve into all sorts of areas of the public consciousness, and it reminds me how, even as someone with a university education in literature, my knowledge of my own country's literature is average at best. A worthy find.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
therebelprince | 1 muu arvostelu | Apr 21, 2024 |
Geoffrey Dutton was a legend. This is a beautiful collection of colour and black-and-white plates of the depiction of Aboriginal Australians by Europeans in art, ranging from the first settlers and French explorers, through Tom Roberts, Arthur Boyd, and propaganda cartoons, to works contemporary to the book's publication in the 1970s.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
therebelprince | Apr 21, 2024 |
Dutton & wife drove 100,000 miles through 45 countries in in 1950s this Vol. 3
Merkitty asiattomaksi
FawknerMotoring | Jul 17, 2021 |
Merkitty asiattomaksi
FawknerMotoring | Jul 17, 2021 |


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