

Teoksen Freddy the Frogcaster tekijä

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This entertaining book is about a frog named Freddy. He loves the weather, and he's very good at forecasting. Freddy has his own weather station in his backyard. Freddy is a reliable weather source for his community. He takes forecasting the weather seriously. This cute informative book shows the importance of meteorology and meteorologists. This book emphasizes that forecasting the weather is more than just being on TV, and it takes meteorological knowledge to forecast the weather. Also, this book emphasizes that people rely on weather forecasts. This book introduces weather vocabulary along with the importance of meteorologists and the tools needed to forecast the weather. In the back of the book, a list of important meteorological vocabulary words are provided. I found this book to be both entertaining and informational. Although the cover says it is for 2nd graders, I feel this book would be great for ages 8-10.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
MrsGlass | Jun 24, 2021 |
Unfortunately, there are thousands of children in the US and surrounding Carribean areas that have been dealing with horrific disasters from Hurricane Harvey and Hurrican Irma. I can't even fathom how the families are dealing with going home to nothing. Seeing the Florida Keys on the news this week just broke my heart. Janice Dean, a senior meteorologist at Fox News Channel, has created Freddy the Frogcaster and a series of books dealing with weather issues including FREDDY THE FROGCASTER AND THE HUGE HURRICANE as well as others. Maybe your children are watching the news and scared by the severity of the disasters, this series of books may be a way to explain to them what is happening and how to be prepared if a blizzard, tornado, flash flood, or hurricane comes to your area.

Freddy loves frogcasting the weather. His fellow frogcasters, Sally Croaker and Polly Woggins (awesome character names) love talking weather with Freddy. After a drought, Freddy noticed a storm was heading their way. He was worried that the ground was too dry to soak up all the rain and warned their listeners in Lilypad to prepare for flooding. But, the storm went North and Freddy's frogcast was wrong. Will the residents of Lilypad believe him the next time he warns of a flash flood?

Freddy received much ridicule and teasing after warning about the flood the first time. Much like many of us have done to our own meteorologists. Even though Freddy and his fellow frogcasters know he did the best he could with the information he had, Freddy still worries that residents won't listen when a new storm is coming with even more rain. As residents deal with flooding, the frogcasters are there to report and make sure everyone is safe.

After the story, Dean takes parents and readers through the basics of what is a flood, what the different warnings mean, and how to prepare if a flood or flash flood happens in your area.

Russ Cox has created some really adorable characters in these Freddy books. Even though what happens in the story is scary, he portrays the scenes in a way that kids can understand the danger. He shows homes and cars in the flood, but not people. He shows through his illustrations that flooding can be dangerous and it is important to listen to the weather alerts.

I think these would be great for home or school lessons about the weather. I haven't read the other Freddy books, but if I had young children, I would totally be buying all of them.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Staciele | Sep 13, 2017 |
Once again we are back in Lily Pad with Freddy the Frogcaster, and this time dangerous weather in the form of strong storms and a possible tornado are headed towards them and their fellow frogs.
This story really hit home when our family was faced with a funnel cloud last year, when Daddy looked out and saw a twister, we were herded to the cellar and our eight year old is still frightened. Lucky for us it didn’t funnel down on us, but hit a deserted area near us, now we live in Upstate NY and tornados rarely hit our area. That being said I lived 2 hours east of here as a child and one went through out back yard.
What delightful book this is, and we are reunited with dear frog friends, and our local radio station Frog News Network! Freddy is about to take a more active role in this book, and when Tad Polar invites Freddy to ride in his armored vehicle, storm truck, his parents reluctantly give permission.
We follow Teddy and Tad as the skies darken, and pretty soon Tad shouts “Holy croaks, folks, that’s a tornado!” This book brings weather alive and our friends are right in the middle of it.
The back of the book is full of interesting facts and weather tidbits. There is even an EF scale, and what you should do during a warning. I asked if they had preparedness at school, and they said “no”, I hope to bring this to the schools attention!
A book every parent should have and share with their youngsters, making weather fun and interesting.
I received this book from the Publisher Regnery Kids, and was not required to give a positive review
Merkitty asiattomaksi
alekee | May 2, 2016 |
My boys are huge fans of Freddy and were delighted when I showed them I had a new book. My youngest just finished second grade and couldn’t wait to put his hands on this book, and the oldest just finished fourth grade, he loves frogs and the cover looked like it had been made just for him.
Freddy is now on summer vacation and now has more time to spend at the Frog News Network, and watch as Hurricane Andrea heads toward the Lilypad. We meet Mr. Flyswatter, he owns the local hardware store, and he reports that he is out of plywood and flashlights. We have Polly Woggins reporting on the scene, and we buckle down as the hurricane heads toward them.
What a great storyteller Janice Dean is, her use of comical names for the characters kept the kids reading and giggling. Besides treating them with the giggles she also taught them about hurricanes in a way they could understand.
Thanks Ms. Dean, please keep these books coming, we love them!
I received this book through the publisher Regency Kids, and was not required to give a positive review.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
alekee | Jul 21, 2015 |
Another delightful, well written and attention grabber by Janice Dean, Freddy the Frogcaster and the Big Blizzard, reminiscent of her first book Freddy The Frogcaster, this one will not disappoint. My 7 year old was just about rolling on the floor, and enjoyed the story so much; I had to read it again. He delighted in the eye-catching illustrations, and the whimsical names, Sally Croaker and Polly Woggins, and of course, he had to add his own few that he came up with.
In this book he also had a learning lesson about what the family should have to be prepared for a bad winter storm. He knows we already have some of the items that were listed, we also went over where all of the things are located, and we need to pick up some more batteries.
If you are looking for a great book, that is eye catching, and keeps your child’s attention, I highly recommend this one. My little guy did decide that he didn’t want to try the fried cricket stew.
At the end of the book there is a highly educational area on weather conditions, and again has illustrations. There is also a winter checklist with what if’s, and good hints.

I received this book through the publisher Regnery Kids, and was not required to give a positive review.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
alekee | Sep 15, 2014 |
I have a first and third grader, who really enjoyed this story. The book cover said it is geared to K through 2nd grades, but the 8 year old also enjoyed the story. The beautifully, and brightly colored illustrations really drew them in. Also being boys, they love frogs, and here is one telling cute.
Besides drawing them in with the really cute story, they learned a lot about the weather. We learn lessons of doing hard work, and honesty. We do have a happy ending here, which the boys loved...Freddy saved the day
There are also some great weather facts in the back of the book, and found my 8 year old was very interested. He loved the information, with pictures on the different types of clouds. Very educational.

I received this book from Regnery Publishing, Inc., and was not required to give a positive review.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
alekee | Aug 29, 2013 |