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Dead Kennedys

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Image credit: By mareklug - Dead Kennedys live in Chicago at Bottom Lounge on west Lake June 27, 2014

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Dead Kennedys es una banda estadounidense de punk rock y hardcore punk, surgida a fines de la década de 1970 en la ciudad de San Francisco. La banda fue una de las primeras bandas de hardcore punk estadounidense que tuvo un impacto significativo en el Reino Unido.

Las letras de Dead Kennedys eran por lo general de naturaleza política, satirizando figuras políticas (tanto liberales como conservadoras) y la autoridad en general, así como la cultura popular e incluso el propio movimiento punk. Esta combinación de sarcasmo, sátira y humor negro en sus letras las diferenciaba de otras bandas punk de la ideología política de la izquierda.

Siempre atrajeron una considerable controversia por sus letras e ilustraciones provocativas; varias tiendas se negaron a vender su música e incluso tuvieron varias demandas a lo largo de su carrera, provocando un debate sobre la censura en el rock.

Publicaron cuatro álbumes de estudio a lo largo de su carrera, siempre comandados por el vocalista Jello Biafra, disolviéndose hacia 1986. Se reunieron en el año 2000, aunque sin Biafra.

En 1980 publican su segundo sencillo, el antimilitarista Holiday in Cambodia, en el que cargan contra los marines estadounidenses. Ese mismo año publican su primer LP, Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetables. El LP incluye “California Über Alles” y “Holiday in Cambodia”, y le precede el sencillo Kill the Poor, en el que Biafra ironiza con acabar con todos los pobres para conseguir una sociedad limpia. La canción es entendida por muchos de manera literal, así como “California Über Alles” (que se convirtió en una expresión muy usada por los jóvenes californianos de extrema derecha), lo que les empieza a acarrear sus primeros problemas y el ser tildados de fascistas. Sus conciertos son vigilados por fuerzas policiales y, a pesar de sus problemas, su popularidad se dispara dentro y fuera de Estados Unidos de América, llegando a ser disco de oro en el Reino Unido (llegó al número 33 de las listas de este país).

En 1981 Ted abandona y es substituido por D.H. Peligro (Darren Henley). Con la nueva formación publican los sencillos Too Drunk to Fuck y Nazi Punks Fuck Off’, donde arremeten contra el uso de iconografía nazi por parte de los punks (hay muchas fotografías en las que se ve a Sid Vicious luciendo una camiseta con una esvástica). Parece ser que la canción lleva alguna alusión velada al grupo escocés The Exploited. En una gira por el Reino Unido, Jello Biafra protagoniza una pelea con Wattie Buchan, líder de The Exploited. Biafra realizó unas declaraciones en las que dijo que “The Exploited y la policía son lo mismo”, debido a los supuestos contactos y connivencia de The Exploited con el partido ultraderechista inglés National Front. La banda escocesa responde con dos temas: “I Hate You” (dedicada a Biafra) y “Fuck the U.S.A” (dedicada a Dead Kennedys y su país).

A finales del año publican el EP In God We Trust, Inc. (en el que incluyen el tema “Nazi Punks Fuck Off”). El disco contiene numerosos temas en los que se ataca a la derecha religiosa estadounidense. La canción “We’ve Got a Bigger Problem Now” es una versión de “California Über Alles” dedicada esta vez a Ronald Reagan. En esta época comienzan los roces entre Biafra y East Bay Ray cuando, según el primero, East presiona al resto del grupo para firmar un contrato con Polydor Records, una multinacional, a lo que Biafra se opone frontalmente, amenazando con dejar el grupo si sucede así.

Durante la campaña electoral de 1981, Dead Kennedys organizan conciertos de protesta frente a actos tanto del Partido Republicano como del Demócrata. Los conciertos se realizaban bajo férreas medidas de seguridad, llegando a realizarse cargas policiales en muchos de ellos.

Fuente: https://es.wikipedia.org/wiki/Dead_Kennedys
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Biblioteca-LPAeHijos | Jan 29, 2022 |
Product Details

* Audio CD (September 11, 2001)
* Original Release Date: 1985
* Number of Discs: 1
* Format: Original recording reissued, Original recording remastered
* Label: Manifesto Records
* ASIN: B00005NT4I
* Also Available in: Audio CD | Audio Cassette | LP Record
* Average Customer Review: based on 52 reviews. (Write a review.)
* Amazon.com Sales Rank: #28,672 in Music (See Top Sellers in Music)
Yesterday: #10,590 in Music

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1. Soup Is Good Food Listen Listen
2. Hellnation Listen Listen
3. This Could Be Anywhere Listen Listen
4. A Growing Boy Needs His Lunch Listen Listen
5. Chicken Farm Listen Listen
6. Jock-O-Rama Listen Listen
7. Goons Of Hazzard Listen Listen
8. MTV - Get Off The Air Listen Listen
9. At My Job Listen Listen
10. Stars And Stripes Of Corruption Listen Listen
Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Finally available again! This digitally remastered (by the original sound engineer) reissue of their classic 1985 DK album! This 2001 Manifesto release features 10 tracks.
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8 of 9 people found the following review helpful:
Rate the album, not the packaging itself everyone, January 15, 2005
Reviewer: TimothyFarrell22 (Massachusetts) - See all my reviews
This is a masterpeice, plain and simple. The second greatest punk album ever, next to the Kennedys' debut "Fresh Fruit for Rotting Vegetalbes". It doesn't exactly click on the first listen, but subsequent listens prove it to be a flawless album. The accumulation of the trilogy that started with "Fresh Fruit", continued with "Plastic Surgery Disasters", and ended with this incredible document of protest rock that actually rocks (which is a rare thing). Like everyone else said, try to track down a used copy. But come on guys, review the actual album, not the packaging. "Soup Is Good Food" and "MTV Get Off the Air" are two of the greatest songs ever. However, the highlight of this album is definatly "Stars and Stripes of Corruption", the most well-written song I have ever laid my ears upon. Make sure to listen to all three albums mentioned in this review (you can skip over "Bedtime For Democracy").

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2 of 2 people found the following review helpful:
Brilliant and still relevant., September 12, 2005
Reviewer: Michael Stack (Chelmsford, MA USA) - See all my reviews
To many, this is the album where the Dead Kennedys ended and Jello Biafra's politically charged vision fully took focus. To me, that may be the case, but it's not a bad thing.

Largely a response to Reaganomics and malaise amongst Americans lyrically, musically "Frankenchrist" is something altogether different. In the time they've recorded, a number of trends have come and gone, and the Kennedys seem to absorb bits from new wave and other post-punk movements while somehow maintaining their edge and their sound.

The best pieces are when this push in music and the lyrics are both at their extremes-- morbid, bizarre new wave-ish masterpiece "Soup is Good Food" (about unemployment and the destruction of the middle class), spastic environmentalist punk "Hellnation", white trash lambasts "Jock-O-Rama" (about the culture of high school football) and "Goons of Hazzard" (fairly self-explanatory) all are noteworthy. But as far as sarcastic lyrics and oddball arrangements, very little can possibly compare to the stunning "MTV- Get Off the Air". Lambasting conservative music (meaning not risktaking) being marketed as innovative and force-fed to willing consumers, it somehow succeeds in being both amusing and serious at the same time. And certainly closer "Stars and Stripes of Corruption", a punk summary of Biafra's concerns about the country, is catchy, intelligent, sarcastic and all in all just a blast.

All in all, "Frankenchrist" a great album, and its really no surprise that the Parents Music Resource Center (PMRC) chose to attack this album. What's perhaps most frightening is how relevant so many songs written about a time seem today. Recommended for punk fans, political thinkers, and people who just like a good record.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
pantufla | Feb 26, 2006 |
Product Details

* Audio CD (September 11, 2001)
* Original Release Date: 1982
* Number of Discs: 1
* Format: Original recording reissued, Original recording remastered
* Label: Manifesto Records
* ASIN: B00005NT4G
* Average Customer Review: based on 56 reviews. (Write a review.)
* Amazon.com Sales Rank: #6,022 in Music (See Top Sellers in Music)
Yesterday: #15,640 in Music

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1. Advice From Christmas Past Listen Listen
2. Goverment Flu Listen Listen
3. Terminal Preppie Listen Listen
4. Trust Your Mechanic Listen Listen
5. Well Paid Scientist Listen Listen
6. Buzzbomb Listen Listen
7. Forest Fire Listen Listen
8. Halloween Listen Listen
9. Winnebago Warrior Listen Listen
10. Riot Listen Listen
11. Bleed For Listen Listen
12. I Am The Owl Listen Listen
13. Dead End Listen Listen
14. Moon Over Marin Listen Listen
15. Religious Vomit Listen Listen
16. Moral Majority Listen Listen
17. Hyperactive Child Listen Listen
18. Kepone Factory Listen Listen
19. Dog Bite Listen Listen
20. Nazi Punks Fuck Off Listen Listen
See all 22 tracks on this disc
Editorial Reviews
Product Description
'Plastic Surgery Disasters / In God We Trust, Inc' is the best selling DK's album. This Manifesto digitally remastered (by original sound engineer) reissue couples their 1982 'Plastic Surgery Disasters' LP with the highly controversial 1981 12 inch EP 'In God We Trust, Inc'. Finally available again and sounding better than ever!
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16 of 19 people found the following review helpful:
Never Mind The Soap Opera, This Is Some Good Music, July 23, 2002
Reviewer: Patrick T. Grady (Wheeling, IL) - See all my reviews
This is my favorite Dead Kennedy's release. I will side-step the DK's current soap opera for a moment to review this disc. First of all, the Dead Kennedys were probably one of the most well-round, musically talented bands to emerge from the punk scene in the early '80's. East Bay Ray, Klaus Flouride, and D.H. Peligro were some of the best musicians ever to be called punk rock. No one else sounded like the Dead Kennedys. The "In God We Trust, Inc." EP was the DK's nod to DC-style hardcore. Its filled with hyperspeed jams that, unlike much of the hardcore that was emerging, is filled with great riffs and, despite the speed, just a great sense of what makes a good song,not just simple 3 chord verses and sing-along chorus. The jazz into to "We Got A Bigger Problem Now". "Plastic Surgery Disasters" is again filled with hyperspeed thrash, but its also tempered with influences of surf (especially "Moon Over Marin") and spaghetti western music (just listen to "Winnebago Warrior"). The fact that the group wrote much of this album as a whole is probably to a big reason for that. All throughout, Jello Biafra's lyrics are smart and funny.

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35 of 53 people found the following review helpful:
Why?, November 28, 2001
Reviewer: Zeus "beardedwindbreaker" (Lancaster, Ohio) - See all my reviews
It seems that ever since a censored version of DK's "Police Truck" appeared on the soundtrack of Tony Hawk's Pro Skater a few years ago, Jello's former bandmates have been desperate to make a quick buck off their new ex-quarterback fans who got their first DK album circa '99. As far as I'm concerned, the original pressings of these records were perfect. The production on them was thicker than the earlier DK stuff, while still maintaining an obnoxious abrasive quality that firmly rooted the music in punk rock. I have memories of listening to Plastic Surgery Disasters while pushing shopping carts for minimum wage in subzero weather, singing along with "You've gotta punch the clock / why don't you punch your boss?" Though I doubt that the Warped Tour crowd will ever form any sort of emotional connection with this music, at least the cleaned up sound will make it easier for them to blast it in their SUVs without blowing the speakers. *sigh*

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The beggining of Hardcore I wish they had 4 and a halfs, February 18, 2006
Reviewer: voodoochild "random person" (long island,us) - See all my reviews
A note to the reviwer who said that this music will never reach anyone at Warped Tour. My best friend went there twice, yet he has all the albums and 3 bottlegs "Skateboard Party" ect. Now we're becoming huge DK fans. This just shows how two 15 year-olds could be different from a crowd, because I'm probably the only person in the world who'l listen to this, the Bonzo Dog Band, the Beatles, Tupac, Firesign Theatre, Neopolean XIV, and collect Who bootlegs to name a few...

Advice From Christmas Past - Bizzare narraration over feedback noise, don't know what it all means... 5/10
Government Flu - Really kicks from start to finish, very strong opener. 9/10
Terminal Preppie - Very cool, and the first track I really liked on first listen. 10/10
Trust Your Mechanic - Brilliant, love this hardcore-ish track about how doctors and mechanics get all yor money and control your life.
Well Paid Scientist - A weaker track on the album, but they start showing some ska influence here. 7/10
Buzzbomb - Very cool song, with a very good opening. 9/10
Forest Fire - The fourth line is a line I use in everyday conversation. Good but not great. 7/10
Halloween - What a song, definatley a highlight in the DK catalog. 10/10
Winnebeg Warrior - Another weaker track. 7/10
Riot - Another definate highlight. 10/10
Bleed For Me - Highlight again. This is clearly the "good" part of the album. 10/10
I am the Owl - Pretty good, but doesn't reach as high as the last two. 8/10
Dead End - Cool, but a little lacking. They can't all be a winner. 8/10
Moon Over Marin - Love this one. Actually fairly romantic if you think about it. "There will always be a Moon over Marin." 10/10

I'm gonna mush the IGWT Inc. songs to gether and say their cool and the first hardcore I ever listened to really. 9/10
We've Got a Bigger Problem Now - A remake of California Uber Alles but in a cheesy nightclub fashion. Great satire. Except Jello kinda makes the lyrics more incoherent and unpleasantly sung. The "bigger problem" is I guess Ronald Regan being a bigger problem the Jerry Brown was. 9/10
Rawhide - The second odd cover to end an album. Not as cool a choise as Viva Las Vegas, but still interesting and worth a listen.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
pantufla | Feb 26, 2006 |
Product Details

* Audio CD (October 25, 1990)
* Number of Discs: 1
* Label: Alternative Tentacle
* ASIN: B000000F73
* Also Available in: Audio CD | LP Record
* Average Customer Review: based on 32 reviews. (Write a review.)
* Amazon.com Sales Rank: #85,816 in Music (See Top Sellers in Music)
Yesterday: #70,233 in Music

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1. Take This Job And Shove It Listen Listen
2. Hop With The Jet Set Listen Listen
3. Dear Abby Listen Listen
4. Rambozo The Clown Listen Listen
5. Fleshdunce Listen Listen
6. The Great Wall Listen
7. Shrink Listen
8. Triumph Of The Swill Listen
9. Macho Insecurity Listen
10. I Spy Listen
11. Cesspools In Eden Listen
12. One Way Ticket To Pluto Listen
13. Do The Slag Listen
14. A Commercial Listen
15. Gone With My Wind Listen
16. Anarchy For Sale Listen
17. Chickenshit Conformist Listen
18. Where Do Ya Draw The Line Listen
19. Potshot Heard Round The World Listen
20. D.M.S.O. Listen
See all 21 tracks on this disc
Editorial Reviews
Product Description
Seminal California punk band's final studio album, released in 1986 on the Alternative Tentacles label. Features 21 tracks, including 'Take This Job And Shove It', 'Dear Abby','Rambozo The Clown', 'Macho Insecurity', 'Chickenshit Conformist' and 'Anarchy For Sale'. Packaged with a bonus Industrial Strength Records compilation CD. Standard jewel case.
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3 of 8 people found the following review helpful:
Good album, but not great like the first three albums, January 15, 2005
Reviewer: TimothyFarrell22 (Massachusetts) - See all my reviews
The ideas adressed in the songs on this album are great accompanied by good songwriting. However, the music is not nearly as good as it used to be. There really isn't the surf rock 'n' roll from hell music on this album that was included on the first three. "Chickensh^t Conformist" is a great song, but the only really flawless tune on this album. Worth a listen, not exactly worth ownership.

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10 of 14 people found the following review helpful:
East Bay Ray, September 27, 2001
Reviewer: JeromeMcManus (Laurel, MD United States) - See all my reviews
The DK's (minus Jello) have sold out. Consider these re-releases as commercial as any Britney Spears record. Why? Because it's all about the bottom line--money.

They yanked control and writing credits from Jello Biafra, who wrote almost all the DK music. That can be proven by material produced after the DK's broke up. Jello has more post-DK output than the other 3 combined. No wonder they're desperate, they're trying to rest on their laurels.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
pantufla | Feb 26, 2006 |



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