
Lauren Davis (1)

Teoksen The Comic Book Guide to the Mission tekijä

Katso täsmennyssivulta muut tekijät, joiden nimi on Lauren Davis.

2+ teosta 17 jäsentä 2 arvostelua

Tekijän teokset

The Comic Book Guide to the Mission (2010) 14 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Sci-Fi San Francisco - Comics From The Bay Area's Future (2018) — Toimittaja — 3 kappaletta

Associated Works

Lightspeed Magazine, Issue 17 • October 2011 (2011) — Avustaja — 8 kappaletta
Fantasy Magazine, Issue 52 (July 2011) (2011) — Avustaja — 3 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla




I was also disappointed with this, considering how cool the cover drawing is. Some of the pieces seemed to be done by people who maybe went to the Mission once ten years ago.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
flemertown | 1 muu arvostelu | Jul 10, 2021 |
Take a zany tour down San Francisco’s Mission District with a “Comic Book Guide to the Mission”. Collected and Edited by comic book enthusiast and critic Lauren Davis, this funny, raw, vivid and sometimes nostalgic anthology might be the best medium yet to describe what “La Mission” is and isn’t. Along the way, we meet “Murray, the Attorney”, who is desperately trying to fit in in the culturally fragmented landscape that surrounds him. Or go bargain hunting at the best thrift stores in the area in “Buy Used, Buy Bulk”. If you get hungry, there is an epic quest for the best taco in the “The Mission Taco” (but be careful with the hot sauce!). You will even be able to find what the Mission hipsters are really up to anyway in “Field Notes from the Hipster Habitat” and how those beautiful Mission murals are brought to life.

If approached with an open mind, this guide will make you think about the Mission District in a whole new way. All of the contributors are local cartoonists, and their stories, sometimes as brief as a sentence or one even image, make this tour well-worth taking.--Ricardo Antoni
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
BPLG | 1 muu arvostelu | Jan 22, 2015 |

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Associated Authors

Shaenon K. Garrity Contributor
Jono Xia Contributor
Claire Hoch-Frohman Cover artist
Yabette Swank Contributor
Walker Ricon Contributor
Storm Arcana Contributor
Pete Glanting Contributor
K. A. Polzin Contributor
Jackie Lo Contributor
Emma Dudley Contributor
Diana Naneva Contributor
Sean Chiki Contributor
Beth Dean Contributor
Eli Bishop Contributor
Danny Djeljosevic Contributor
Philip Lambert Contributor
Cheryl Leong Contributor
Craig Campbell Contributor
Alfred Twu Contributor
Jamaica Dyer Contributor
John Mathis Contributor
Chuck Whelon Cover artist
Ed Luce Contributor
Eric Wong Contributor
Joseph Hewitt Contributor
Karen Luk Contributor
Francois Vigneault Contributor
Jeff Walker Contributor


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