
Emma Damon

Teoksen A Kaleidoscope of Kids tekijä

32 teosta 164 jäsentä 2 arvostelua

Tietoja tekijästä

Sisältää nimen: Emma Damon

Tekijän teokset

A Kaleidoscope of Kids (1995) 44 kappaletta
What Is Peace? (2004) 16 kappaletta
The Wonderful World of Clothes (2019) 6 kappaletta
Gent de tota mena (2002) 4 kappaletta
Busytime (Pop-Up Flaps) (2010) 3 kappaletta
Somos Todos Diferentes (2002) 2 kappaletta
All Kinds of Homes (2006) 2 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla





I liked this book for three reasons. First, I really liked the illustrations and the way that this book is interactive. There are many flaps and pulls in this book that make it fun to read. If this book just had the information in it without these things it would be very boring. For example, on the second page the author talks about the different things that children from different religions may wear. For each person there is a flap that you flip over and the person looks different and there is a new saying. One of these pictures says, “Some Sikh girls wear Shalwar Kameez” and then when you flipped it over it said, “Some Hindu girls wear a Sari.” Another thing that I liked about this book was issues that it talks about. The book does not come out and say that no religion is better than the other but it makes the reader think that. After reading this book you see that there are many religions and even though they may look or pray differently than you, they are no less of a person. The final thing I liked about this book was the captions and numbers to label pictures. On one of the pages the author explains what you may see inside a place of worship. Next to each object in these pictures there is a number and to the side of the picture it says what each number is. This was very easy to follow and gave a lot of information.
I think the main idea of this book is to learn about all the different beliefs that people may have. It shows that people may be different in what they believe in, what they wear, and how they pray. However, everyone’s beliefs are important and you should not look down upon anyone else.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
samgreen013 | Mar 26, 2018 |
Prentenboek over allerlei verschillende kinderen. Allerhande uiterlijke kenmerken komen aan bod. Korte tekst per tekening, steeds hetzelfde opgebouwd: 'Sommige kinderen..., andere...', bijv. 'Sommige kinderen houden van dansen. Andere kliederen graag met verf.' De kenmerken zijn steeds dik gedrukt. Vrolijke kleurige tekeningen, soms meer per bladzijde. Aparte vormgeving vol doorkijkjes en flappen die het ene kenmerk wisselen voor het tegenovergestelde. De kinderen zijn in verschillende situaties getekend. Achterin een spiegel met ernaast mogelijkheid tot invullen van de eigen kenmerken. Geschikt vanaf de kleuterleeftijd. Ondanks uit te klappen onderdelen is het een stevig geheel in een harde kaft. Allerlei verschillende kinderhoofden sieren de voorkant. Leuke uitgave bij het thema: we zijn allemaal mensen, maar iedereen is uniek.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
margrieterik | Mar 19, 2008 |

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