
Lena Coakley

Teoksen Witchlanders tekijä

5 teosta 640 jäsentä 41 arvostelua 1 Favorited

Tekijän teokset

Witchlanders (2011) 299 kappaletta
Worlds Of Ink And Shadow (2016) 255 kappaletta
Wicked Nix (2018) 78 kappaletta
Mrs Goodhearth and the Gargoyle (2005) 5 kappaletta
On the Night of the Comet (2004) 3 kappaletta

Merkitty avainsanalla





I know this book does not have the best reviews but i loved it alot. I love the characters and also how the world was develop both in the character life and also the fantasy world. It was so unique and it also made me want to read more by the real bronte sisters. It was such a fast pace read and did suprise me at points. I was supprised how much i enjoyed this book but very good book from the jan. owl crate box
Merkitty asiattomaksi
lmauro123 | 14 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 28, 2023 |
I know this book does not have the best reviews but i loved it alot. I love the characters and also how the world was develop both in the character life and also the fantasy world. It was so unique and it also made me want to read more by the real bronte sisters. It was such a fast pace read and did suprise me at points. I was supprised how much i enjoyed this book but very good book from the jan. owl crate box
Merkitty asiattomaksi
lmauro123 | 14 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 28, 2023 |
I'm deeply fond of the Brontes (especially Charlotte) and I loved this imagining of their created worlds of which dominated their early writings. The author manages to capture the spirit which prevails across the writings of Charlotte, Emily, and Anne, but places it alongside a compelling narrative that makes me more interested than ever in the siblings' writing. A fascinating read for Bronte fans and one likely to appeal to others as well.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
wagner.sarah35 | 14 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 20, 2023 |
Recommended Ages: Gr. 2-5

Plot Summary: Wicked Nix and the rest of the fairies left him alone in the forest. He is heartbroken and lonely and confused, but he's also determined to keep the forest free of evil people so that the Queen of the Fairies will integrate him into the fairies again. When a people moves into a cottage, Nix promises to get rid of him. He threatens the people, but when he realizes the people are protections against fairies, Nix is stuck. Thankfully wise Rose has the solutions for daisy chain on the door and the iron nails scattered on the ground so that Nix can try his versions of his magical threats. Will Nix succeed? Will Rose find happiness?


Wicked Nix - learned to find food and live in the forest by himself after being abandoned, knows the forest very very well
Mr. Green - part of the hills and trees, appears to Wicked Nix when called, protects all those that live in the forest
Rose - AKA Rose the Wise, human girl that Nix travels to for advice, likely has ADHD, her mom criticizes her for not being able to sit still, her mom is scared of fairies
old man-people - moves into a cottage in the forest, possibly 50 or 60 years old, balding, fixing up the cottage by himself

Recurring Themes: belonging, abandonment, fairies, family, perspective, surprise ending

Controversial Issues:
It is possible that Nix's true identity would scare some children

Personal Thoughts: This quick fantasy turned deep and dark and heartbreaking. It was very engaging with a good mix of character development and action. This could make a good parent child book discussion because of the many possible questions.

Genre: Fantasy

Pacing: fast - wide margins, larger font, short book, suspenseful, little description
Characters: well developed

… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
pigeonlover | 1 muu arvostelu | Sep 6, 2022 |



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