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Her previous works include Finding Fulfillment From the Inside Out: How to Unravel the Real You and Discover Your Purpose in Life. She and her husband live in Oregon. 050

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A look at the role of overpopulation in the world's environmental problems. Refreshing because it doesn't focus solely on the bad people-related things that happen, but instead considers the effect on the rest of the species (Earthlings, as Foreman calls all of us). While touching on the negative impacts of population growth on socioeconomic human issues, he notes that, even if we could overcome those problems (which he is not that optimistic about), we would still not be able to overcome the problem that more people means less wild, and less for other species. The only thing I found to bother me about this book is a zing at the idea of progress; there is indeed human progress that can be made without hurting the modern world, and staying like the Amish won't solve anything, and will only keep human misery caught back in the past, which will lead to another cycle of landscalping. To his credit, Foreman does come to this same conclusion; his main concern is with reducing human population down to a manageable level, so that our birth rate doesn't outstrip all the positive steps we make in lowering our consumption. A must read.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Devil_llama | 1 muu arvostelu | Mar 20, 2017 |
A discussion of the pronatal nature of society, and how that manages to mess things (and people) up. The author not only details the assumptions that underlay pronatalism, but offers her own alternatives. To her, it isn't enough to just not have your own children; it is necessary to work for a society in which that choice is considered as valid as having children. Well written (with exceptions noted below), easy to read, and timely. The main problem is that she could have used an editor; some major issues with style and occasionally some facts that were just a bit off, that could have used some tuning up.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Devil_llama | 1 muu arvostelu | Mar 13, 2017 |
2nd edition; Not as good as the original, according to D. Yount
Merkitty asiattomaksi
UUC-Duluth | 1 muu arvostelu | Aug 27, 2015 |

I come from a rather large family - some of my recent ancestors having as many as eighteen children, but just because I grew up with two siblings, tons of cousins, and a plethora of branches on my family tree does not mean that I am obligated to "go forth and multiply". Do not get me wrong, I love children, however, I do not currently desire to reproduce due to my career, and the fact that there are plenty of adoptable children who need homes and families. That said, I was very interested when I got the chance to read The Baby Matrix by Laura Carroll because she has similar viewpoints on the subject. The Earth may seem like an infinite resource at the constant disposal of the human race, but as the atmosphere weakens, the water, air, and ground become polluted, and precious fossil fuels are depleted, the planet becomes more unsustainable. Add in the world's current population of 7 billion, (9+ billion by 2050), and the macrocosm brings us even closer to resource depletion. This is why the idea of pronatalism is such a dangerous one, because children are brought up to glorify parenthood, and therefore, some decide to procreate selfishly. This does not mean that pronatalism is entirely bad, but if people continue to have children to the "nth degree", (4, 5, 6, 7...), then the economy, and eventually the world as a whole, will suffer because of it. Because of the pronatalism view, people like to assume that having a baby makes them a good parent, a happier person, and will lead to an old age where they are surrounded by doting, appreciative, and loving children; but that is certainly not true in all cases. I enjoy how The Baby Matrix questions these humanity-old practices and beliefs, allowing readers to get a real sense of reproductive responsibilities versus wants. Laura Carroll has written a very well-researched and compelling book that makes readers reflect on what they have been brought up to believe - no matter whether they are single, married, or with/without children. I also liked her ideas on adopted vs. biological children, the 7 Post-Pronatal Assumptions, and parenting "licenses". Appropriate cover art and nice formatting overall, I will be reading Laura Carroll's Families of Two in the future. This book is definitely an eye-opener, and I will be passing the word along to friends and colleagues. Highly recommended to readers 15 and up; this would be a great book for teenagers and prospective parents.

Rating: On the Run (4.5/5)

*** I received this book from the author (Pump Up Your Book) in exchange for an honest and unbiased review.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Allizabeth | 1 muu arvostelu | Aug 7, 2012 |



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