
Raquel Byrnes

Teoksen Whispers on Shadow Bay tekijä

11 teosta 42 jäsentä 8 arvostelua

Tekijän teokset

Whispers on Shadow Bay (2013) 12 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
The Tremblers (Blackburn Chronicles) (2018) 9 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
Purple Knot (2011) 7 kappaletta
Ruby Dawn (Shades of Hope, #2) (2012) 3 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Bayou Blue (Shades of Hope, #3) (2012) 3 kappaletta
Secrets At Crescent Point (2014) 1 kappale
The Memory Bank (The Memory Bank Series, 1) (2024) 1 kappale, 1 arvostelu

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In THE MEMORY BANK, by Brian Shea and Raquel Byrnes, Detective Morgan Reed, who has recently returned to duty, has been assigned a case that immediately looks fishy. Along with his new partner, Detective Natalie De La Cruz, Reed starts to peel back a larger conspiracy that is much bigger than the death he was investigating. Can Reed and De La Cruz uncover the truth before those who want those secrets to the remain secrets can end their investigation and their lives.
The book begins as a detective mystery, with complicated characters, a flawed protagonist and an perplexing case to figure out. Detective Reed is a often used trope of a protagonist: recently recovered from trauma, naturally good at his job, reticent but ultimately accepting of change, and unexplainably likable. But there is a reason this kind of character is used, the reader can't help but like Reed and want him to succeed. There are some colorful characters throughout which are fun to bump into along the way. As the story progresses, the plot takes a sci-fi turn that is believable and interesting and pleasantly adds more depth to the novel. The reasons for the evil conspiracy are murky and without a full understanding, the emotions of the antagonists felt a bit artificial. There are some unpredictable twists towards the end of the book and an exciting and rewarding ending.
Interesting book and definitely unpredictable, THE MEMORY BANK was certainly a fun read for me.
Thank you to Severn River Publishing, Brain Shea and Raquel Byrnes, and Netgalley for a copy of this book in exchange for an honest review!
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
EHoward29 | Mar 19, 2024 |
My favorite book has always been Jane Eyre, but I've loved other Gothic novels and read them over and over--including the later Gothic Romances written by Mary Stewart, Victoria Holt, and others. So, I was delighted to discover Raquel Byrnes Whispers on Shadow Bay with all the trademarks of a classic Gothic romance: the beleaguered heroine with no one to help her, the brooding hero--who might be a murderer, the huge mansion with lots of secrets and hidden passageways, plus the ghostly spells. While it all takes place in contemporary society, the setting is a small island accessible only by boat or air. This was a very enjoyable read and I was thrilled to have another book very much in the style of the old Gothic romances.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
penelopemarzec | 1 muu arvostelu | Dec 11, 2020 |
Whispers on Shadow Bay is a mystery, thriller & clean romance that comes under the genre Christian Fiction. I am Not an overly religious person myself so I tried to go into this book with an open mind and boy I am so glad I did. This is quite the little gem an expertly written tale which is shrouded in mystery and secrets. to generalise.
We have Rosetta who through doing the right thing has lost everything and has arrived at Shadow Bay Hall with her faith shaken to the core. She's there to take up a job as a caregiver to the elder Mr Hale.
On arrival, she meets several characters, there's O'shay I think he's some sort of groundsman & general dogsbody a very gruff fellow. Then we have Mrs Tuttle the very dour housekeeper who seems to have absolutely no tolerance for Rosetta.
The love interest Simon Hale & Lavander aka LaLa, Simons very cute six-year-old daughter.
But things at the Hall are not quite what they seem, strange sounds, noises in the walls, secret passages, ghosts and lost time.
Whispers on shadow Bay has a very gothic feel to it, you can almost imagine the creepy music accompanying the dialogue, setting the scene and waiting for that moment that makes us jump out of our skin.
The suspense in this novel keeps going till the very end as Ms Byrnes slowly reveals to us morsel by morsel the secrets of Shadow Bay

In conclusion Whispers on shadow bay was a wonderful gothic mystery reminiscent of a bygone era. It kept you guessing until the very end and was full of multi-faceted individuals that pulled you into their trials and tribulations.
Don't let the Christian genre title put you off as this was not in your face and very tastefully achieved, this is not a story that preaches at you, religious or not you will enjoy this wonderfully creative piece of fiction.

I received a free copy of this e-book from NetGalley in return for my honest opinion
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Merkitty asiattomaksi
carpathian1974 | 1 muu arvostelu | Nov 7, 2019 |
Whispers on Shadow Bay is a mystery, thriller & clean romance that comes under the genre Christian Fiction. I am Not an overly religious person myself so I tried to go into this book with an open mind and boy I am so glad I did. This is quite the little gem an expertly written tale which is shrouded in mystery and secrets. to generalise.
We have Rosetta who through doing the right thing has lost everything and has arrived at Shadow Bay Hall with her faith shaken to the core. She's there to take up a job as a caregiver to the elder Mr Hale.
On arrival, she meets several characters, there's O'shay I think he's some sort of groundsman & general dogsbody a very gruff fellow. Then we have Mrs Tuttle the very dour housekeeper who seems to have absolutely no tolerance for Rosetta.
The love interest Simon Hale & Lavander aka LaLa, Simons very cute six-year-old daughter.
But things at the Hall are not quite what they seem, strange sounds, noises in the walls, secret passages, ghosts and lost time.
Whispers on shadow Bay has a very gothic feel to it, you can almost imagine the creepy music accompanying the dialogue, setting the scene and waiting for that moment that makes us jump out of our skin.
The suspense in this novel keeps going till the very end as Ms Byrnes slowly reveals to us morsel by morsel the secrets of Shadow Bay

In conclusion Whispers on shadow bay was a wonderful gothic mystery reminiscent of a bygone era. It kept you guessing until the very end and was full of multi-faceted individuals that pulled you into their trials and tribulations.
Don't let the Christian genre title put you off as this was not in your face and very tastefully achieved, this is not a story that preaches at you, religious or not you will enjoy this wonderfully creative piece of fiction.

I received a free copy of this e-book from NetGalley in return for my honest opinion
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
carpathian1974 | 1 muu arvostelu | Nov 7, 2019 |


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