
Richard L. Brown (1) (1937–)

Teoksen Fitness Running-3rd Edition tekijä

Katso täsmennyssivulta muut tekijät, joiden nimi on Richard L. Brown.

3 teosta 57 jäsentä 6 arvostelua

Tekijän teokset

Merkitty avainsanalla


University of Oregon (PhD)



Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
This book, Fitness Running, seems to have a ton of information for serious and not so serious runners. It's the sort of book that I began to use as a resource, to improve my running, and to run smarter. Unfortunately, I stopped running, before I had a chance to really use the book.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
poolays | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jul 17, 2016 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
The third edition of Richard Brown's Fitness Running is a comprehensive tool for runners of most fitness levels. The book is amply illustrated with full-color photographs and charts. Running methodology is explained concisely, and most of the proffered advice is solid and established.

The third section, Training Schedules, features multiple detailed schedules that increase in difficulty from beginner to marathon. The schedules are excellent and worth the price of the book, even if you are someone for whom the rest of the information is redundant.

Hardcore runners who've finished marathons probably won't find new information in this book. Fitness Running is recommended for anyone else who wishes to start or maximize a running program. Beginning or reluctant runners especially will benefit from the book's emphasis on building stamina correctly.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
LibraryPerilous | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 31, 2015 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
The author's a known fellow, with credentials and experience and all that, and he populates his book with expert opinions on all things running. If you need motivation to run, then this probably isn't the book. If you're interested in monitoring things, checking your levels, stretching limbs this way and that, running in a less ungainly manner, then this probably is for you. I dug it. It's very good. I run much less now.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
mark | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jul 30, 2015 |
Tämä arvostelu kirjoitettiin LibraryThingin Varhaisia arvostelijoita varten.
I wasn't entirely sure what to expect from this book, but I was delighted to receive it and realize how thorough the approach was. The book includes sections on selecting appropriate gear, meal planning, additional exercises to support running, tracking, as well as a comprehensive training plan for a variety of distances. I was happy to see my personal best times improve after using the techniques described in the book. Well conceived, well authored, easy to use.
1 ääni
Merkitty asiattomaksi
sstaheli | 5 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Apr 26, 2015 |


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½ 4.4

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