
Alexandra De Borchgrave

Teoksen Villard: The Life and Times of an American Titan tekijä

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The reason to read a biography, the reason to read history is to learn from where things came. Though in every way, everyone contributes to history, some people stand out for their efforts and accomplishments. I had never heard of Henry Villard, now I won't forget him. A German immigrant who ran-away from home and made his way to America at an early age, was a self-made man. He rose from penniless to riches through hard work, determination, good fortune and the vision to foresee the greatness of the expanding American frontier. Villard taught himself the English language and began his ascent as a journalist in Racine, Wisconisin. He was active in local politics and eager to make his mark in America. Before long, the young Villard was -- characteristically -- meeting new and influential people. Villard covered and wrote about the debate history between Douglas and Lincoln. Villard described Lincoln as "indescribably gawky" . His journalistic talents -- with a propensity to be in the right place at the right time -- took him to West to write about the gold rush; the political front lines of the civil war and political elections and figures. He sold his articles to numerous newspapers and publishers during the time. A self-taught businessman, Villard eventually found himself a liaison between European investors and American railroad bosses. His ability to gain the trust and financial backing excelled and Villard's reputation flourished. Villard was also a man of vision. An ability to see the future in the exciting changes of the 20th century. Among his closest friends, Thomas Edison. Despite struggles with health, setbacks in business and finances, Villard endured. His greatness is forever marked in his legacy of an American titan.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
MikeBiever | Jul 20, 2017 |

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