Isaiah Berlin (1909–1997)
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Philosopher, political theorist, and essayist, Isaiah Berlin was born in 1909 to Russian-speaking Jewish parents in Latvia. Reared in Latvia and later in Russia, Berlin developed a strong Russian-Jewish identity, having witnessed both the Social-Democratic and the Bolshevik Revolutions. At the age näytä lisää of 12, Berlin moved with his family to England, where he attended prep school and then St. Paul's. In 1928, he went up as a scholar to Corpus Christi College in Oxford. After an unsuccessful attempt at the Manchester Guardian, Berlin was offered a position as lecturer in philosophy at New College. Almost immediately, he was elected to a fellowship at All Souls. During this time at All Souls, Berlin wrote his brilliant biographical study of Marx, titled Karl Marx: His Life and Environment (1939), for the Home University Library. Berlin continued to teach through early World War II, and was then sent to New York by the Ministry of Information, and subsequently to the Foreign Office in Washington, D.C. It was during these years that he drafted several fine works regarding the changing political mood of the United States, collected in Washington Despatches 1941-1945 (1981). By the end of the war, Berlin had shifted his focus from philosophy to the history of ideas, and in 1950 he returned to All Souls. In 1957, he was elected to the Chichele Chair of Social and Political Theory, delivering his influential and best-known inaugural lecture, Two Concepts of Liberty. Some of his works include Liberty, The Soviet Mind: Russian Culture under Communism, Flourishing: Selected Letters 1928 - 1946, Political Ideas in the Romantic Age: Their Rise and Influence on Modern Thought, and Unfinished Dialogue, Prometheus. Berlin died in Oxford on November 5, 1997. (Bowker Author Biography) näytä vähemmän
Image credit: Photo of Isaiah Berlin by Mats Lund
Tekijän teokset
The Crooked Timber of Humanity: Chapters in the History of Ideas (1990) 686 kappaletta, 13 arvostelua
Political Ideas in the Romantic Age: Their Rise and Influence on Modern Thought (2006) 156 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Two Concepts of Liberty / The Purpose Justifies the Ways / My Intellectual Path (2002) 19 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
Selected writings 6 kappaletta
John Stuart Mill and the ends of life 2 kappaletta
Jewish slavery and emancipation 1 kappale
La persecución del ideal 1 kappale
estudos sobre a humanidade 1 kappale
Montesquieu 1 kappale
all 1 kappale
Vico's Concept of Knowledge 1 kappale
Meetings with Russian Writers 1 kappale
'The art of being ruled: Helvétius, happiness and the scientists' in TLS 5159, 15 Feb 2002 1 kappale
Tolstoy and enlightenment 1 kappale
Associated Works
Roots of Revolution: A History of the Populist and Socialist Movements in Nineteenth Century Russia (1983) — Johdanto, eräät painokset — 141 kappaletta, 1 arvostelu
The Mind of the European Romantics: An Essay in Cultural History (1966) — Esipuhe, eräät painokset — 51 kappaletta, 2 arvostelua
The Company They Kept, Volume Two: Writers on Unforgettable Friendships (2011) — Avustaja — 21 kappaletta
History Vol. L No. 169 June 1965 (The Journal of the Historical Association) (1965) — Avustaja — 2 kappaletta
Merkitty avainsanalla
- Kanoninen nimi
- Berlin, Isaiah
- Syntymäaika
- 1909-06-06
- Kuolinaika
- 1997-11-05
- Hautapaikka
- Wolvercote Cemetery, Oxford, England, UK
- Sukupuoli
- male
- Kansalaisuus
- Russia
UK (naturalized) - Syntymäpaikka
- Riga, Russian Empire (now Latvia)
- Kuolinpaikka
- Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK
- Asuinpaikat
- St. Petersburg, Russia
London, England, UK
Oxford, Oxfordshire, England, UK - Koulutus
- St Paul's School
Corpus Christi College, University of Oxford (BA|1928 -- Classics|BA|1929 -- PPE|MA|1935) - Ammatit
- philosopher
political theorist
historian of ideas
lecturer - Suhteet
- Morley, Hilda (cousin)
- Organisaatiot
- New College, Oxford University
All Souls College, Oxford University
Wolfson College, Oxford University - Palkinnot ja kunnianosoitukset
- Jerusalem Prize (1979)
Knight Bachelor (1957)
Commander, Order of the British Empire (1946)
Order of Merit (1971)
Fellow, British Academy (1957)
American Academy of Arts and Sciences (1959) (näytä kaikki 11)
Erasmus Prize (1983)
Agnelli Prize (1987)
John Locke Prize in Mental Philosophy (1931)
American Academy of Arts and Letters (Foreign Honorary ∙ Literature ∙ 1966)
American Philosophical Society (1975) - Lyhyt elämäkerta
- Isaiah Berlin was a renowned political philosopher and historian of ideas, and is widely regarded as one of the leading liberal thinkers of the 20th century.
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- #2,939
- Arvio (tähdet)
- 3.8
- Kirja-arvosteluja
- 86
- ISBN:t
- 362
- Kielet
- 25
- Kuinka monen suosikki
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• Editie de Henry Hardy • Cuvant inainte de John Banville
In Lemnul stramb al omenirii, Isaiah Berlin expune legatura dintre ideile trecutului si cataclismele sociale si politice ale vremurilor noastre: intre credinta platonica in adevarul absolut si ispita autoritarismului; intre Joseph de Maistre, ideolog reactionar din secolul al XVIII-lea, si fascismul secolului XX; intre romantismul lui Schiller si Byron si nationalismul militant - uneori genocidar - care zguduie lumea moderna.
Isaiah Berlin este unul dintre cei mai entuziasmanti ganditori ai secolului XX. Eseurile cuprinse in acest volum, scrise pe parcursul a trei decenii, incepand cu sfarsitul anilor '50 si pana in anii '80, discuta unele dintre cele mai urgente subiecte ale vremurilor noastre. Entuziasmul deriva imediat din tonul unic al vocii lui Berlin, care in scris este acelasi ca in sala de curs sau la microfon... Intotdeauna spunea direct ce gandea, iar ideile si intuitiile se rostogoleau cu o claritate sclipitoare... Rezultatul, pentru cititor si ascultator deopotriva, e un fel de vartej bizar, o senzatie de spumoasa incantare intelectuala, de parca ne-am roti intr-un carusel minunat de galagios. Cine ar fi crezut ca o carte cu subtitlul Capitole din istoria ideilor ar putea fi atat de amuzanta? - John Banville
Ghidul perfect prin schimbarile radicale si complexe care au traversat societatile occidentale... O lucrare stralucita, convingatoare... umana, plina de compasiune, importanta. - San Francisco Chronicle
O tapiserie a gandirii filozofice minunat decorata... O istorie a ideilor care poseda tot dramatismul unui roman si caracterul imediat al stirilor de prima pagina. - The New York Times
O inteligenta coplesitoare... Mintea lui Berlin este captivanta... Reflectiile sale... lovesc in inima celor mai mimetice credinte ale noastre. - Washington Post Book World
Nu exista nici un motiv care sa ne impuna imitarea unor modele straine sau intoarcerea la vreun trecut indepartat. Fiecare epoca, fiecare societate difera in scopurile, obiceiurile si valorile ei de oricare alta. Conceperea istoriei omenesti ca un proces unitar si universal de lupta catre lumina - ale carui etape si intruchipari de mai tarziu ar fi neaparat superioare celor mai timpurii, unde primitivul este neaparat inferior sofisticatului - este o enorma greseala. Homer nu este un Ariosto primitiv; Shakespeare nu este un Racine rudimentar. Sa judeci o cultura dupa standardele alteia arata o lipsa de imaginatie si intelegere. Fiecare cultura isi are propriile atribute, care trebuie sa fie pricepute in si pentru sine. Pentru a intelege o cultura, trebuie sa folosim aceleasi facultati de intuitie empatica cu care ne intelegem unul pe altul, fara de care nu exista nici iubire, nici prieteni, nici relatii umane adevarate. - Isaiah Berlin
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