
Tietoja tekijästä

Mary Ellen Bates is the owner of Bates Information Services, a research firm specializing in providing business research to business professionals.

Tekijän teokset

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20th Century



A really impressive "how to start your own business" book. What's a bit unusual is that the massive middle portion of this book is a great primer for virtually anyone who is interested in starting an independent business, including how to set up a web site, how to budget for the lean times, and how to write a strategic plan and a marketing plan. One of the very few negative comments is that the author pushes an industry group in almost every chapter and then includes a write-up about it in an appendix (you'd think that the book was published by the group, but it wasn't).… (lisätietoja)
2 ääni
Merkitty asiattomaksi
legallypuzzled | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 8, 2011 |
Online research is one of the hottest work-from-home business opportunities of the decade, and this handbook provides the information necessary to launch, manage, and build a successful research business. Explained is every step of the process including getting started, running the business, marketing, and researching. The important question of "is this business right for you?" is addressed in detail, as are how to close the sale, managing clients, promoting services on the web, and tapping into powerful information sources beyond the web. Also provided are a description of the types of research independent information professionals are expected to provide and surveys of the online and offline tools necessary to build expertise and ensure a satisfied clientele.

About the Author
Mary Ellen Bates is the owner of Bates Information Services, an Internet research consulting firm. She is a contributing editor of The Information Advisor and a columnist for online topics for EContent and ONLINE magazines. She is the coauthor of Researching Online for Dummies and the author of Mining for Gold on the Internet and The Online Deskbook. She lives in Washington, D.C.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
vpod2009 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 31, 2011 |
From the back cover: "Mary Ellen Bates answers every question you could ever think to ask about the independent research field. Speaking from experience and with exceptional insight, she provides a clear, thorough picture of how to launch and operate an independent information business successfully." Amelia Kassel.
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1 ääni |
Merkitty asiattomaksi
MSOG_Members | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jul 17, 2011 |

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