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Priya BasilKirja-arvosteluja

Teoksen Ishq and Mushq tekijä

7 teosta 193 jäsentä 13 arvostelua


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This is a wonderful debut novel. I am a fan of Indian family stories. The title of the book is relevant throughout, Ishq and Mushq, meaning Love and Smell. Sarna is the lead character in this novel and it is interesting how her character evolves from the elusive, passionate beautiful young woman that Karman falls in love with to the manipulative, deceitful carping wife and mother she becomes. The reader swings from empathy to annoyance with her dramatic overreactions to family life, but all along she has carried tremendous guilt and frustration over secret from her early life. However, how secret is her past and how has the burden of this impacted on future generations.
I thought this was a universal theme. In recent years, my own family has been impacted by long held family secrets, revealed only upon the death of a loved one.
I look forward to reading more of this authors work.½
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HelenBaker | 4 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Oct 23, 2023 |
Le prime pagine mi avevano lasciato ben sperare. I temi intavolati sembravano interessanti, vi erano citazioni e rimandi ad altri scritti di altri autori (e personalmente adoVo quando mi danno modo di espandere gli approfondimenti altrove) e, tutto sommato, le intrusioni personali erano ancora accettabili e, vuoi per via dell'infanzia particolare dell'autrice, persino interessanti. Ma ben presto la mia percezione sugli intenti di questo libro è mutata. Anzitutto è parso sempre più chiaro quanto non vi sia un filo conduttore; si passa da un argomento all'altro così come talvolta, parlando dal vivo, capita possa succedere quando si vogliono dire tante cose e semplicemente vengono rigurgitate una dopo l'altra senza amalgamarle, senza un ingrediente che funga da legante (dato che si parla di cucina!). In più, i temi che vengono proposti, sono sempre e solo analizzati dal punto di vista dell'autrice, quasi come fosse una biografia. Per di più, leggendo i pensieri di Priya e iniziandola a "conoscere", sempre più è andata aumentando l'antipatia nei suoi confronti; una donna fintamente altruista, egoisticamente generosa, perbenista per convenzione, consciamente sprecona, veicolata dalle imposizioni della società piuttosto che seguire un proprio ideale... "predica bene ma razzola male" mi sono detto, a un certo punto. Giudizio certamente avventato e non definitivo, d'altronde non la conosco affatto se non per queste 120 pagine, ma il sentore che ho avuto nei suoi confronti mi ha persino portato a domandarmi: è davvero la persona giusta per un saggio simile? Fatico a definirlo, per davvero, un saggio. Con il formarsi di questi pensieri, le aspettative che mi ero creato sono drasticamente crollate. Non mancano passaggi e frasi degne di nota, che mi sono prontamente segnato, però, in definitiva, resomi conto della incoerenza dell'autrice, che attualmente fatico a definire una persona ospitale come il titolo dell'opera lascerebbe intendere, il libro rimane una lettura sottotono. L'associazione del cibo rimane, a conti fatti, un appiglio troppo debole per sviluppare un libro simile. Non è una lettura sgradevole ma non è ciò che mi aspettavo dopo aver letto la quarta di copertina.
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Wiccio | Dec 27, 2022 |
There are five people in my house and as come meal times it is like feeding the 5000. We eat together almost every night, and if I can drag the teenagers away from their phones, we often have conversations about all sorts of things, including politics. It is the hospitality provided over those shared dinners where long term friendships are formed.

Priya Basil has grown up in a family of food fanatics and she probably thinks that it goes way back past her grandmother. She has provided for years for her family, ensuring that all those that sit at her table struggle to get up after. This greed-gene flew in the face of her mothers aim to get her and her sister to sit and eat politely, as every time temptation loomed, she abandoned all that she had learnt, just to eat. When it comes to her mothers kadhi though, she still experiences pure greed.

Recipes are the original open source … You only need to successfully make a recipe once to feel it is your own. Make it three more times and suddenly it’s a tradition.

The etymological origins of the word hospitality are from ghosti; the word hostility also shares these same roots and Basil traces the history of food being used as a weapon against populations to starve them or force them to migrate against their will. Sadly, we are in a time where hostility seems to be on the rise and places where people once looked after each other have become places of tension.

Thankfully, this is a book that concentrates about the shared pleasures of good conversation and even better food. It is also a call to say rather than being selfish, sharing mealtimes with friends and neighbours will help people belong in that community. We can play a part in reducing the friction that seems to be growing, by becoming a generous and selfless host. A slender volume, full of wisdom and is very much worth reading.
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PDCRead | 1 muu arvostelu | Apr 6, 2020 |
A well written story of an ambitious Indian family as they seek their fortunes in different countries while tackling a past of their own.

For a complete review please click on the link below:

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ashkrishwrites | 4 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 29, 2018 |
Well, read this book in an hour or so and I'm still trying to figure out what I thought of it! I mean, for a quick read its quite interesting. You do get a feeling for the characters and their lives. I was entertained. The teenagers called Innocent, Blessing and Comfort were a bit much though. I know that it's fiction but I'm a bit bored of black youths being portrayed this way in a negative light. Yes, I get that she was trying to do - well actually I don't. It feels a bit sterotypical, maybe next time Basil could step outside the box.
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Nataliec7 | 1 muu arvostelu | Feb 3, 2016 |
I liked it, even though the ending was a bit sudden.
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bookish92 | 1 muu arvostelu | Mar 20, 2014 |
Very interesting book about a family of Indian origin who first moves to Kenya and then to London. I looked this fact up on the internet, to see the context and the whole new world of which I was unaware, opened up to me. But I suppose we Europeans are probably as self-centered as everybody else. The book opened my eyes to many new topics and ideas and ways to look and appreciate different cultures, and I appreciated this a lot. The story was interesting and well written, and the fantastic elements were used very well, and just like the spices, they sometimes made the perfect harmony and sometimes they simply... overwhelmed. The only thing I really missed in the book was the "solution" or the recurrence of the mango episode from the beginning - I somehow expected the mangoes to reappear... they seemed to have been made so important they just could not disappear from her life. But maybe that was the whole point...½
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flydodofly | 4 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Aug 11, 2013 |
Anil comes from a wealthy and liberal Sikh family; his background seems a world away from Lina’s devout Muslim upbringing, but that doesn’t stop them falling in love.

Although we know from the start of the novel that this love took place some time in the past, the reader is still drawn into the story of their love affair and the obstacles placed in their way by family and friends on both sides. Running alongside Lina & Anil’s story is a second story of another cross-cultural romance, and parallels between them provided added depth and interest.

The love story is beautifully told; however, the book is much more than that. The author has messages for us about religion and tolerance, the obligations that the love of family and friends place on us, and the dangers of guns and violence. All set against wonderful landscapes of Kenya and Sudan, and the metropolitan bustle of New York.

I have read and reviewed this novel as part of the Transworld Book Group Reading Challenge
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hashford | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Dec 4, 2011 |
Muslim Indian girl fall in love with Hindu Indian boy, SHe lives and grew up in UK, he in Kenya. They meet at University. Have secret affair that ends in pain but is rekindled several year later.And that is where the book ends.
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FatimaDarries | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 12, 2011 |
An immediate attraction between our 2 lovers plus 2 different cultures and the opposition of family ... you can see the Romeo and Juliet link but this book has a fascinating backdrop of art, politics and human rights that made this an excellent read. As the only child in a very affluent, liberal, Sikh family Anil can sometimes seem arrogant but he is an intriguing mix, often seen by his friends and family as too patient and thoughtful, his passionate love for Lina is never in doubt. Her family background is a more humble and more religiously devout Muslim home in Birmingham; the close relationship with her Dad is the main thing that seems to hold her back. Lina loves Anil but her family, her religion and her ‘human rights’ activities all lead to barriers that she finds difficult to surmount. I have slight niggles as some characters didn’t get fleshed out as much as I thought they could have been in a 500 page novel: Merc, Anil’s best friend, seems totally unlikeable and I couldn’t see why they were close and Hans, the human rights activist, seems a little too good to be true but others like Lina’s parents seemed very real to me.
Because of the way the story is told we know that the relationship reaches a point where they separate but how they get to this stage and whether the upcoming reunion might lead to reconciliation proved a real page turner for me as I became more and more involved in their story. Woven between the Anil and Lina story is another tale, told through letters, of another cross-culture romance that had ended and although many might guess at the writer early on the parallels make for added depth.
Some of my favourite elements of the book actually have nothing to do with the central story: the debate on whether African art and culture should embrace the western influences; the discussions by Hans and UN worker Susan on ‘rape as a weapon of war’; plus the whole gun culture issues – “... those who have guns end up killing” is countered by “Ay, and those who don’t have guns end up dying.” This added dimension really lifts this book and the landscapes of New York, Kenya and the Sudan are beautifully brought to life.
I received this through the Transworld Book Challenge and found it a great read. I will definitely look out for more books by Priya Basil as I found her writing style very readable plus the extra dimensions made for a thought-provoking read.
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arkgirl1 | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Sep 5, 2011 |
Although this book was a colourful story about love, lies and family secrets, I found it quite a struggle to finish. The character of Sarna I found extremely unlikeable and the way her family reacted to her many whims annoyed me.½
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Teresa40 | 4 muuta kirja-arvostelua | May 22, 2008 |
The cover caught my eye with this one. I have an interest in Indian novels and consequently devoured this one. Very easy reading, although after the first two chapters I was unsure about it. This is normally the point where I decide to continue or not and I'm pleased I did.

The characters are so well written and I loved how the plot became more complex as time went on. Simply, it is the story of one family, lies and deceit and how truth has a way of coming out (to a certain extent). More deeply, it is an analysis of society; how we try to be things we aren't and always try to make things better than the generation before us yet somehow making similar mistakes!

Politics, culture and history is weaved into this debut novel. You feel very involved with the characters; sometimes liking them and other times despising them. I always found reasons to feel sorry for Sarna the 'tormented' mother even when she was making life difficult for her family with her ways of dealing with things.

You appreciate the suffering Karam (Sarna's husband) went through in the early days of their relationship. Throughout the novel their struggle and dedication is evident and even though their's was not always a marriage filled with love it was clear they had a deepened sense of responsibilty and respect for their culture and each other. Although which one was the predominant feeling I couldn't say.

The style is very easy to read, you feel like you are being told a story and it was this that kept me going when I feel a little bored (which happened only a few times throughout the novel) because, as with real life, there is not always fast-paced action.

As more becomes revealed you become more involved with the characters, which is when I became hooked and in the end couldn't put it down. A very complete novel with all endings tied up neatly but still enough to allow you to wonder beyond the confines of the novel; what may have happened to the family.

I hope you enjoy it as much as I did.
2 ääni
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SmithSJ01 | 4 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Mar 23, 2008 |