
Ichigo Takano

Teoksen orange: The Complete Collection, Volume 1 tekijä

37 teosta 1,843 jäsentä 55 arvostelua

Tietoja tekijästä

Sisältää nimet: 高野 苺, Ichigo Takano


Tekijän teokset

orange Volume 6 -future- (2013) — Tekijä — 161 kappaletta
Dreamin' Sun, Volume 1 (2008) 111 kappaletta
orange, Volume 1 (2012) 77 kappaletta
orange, Volume 2 (2013) 57 kappaletta
Dreamin' Sun, Volume 4: Crushed! (2009) 51 kappaletta
orange -to you, dear one- (2022) 47 kappaletta
Become You, Volume 1 (2019) 47 kappaletta
orange, Volume 5 (2015) 42 kappaletta
orange, Volume 3 (2014) 42 kappaletta
orange, Volume 4 (1900) 40 kappaletta
Dreamin' Sun, Volume 5: I ❤ You (2009) 39 kappaletta
Dreamin' Sun, Volume 8 (2011) 35 kappaletta
Dreamin' Sun, Volume 7 (2018) 32 kappaletta
Dreamin' Sun, Volume 9 (2019) 24 kappaletta
Dreamin' Sun, Volume 10 (2019) 22 kappaletta
Orange, Band 1 (2016) 14 kappaletta
Orange, Band 4 (2017) 8 kappaletta
Orange, Band 3 (2016) 8 kappaletta
Orange 6 (2018) 7 kappaletta
Dreamin' Sun 10 (2020) 3 kappaletta
Haruiro Astronaut 3 kappaletta
Shooting Star (2006) 3 kappaletta
I Am Wolf Man!? (2004) 2 kappaletta
Letter From Bambi (2007) 1 kappale
Love Goldfish (2006) 1 kappale
Orange V01 1 kappale

Merkitty avainsanalla


Kanoninen nimi
Ichigo Takano
Nagano, Japan



For a while now, I have been looking for a manga with some serious emotional complexity. This one delivers. The characters are rich and interesting, and it is very easy to care about them all. The story deals with suicide from a fascinating angle. Indeed, Takano is impressively subtle in his treatment and gives the reader a long runway before truly broaching the subject. The topic is neither glorified or vilified, but the emotions surrounding it are explored with a sensitivity I haven't encountered before. So often, I feel like a promising manga story is derailed by over the top art and/or repetitive art. That never happens here. Takano has a talent for understatement and restraint, letting the reader breathe through a challenging subject.… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
Library_Guard | 20 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Jun 17, 2024 |
It’s 2am and I have to wake up in 4 hours but once I started this I couldn’t stop. “Orange” is one of the most beautiful, emotional, raw, and heart-felt stories I’ve ever read and it touched me in so many ways. It’s an incredibly special book and I feel like I can’t really write a review at the moment that does it justice. I can’t wait to read the next volume and see how this story concludes.
Merkitty asiattomaksi
deborahee | 20 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Feb 23, 2024 |
Orange: Future is a continuation of the Orange series by Ichigo Takano. In this shorter volume (meaning about the size of your average manga volume in this case) the story comes to us from Suwa's perspective. We get to see more of what happened after high school for Suwa and Naho on the original timeline of the story. We see why Suwa made the choice to write what he did to his past self and how deeply he cares for all of his friends. Suwa is such a great character I am so happy that we got to see his story. He is someone that always puts his friends first and yet still worries over whether he is being too selfish.

Since this is a continuation and alternate perspective of the Orange series, I thought I would also recap that series below:

Orange is the story of a group of friends in high school who gain a new addition to their group when a boy named Kakeru joins the class. Kakeru is very quiet but seems very caring. It isn’t until it’s too late though that the group realizes their new friend has deep seated grief he hasn’t known how to deal with. Now, many years later, while the group has grown and gone their own ways in life, they still share the sorrow and regret that comes from their time with Kakeru. But they also share all the good memories and long to be able to do something for their friend even though everything seems to say it’s too late.

Naho and her friends find that sometimes even when it seems like it’s too late, there is still hope. And while their methods may not be entirely realistic, the ideal still holds true. They also learn that sometimes it’s the smallest gestures that can make the greatest changes. Sometimes if you make too big of a move, people get scared or question your sincerity. Showing you care about someone doesn’t take a grand gesture, it takes lots of small ones. And sometimes all it takes to make a difference is a single moment. These lessons they learn, along with others, are so heartbreakingly real and important it brings goosebumps. This series really has ALL the emotions, making me want to cry and then laugh and then cry again— and everything in between.

As adorable as the romance is in Orange, the friendships may be even more special. Each character is so unique and is fleshed out so well even in such a short series. This will always be one of my very favorite stories. Even with how short Orange: Future is compared with the rest of the Orange series, it packs just as much of a punch and leaves you with all the feels and loving these characters even more. This is what I want from a manga, and in fact from a story in general.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
rianainthestacks | 2 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 5, 2023 |
I loved this manga so much! Orange is such a heartfelt story with such poignant characters. Plus the artwork itself is beautiful!

Naho and her group of friends try desperately to fix the present after learning from their future selves that they could have saved their friend. The characters realize that they don't want to become their future selves who are full of regrets about their past. They want to make sure they speak their minds and open their hearts so they live their life with intention and truth, not regrets and suppressed desires. They learn that it's hard to always know the right thing to say or do to make someone happy, so all you can do is try your best and be open and earnest and then you know you have given it all you've got.

This story reminds me of loss, and the feelings of regret about what you should have done differently but no longer can, and the hyper awareness of our limited time together when we experience loss in our lives. It is a sad thing to think about, that we have limited time together with our loved ones, but perhaps this is something necessary to keep in mind to make sure we are not using this time in a way that will just come back as regrets. That instead, we can use this time to make sure we are doing our best to show others how much we care and not allowing fear to hold us back from the things we really want.

As far as the bonus story at the end, Haruiro Astronaut, I wasn't big on the story and the characters but she did do a really good job of making super cutesy characters like she wanted.
… (lisätietoja)
Merkitty asiattomaksi
rianainthestacks | 9 muuta kirja-arvostelua | Nov 5, 2023 |



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