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The Konstantos Marriage Demand

Tekijä: Kate Walker

Sarjat: Wedlocked! (HPE 93)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioKeskustelut
1911,151,990 (4.5)-
Sadie Carteret and Nikos Konstantos were once blissfully in love. They planned the wedding of the year, and hoped that their union would create a powerful dynasty. But business and pleasure should never be mixed. Nikos was accused of scheming for Sadie's money and title and was systematically destroyed by her family. The wedding was canceled, the relationship in tatters. Now the ruthless billionaire has built himself back up from scratch. He will clear his name and demand what was rightfully his.... Sadie must love, honor and...obey....… (lisätietoja)

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The Konstantos Marriage Demand

Sadie Carteret goes to the man she left standing at the altar five years earlier to beg for help for her mother and brother. He has obtained his revenge of her family for the way he was treated and now owns all of the Cateret's holdings which include the family mansion. What she's met with when she finally meets up with Nikos Konstantos is a man full of hatred for what her father did so many years ago to his family, the very same thing leaving them with nothing. Now he's had his revenge and he's going to rub her face in it.

Nikos Konstantos is stunned when he sees Sadie. She is still lovely and has the power to attract him. However, the sensual pull between them is too much and then he can't help himself during their meeting, he kisses her and the tension, need and want is still the same for them both. He offers her a proposition, a demand, that she must accompany him to Greece as his hired wedding planner to plan his wedding. Can Sadie survive planning a wedding for the man she once loved and who is making her crazy? Is Nikos really getting married? Talk about a roller coaster with charged emotions!
While reading the first chapters of the book, I just waited for the lies to come out and it was obvious that this couple had been deeply hurt and manipulated by their families past lies, hatred and revenge. Their time spent in Greece is extremely rocky, with accusations , yelling, name calling and on and on. However, under it all, we can just tell that they are confused and still care for each other. And then it happens, truths are told......they kiss, they make love and it gives us hope until a picture appears in a newspaper and Nikos feels betrayed all over again.

The Konstantos Marriage Demand with its emotional plot and intense passion is a book to be added to the "keeper" shelf. It's reunion/reconcilation theme and the way it was executed by the author(Kate Walker) was exceptional. It is an emotional roller-coaster of a ride! ( )
  NasDean | Apr 24, 2011 |
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Kuuluu näihin sarjoihin

Wedlocked! (HPE 93)

Kuuluu näihin kustantajien sarjoihin

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Sadie Carteret and Nikos Konstantos were once blissfully in love. They planned the wedding of the year, and hoped that their union would create a powerful dynasty. But business and pleasure should never be mixed. Nikos was accused of scheming for Sadie's money and title and was systematically destroyed by her family. The wedding was canceled, the relationship in tatters. Now the ruthless billionaire has built himself back up from scratch. He will clear his name and demand what was rightfully his.... Sadie must love, honor and...obey....

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