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Yu-Gi-Oh! R, Vol. 3

Tekijä: Akira Ito, Akira Itou

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341719,970 (3.83)-
Yugi and his friends battle their way through an army of enemies at Kaibacorp headquarters! Jonouchi faces Reiko, a chess-themed duelist, while Yugi fights Depres in the cosmic duel field of outer space. Can Yugi's earthly cards defeat Depres's deck of alien monsters? Plus a bonus story about Yugi and his grandpa!… (lisätietoja)

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This review is written with a GPL 3.0 license and the rights contained therein shall supersede all TOS by any and all websites in regards to copying and sharing without proper authorization and permissions. Crossposted at Bookstooge.booklikes.blogspot. wordpress.leafmarks.com & Bookstooge's Reviews on the Road Facebook Group by Bookstooge's Exalted Permission. Title: Synthetic Soul Series: Yu-Gi-Oh! R Author/Artist: Akira Ito Rating: 3.5 of 5 Stars Genre: Manga Pages: 216 Format: Kindle

Yako isn't interested so much in who wins or loses, but simply that the cards are being used to duel. All part of his plan to bring Pegasus back. Jonouchi and Honda duel to a dead end while Yako asks Seto to join forces with him against Yugi. It is now up to Yugi and Gekko, Yako's twin brother, to end this charade and save Anzu before it is too late. My Thoughts: Seto's duel, where he once again uses the Blue Eyes White Dragon was exactly a Seto Kaiba duel. He was in control the whole time and he knew it. Jonouchi ends up dueling a defensive girl and tries to engage her so she'll actually be a duelist with a duelist's fighting spirit. It doesn't hurt that this allows him to win as well. Yugi and Gekko take on the top Card Professors, and while not exactly wiping the floor with them, do overcome them. I have to admit, I was kind of hoping for a 4 player multi-duel with them. I am still enjoying these and am glad I did eventually get around to reading them. They fit right in with the Duelist series and I am enjoying them more than the Millennium World series. It makes me actually consider reading some of the Yugioh GX series. I'll keep considering that for now. " ( )
  BookstoogeLT | Dec 10, 2016 |
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Yugi and his friends battle their way through an army of enemies at Kaibacorp headquarters! Jonouchi faces Reiko, a chess-themed duelist, while Yugi fights Depres in the cosmic duel field of outer space. Can Yugi's earthly cards defeat Depres's deck of alien monsters? Plus a bonus story about Yugi and his grandpa!

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3.5 1
5 1

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