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The Lord Is My Shepherd

Tekijä: Debbie Viguie

Sarjat: Psalm 23 Mysteries (1)

JäseniäKirja-arvostelujaSuosituimmuussijaKeskimääräinen arvioMaininnat
1867147,690 (3.61)6
Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

Cindy's church is getting ready to celebrate Easter, and Jeremiah's Temple is preparing for Passover when Cindy literally stumbles over the body of an unknown man lying dead in the sanctuary. The church was locked, and a bloody cross necklace on the floor seems to be the only clue. The killer is likely a member of the congregation, but there are hints that similar deaths have happened in the past. Are Cindy and Jeremiah dealing with a serial killer? They have to unravel the clues before Easter Sunday arrives and more people die.

Cindy and Jeremiah come from two different worlds, even though they work right next door to each other. Cindy is a strong Christian who lives a normal but somewhat dull life, working as a church secretary. Jeremiah is a Reformed rabbi with a mysterious past full of danger and excitement. But one eventful Easter/Passover week, the two find themselves working together to solve a murder and stop a serial killer from striking again. Solving the mystery should put an end to their alliance, but the church secretary and the rabbi quickly find themselves enmeshed in another mystery. Soon the two form a friendly alliance and friendship, exploring personal history and faith and growing closer with each passing adventure. Despite their differences Cindy and Jeremiah find a lot of common ground.

… (lisätietoja)

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» Katso myös 6 mainintaa

Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
I purchased this book used for $1.00 My buying it was a fluke. It's a darned good story and I learned a good bit about the Jewish Seder and rituals leading up to Passover. I truly enjoyed reading this book and plan on reading more from the series. ( )
  JanicsEblen | Jan 12, 2021 |
The Jewish temple is across the parking lot from the Presbyterian church. When Cindy the church secretary stumbles over a body, Rabbi Silverman responds to her screams. They are thrown together as they work together to solve the murder.

A murder mystery is the main thread of this story, however there is a serial thread running behind the scenes.I recommend you read this series in order.

Highly recommended ( )
1 ääni Bettesbooks | Oct 14, 2019 |
This is listed as Christian fiction, but I'm sure my Baptist church in the Deep South Bible Belt would not offer it in the library because it has the words "hell" and "damn" in it (probably once each, so don't fret). However, that's what makes this believable Christian fiction. I doubt many people, regardless of their faith, would trip over a dead body without uttering some kind of expletive, even if it's "dagburnit!"

Cindy, as the heroine, is very likable. She blends the right amount of assertiveness with caution, and this made her very believable to me. The mystery was nicely done, and wrapped up with no loose ends. Jeremiah, the mysterious Rabbi next door, is another very likable character. As a matter of fact, I hope these two get together at the end of the series.

Recommended light mystery, and I will read more in this series. ( )
1 ääni CarmenMilligan | Jan 18, 2016 |
For the most part, I enjoyed this first book in a new series based on the 23rd Psalm with protagonists of a Christian church secretary and a Jewish rabbi. The characters were mostly interesting, and the author took time to explain Jewish beliefs and Passover celebrations. However, as the end of the book approached, the number of murders escalated and became almost mind-numbing; I was just ready for the culprit to be caught and didn't particularly care how it was accomplished. I will probably read the next book in the series if I happen across it, but I don't think I will go out of my way to look for it. ( )
  eawsmom | Jan 25, 2011 |
This adorable cozy is the first in a series called the Psalm 23 Mysteries. The protagonist/amateur sleuth is a church secretary that is present at each Passion Week Murder, murders staged to coincide with each event in Jesus' life from Psalm Sunday through Easter. The idea for the series is creative and the writing is fast paced. Loved it. ( )
1 ääni Violette62 | Oct 30, 2010 |
Näyttää 1-5 (yhteensä 7) (seuraava | näytä kaikki)
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Englanninkielinen Wikipedia


Fiction. Suspense. Thriller. HTML:

Cindy's church is getting ready to celebrate Easter, and Jeremiah's Temple is preparing for Passover when Cindy literally stumbles over the body of an unknown man lying dead in the sanctuary. The church was locked, and a bloody cross necklace on the floor seems to be the only clue. The killer is likely a member of the congregation, but there are hints that similar deaths have happened in the past. Are Cindy and Jeremiah dealing with a serial killer? They have to unravel the clues before Easter Sunday arrives and more people die.

Cindy and Jeremiah come from two different worlds, even though they work right next door to each other. Cindy is a strong Christian who lives a normal but somewhat dull life, working as a church secretary. Jeremiah is a Reformed rabbi with a mysterious past full of danger and excitement. But one eventful Easter/Passover week, the two find themselves working together to solve a murder and stop a serial killer from striking again. Solving the mystery should put an end to their alliance, but the church secretary and the rabbi quickly find themselves enmeshed in another mystery. Soon the two form a friendly alliance and friendship, exploring personal history and faith and growing closer with each passing adventure. Despite their differences Cindy and Jeremiah find a lot of common ground.


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Keskiarvo: (3.61)
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3.5 5
4 7
4.5 1
5 7

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